Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (Oct 5, 2017)

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (Oct 5, 2017)

Posted by Kyle Thomas on

Most of us know the basics for following moon cycles -- you set goals during the New Moon (a time for new beginnings, projects, ideas), and reap what you've sown during the Full Moon (a time for illumination, culmination, and harvesting) two weeks later.  What many people forget though is the broader, six-month link that occurs between new and full moons.  Each New Moon falls within a specific zodiac sign and has a corresponding Full Moon within that sign six months later.   As a result, things that happen on or near a New Moon reach their energetic climax during its matching Full Moon later in the year.  Talk about seeing the bigger picture!

This Full Moon is directly connected to the things that were happening to each person/sign on and within ten days following March 28th. Each sign will be affected differently, with a specific focus detailed below. Big news regarding what was "planted" or "began" around March 28th will be revealed +/- 2 days before or 4 days after October 5th. What were YOU sowing? 

EXCITING NOTE: Venus (planet of beauty, love, connection, the arts, peace) syncs up with Mars (planet of sex, passion, war, energy) at this exact Full Moon, so there is a possibility for fated meetings of lovers, fiery new relationships igniting, or a big focus (personally and globally) on peace vs. war. This is a hot, sexy, and romantic energy, and it'll be amplified by the power of the Full Moon! Embrace it! This has not happened since November of 2015, so use it to your advantage!



You are the fiery pioneer of the zodiac and you love to charge ahead. You, your endeavors, and your life are in the spotlight right now, so it is likely you'll notice a lot of attention being directed to you -- or you will be at the center of some news or event. This is a YOU moment, so embrace it! However, if you've been not wanting something to come out regarding you, it may, but don't worry. With the Full Moon falling in your sign, you will rise to the top! You will likely see the culmination/fruition of many ideas, relationships, or goals that you enacted six months ago. They may fall in any area of life because you, royal Aries, will take center stage. Are you Aries Rising/Ascendant 12 degrees (or +/- 5 degrees either way)? This Full Moon will cause major shifts in your life, too, and may fully transform your identity. 


All things that are hidden and growing will soon come to light, beautiful Taurus. Your time is coming at the next Full Moon -- in Taurus. Every dream, focus, and plan is in your horizon. Use this time to lay low, work on things behind the scenes, lay the seeds for things that are not yet ready to germinate -- want to leave your job? Get searching. Want to transform some area of your life? Spend some time meditating and contemplating how you can do it. However, something that you've been doing "behind-the-scenes" for a while may suddenly come to light. This also may affect something startling you learn about someone else -- a friend or an enemy. What have they been cooking up? Act quickly (but not impulsively) to take charge. You may also be spending time healing in some way, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Use this time to recharge. Big things are coming. 


Your dreams and aspirations, as well as social life, are heating up and you may be invited to an event with great contacts or networking. These people may have benefits to your life or career. What do you want long-term? Make sure to create a plan with steps in your mind to make it possible. Say YES to social engagements, you'll likely have fun, but you also may find a fated connection that you've been waiting for quite some time.


You will be in the public eye, sweet Cancer, so get ready for the spotlight! All of the career and work seeds that you laid six months ago are going to come to fruition. Major projects, promotions, or press could come your way. You may also experience some fated good news that allows you to strike out on your own in a way you may have hoped for. If you're self-employed, put your face out there and attract the clients you want with profile or prestige. Some of you may also be experiencing non-career related attention: you may get an award, get a major compliment from someone superior to you, or be basking in a breakthrough in a relationship you've wanted for some time. 


You will be having some significant developments in relation to your mind, the way you view the world, and expanding your horizons. If you are involved in academics, spirituality, or media, you will be blessed in these areas now. It is possible you may find a mentor who will take you under, or you could receive some startling good opportunities or projects that can push you into new territory. You may also realize you're fed up with the way things have been and you want to fully strike out to take on new things: but first, you need to learn how and what to do. Embrace change. You're the lion. Let us hear you roar.


You will be experiencing a focus on deep union, in any area where you owe someone something or they owe you. This could pertain to finances, such as loans or debts or ownership, or sexuality, such as choosing to dive deeper into a commitment or connection. It is also possible that you have some inner secrets and hungers being revealed to you: what's turning you on? What do you want, when you're not all buttoned-up? The deeper the union, the deeper the connection, and while it may be fearful to some Virgos, you are givers when it comes down to it. Perhaps you need to stand up for what you need to receive.


