virgo season detox juice recipes

Virgo Season: Time to Detox -- 12 Custom Juice Blends For Your Zodiac Sign!

Posted by Mickey Gregory on

Virgo, ruler of the 6th house of the zodiac, likes when they are focused on their health and self improvement. These signs feel best when they are eating healthily and adhering to a balanced, scheduled exercise plan. Virgos rule the nervous system, and the organs between the Solar Plexus and the Sacral chakras -- including the intestines and the liver which, in a very Virgo fashion, breaks things down by analyzing what's present, absorbs what is useful, and then eliminates the rest. Virgos apply this pattern towards several areas of their lives, and they know that the secret to good health and well being starts with what you eat!

After a long summer of celebratory cocktails, pool parties, and backyard BBQs, you may notice yourself feeling a bit sluggish and fatigued. One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to recover and revitalize yourself during this Virgo season is by adding fresh fruit and vegetable juices into your diet! The extra boost of vitamins and minerals provide you with insane amounts of clean energy while simultaneously cleansing and detoxifying your body gently and naturally from the inside out. We've designed a juice blend for each of our #Lunatics to try based off of common ailments known to afflict each zodiac sign. If splurging on a juicer isn't realistic for your budget, look for some of these similar drinks in one of your local grocery stores or juice shops. How many of these magical juice elixirs will you want be trying?

Aries: Sinus Blaster

Aries rule the head, the face, and the eyes. Common illnesses that manifest for Aries are headaches and sinus infections. A great way to clear those nasal cavities and restore balanced breathing is with Echinacea.  Add a few drops to sweet and spicy lemon, ginger, orange juice! Add a dash of cayenne to please your fire sign pallet. 
  • Lemon
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne
  • Orange
  • Echinacea

Taurus: Stomach Soother

Taurus signs have a habit of overindulging. Their sensual, pleasure seeking nature makes them big foodies, but can also leave them with distended abdomens, and an uneasy bloated feeling. This green tonic will settle the stomach with anti-spasmodic fennel, ginger, and mint!
  • Mint leaves
  • Ginger
  • Green Apple
  • Fennel
  • Cucumber
  • Aloe


Gemini: Twin Greens Nerve Tonic

Gemini: This simple concoction of two abundant, mineral packed ingredients soothes the nervous system while helping to release excess water, allowing calm and comfort to flow effortlessly throughout your body and mind.
  • Celery Nerve Tonic
  • Cucumber
  • Celery

Cancer: Mermaid Scale Skin Tonic

Cancer: This hydrating, vitamin packed recipe is the perfect treat for hot summer days. It's the perfect drink for these water signs to take poolside or beachside while enjoying the last days of summer. The added boost of Vitamins A & C from the Mango and Papaya work to strengthen skins' elasticity while cooling coconut and aloe protect against the #1 cause of wrinkles: too much sun! We know you love the beach & pool, Cancer, but you need to remember to take care of that shell! 
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Aloe
  • Coconut Water


Leo: Ray of Sunshine

Energizing and refreshing, this golden glowing glass of goodness (try saying that 5 times super fast) has a hot kick of ginger adding just the right amount of bite for the Lioness within. Like Leo, ginger is a masculine root ruled by the Sun and has been used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea cure for centuries.
  • Ginger
  • Carrot
  • Apple
  • Orange

Virgo: Green Goddess

Channel your inner Gaia with this nutrient packed garden in a glass! If there's any sign fearlessly willing to down a bottle of what could easily pass as swamp water, it's a Virgo. This ultra green juice powerfully eliminates toxins leaving your mind, skin, and hair feeling cleansed and renewed. Now on to some more yoga! 
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Parsley


Libra: Ph Balance

Libra rules the kidneys and bladder, the systems that control and regulate our body water content. Like the scales, they balance our Ph levels and the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of our the water in our bodies.  This nutrient packed blend of refreshing greens is combined with a bit of citrus to bring you perfectly juicy harmony.
  •  Lemon
  • Kale
  • Fennel
  • Cucumber
  • Romaine


Scorpio: Dark Berry Antioxidant Blend 

The occultist in you will find great pleasure enjoying bloody red beet juice spiked with antioxidant rich dark berries. This satisfyingly sweet juice delivers a healthy does cancer fighting free radicals and more than your day's worth of Vitamin C!
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Beet Juice


Sagittarius: 7 Wonders

Sagittarius enjoys trying new things, and exotic ingredients appeal to them. The stranger sounding, the more appealing it is. Satisfy your wanderlust with a trip to the specialty grocery store and trying out some of these vitamin packed treasures from across the globe!
  • Turmeric
  • Ginseng
  • Mangosteen
  • Lychee
  • Dragonfruit
  • Kiwano
  • Bergamot


Capricorn: Joint Tonic

Long days spent at the office can be hard on our feet, legs, and our joints, especially for workaholic Capricorns. Cherries and other stone fruits like plums, peaches, and nectarines are known for their ant-inflammatory properties, making them excellent dietary choices for sufferers of arthritis and joint pain.
  • Cherries
  • Stonefruit
  • Grapefruit


Aquarius: Electrolyte Cleanser 

Electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride and magnesium. They work together to maintain a stable connection between your heart and your central nervous system. Maintain your electrolyte balance by rehydrating with coconut water and other electrolyte rich foods like kiwis before and after a workout!
  • Spinach
  • Kiwi
  • Coconut Water


Pisces: Sweet Dreams

Pisces may spend a lot of time daydreaming, but when it comes time to hit the sack- these signs often find themselves trapped in bouts of insomnia. For the 12th and final sign of the zodiac, we've concocted a filling before bed smoothie with banana and lavender to help easy you into a comfortable, peaceful sleep. If you haven't used Lavender Oil in a recipe before, please start out small, and check to make sure you are not allergic before proceeding. Just 2-3 drops is enough to flavor an entire 8oz glass!
  • Banana
  • Blueberry
  • Coconut Milk
  • Lavender

When our bodies are fueled with balanced nutrition, we have more energy to take on our to-do lists and tackle those mundane, day-to-day tasks with grace and efficiency. We hope these recipes inspire you to take the time and prioritize your health and well being this Virgo season and that you'll enjoy seeing the positive transformation a healthy diet brings into your life!

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