A major partnership in love or business will be in focus, and you may be the one pushing for it or by someone else. This can be about becoming official, taking your relationship to the next level, or even facing off against a rival or enemy. This is a powerful moment for you to consider what you truly want in a partner, or if you already have one, may be noticing your partner demands more of your attention at this time. Give it to them. This special time is important to focus on a relationship that is a mirror to you. If it is a mirror in a dark way, change it. If it is a mirror in a beautiful way, embrace it. If it is a not a mirror at all, let it go. Some of your relationships will end in order to ready you for better things. Do not be afraid.


Your work life is on fire! Get ready for new projects, new work opportunities, or any steady work that you've been focusing on for the last six months (your job, your daily hobby, your daily commitments) to come up. If you've put in great effort, you will reap rewards. If you have not, the way you have been approaching work will change and you may decide you're not in the right place anymore. It is also possible you are spending a great amount of time finishing up a big project that is due or is ready for release. Buckle down; put in those extra hours, it will all be worth it. Some of you may have a focus on health/fitness, as well. If you get sick near this time, it will draw attention to imbalances in your body. Are you taking care of yourself enough? Do you want to kick a bad habit or lose weight? Go to a doctor and check it out. 


You bright, fiery souls are about to be ignited. Love and romance, creativity and art, and all sorts of adventure are cooking up for you. The way you've been approaching your romantic life for the last six months will become apparent -- have you been fully present? If single, are you putting yourself out there in the way you want to be? Are the right lovers coming to you, or are you not being true to yourself and to them? A sexy, fun time can come to you if you open up to it and if single, a chance meeting could occur. Shoot that text to someone you've admired. Ask someone on a date. Go out with friends and see what the stars are cooking for you, you'll likely catch the eye of someone just your type. If you're attached, spend time indulging your lover. You'll also likely be seeing the culmination of a creative project or hobby, or may be looking to surround yourself by the arts. Go see a live performance, bust out the paintbrushes, or write down what is in your heart. Feel everything, Sagittarius, open your heart. Also: for Sagittarians with children, you may have a focus on a child right now or some may see a birth or pregnancy pop up. Be aware! 


The foundation of your life is in focus right now, particularly the way you love yourself, the way you build your life, and the strength of the ground beneath your feet. Your family, your "chosen family," your home/domestic life, and Mother/Father may take focus. Throw a party at home or spend time fixing up your space. Some of you may move or have an increased attention to what is going on at home. Perhaps you're considering a new roommate, renewing a lease, or leaving a roommate. You may also notice your parents taking focus right now. Perhaps you may be facing some internal turmoil if you are not at peace with yourself. Do you like yourself? Have you hurt people and need to let go of the baggage? Are you secure with where you're at and where you're going? Face yourself. Love yourself. 


Communication is lighting up for you, and you may see your attention on how you can build yourself and your voice. You may notice an edge in social media, advertising, branding, and anything to do with communication. If you've laid writing projects in the last six months, they may come to culmination now and you may finish. You are seeking to complete something of significance right now, and legalities may also be on your mind. Read the fine print. Know what you're getting yourself into or what you already had agreed. Negotiations will be on your mind. 


Money is in your eyes, beautiful Pisces! You have an opportunity for a financial increase at work, a potential new job, or receiving some sort of gift of money from somewhere -- however, this will only happen if you have put in the steady work from the last six months. Know your worth and stand up and ask for a raise, or negotiate some sort of increase, perhaps to benefits or packages. If you're self-employed, offer a sale and bring in more clients or potential for customers. You also will be focusing on your possessions and what you own. Do you want that brand new set of furniture, technology, or beauty supplies? If you can swing it, go for it, and you'll love it! Also, if your money is not where you want it to be, this will be a time when you may have a big focus on that and how you want to increase it. If you're experiencing strain, look for other jobs or opportunities to increase your income. They could be hidden here like diamonds in the rough.

May the Force, and the stars, be with you.

Kyle Thomas is a writer, producer, and lyricist living in Los Angeles. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram (@MrKyleThomas), Facebook (, or Twitter (@Mr_KyleThomas). More info:

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