Moon Musings: How The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius (Dec. 4, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius (Dec. 4, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Before the year officially comes to a close, stop and take a look around. What have you manifested for yourself? What skill are you in the process of mastering? What are you grateful for? After an intensity-filled month, and a Scorpio season to remember, the sun’s shift into Sagittarius felt as if a weight had been lifted off of our shoulders. And though the overall effects of this mutable fire season will ultimately depend on one’s natal chart, truth be told, the season of the archer is a time of celebration. Swirling with optimism, and a reminder that there’s nothing more powerful than being hopeful, it’s no wonder holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah take place during this time of year. Governed by lucky Jupiter—The Greater Benefic, and the planet of abundance, expansion, and spiritual wisdom—the sun’s journey through Sagittarius invites us all on a journey into the unknown, where we can genuinely experience everything life has to offer.

With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at the astrological axis of knowledge, as it belongs to both Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and Mercury-ruled Gemini. After all, this month’s new moon will be a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius, and the last of this particular series. For instance, as you may remember, eclipses activate the Nodes of Fate—The North and South Node—which, in turn, trigger momentous change. In fact, it’s no secret that these cosmic events serve as powerful catalysts for growth, both in our individual lives and as a collective. The energetic essence of an eclipse, however, depends on the Nodes of Fate. More importantly, this is an opportunity for you to think back to May 2020—the beginning of your Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse story. First and foremost, where are these two mutable signs located on your birth chart? With this eclipse series coming to an end, it’s important to acknowledge and reflect on the wisdom you’ve acquired along the way.

Mercury-ruled Gemini governs the primitive mind, while Sagittarius governs the abstract mind. It is, after all, the astrological axis of knowledge; therefore, the ability to expand both mentally and spiritually has been top of mind during this time. What have you discovered about yourself, and your immediate environment? What’s shifted for you since Spring 2020? If you look back through your social media feeds, or go through archived emails, chances are you’ll catch onto a pattern. Like I said, every eclipse has a story to tell, and a lesson to instill. This astrological phenomenon is a divine portal catapulting the collective into higher states of consciousness; this is precisely where the term “shifting timelines” stems from. And though we can’t unsee what we’ve learned to be true, change is the only thing that’s constant. Fortunately, you’re being divinely guided every step of the way, and December’s new moon solar eclipse marks the finale of a significant chapter.

Eclipses are powerful lunations; they occur when one heavenly body moves into the shadow of another. For instance, the new moon is the first lunar phase, which is when the sun and the moon meet at the same degree of a zodiac sign. The same happens during a solar eclipse, with the exception that it occurs when the moon moves between the sun and earth, blocking the sunlight from reaching earth. (This is a new moon on steroids.) Happening on Dec. 4 at 2:43 a.m EST—via 12 degrees Sagittarius—this new moon solar eclipse is pretty much everything we need to end the year on a powerful note. And in true Jupiterian fashion, there is an inner knowing that something wonderful is on its way. Thinking back to everything you’ve learned since last Spring, this bountiful lunation is here to inspire and guide you, so you can integrate it into something moving forward. Hint: Sagittarius isn’t stressing the logistics; it’s looking at the bigger picture.

The “bigger picture” is especially significant to consider with Mercury—the planet of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges—transiting through spontaneous Sagittarius, as it just happens to be Mercury’s least favorite sign to journey through. Remember, Mercury governs Sagittarius’ polar opposite sign, which is Gemini. Mercury thrives in Gemini, as it focuses on the fussy details, and the hard facts. In the sign of the archer, Mercury could care less about the ‘data’. In fact, Mercury in Sagittarius is known to overlook the tedious details, and look towards the infinite possibilities. Without having the slightest clue about the logistics, Mercury in Sagittarius dreams bigger than life itself, focusing on the sheer potential of its ideal scenario. And while the thought of ‘you never know what could happen’ is incredibly inspiring, it doesn’t guarantee success. Needless to say, this is a risk-taking and gambling Mercury transit, and the essence of this solar eclipse is no exception.

Where are you off to next? What’s missing on your bucket list? December’s new moon eclipse is urging you to open your heart, and take the leap. Whether it be personally and/or professionally, the new moon solar eclipse’s close proximity to Mercury could potentially lead you down several pathways, but it’s up to you to trust what you know to be true. Fueled by Jupiter in revolutionary Aquarius, you can expect more clarity when it comes to your creative ideas and future endeavors. This fixed air sign is, after all, the visionary of the zodiac… and well, Sagittarius isn’t far behind. What can you create and/or break free from, in order to experience more freedom in your life? Remember, Mercury in Sag isn’t stressing the ‘how’, so don’t limit yourself. In addition to sitting alongside the messenger planet, this eclipse will be in harmony with taskmaster Saturn which, in turn, highlights and supports your unique attributes.

Again, part of this journey will consist of you tapping into these core parts of your identity; some of which you’ve consciously dismissed all throughout your life. Maybe out of fear, or even circumstance, but you’re leaving this era behind you. Last but certainly not least, Venus is officially approaching her conjunction to transformative Pluto, amidst her pre-retrograde shadow in Capricorn. The planet of abundance, pleasure, relationships, and seduction, Venus is on a strict mission when transiting through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, as she is solely looking for a long-lasting investment. Here, the goddess of love has no time for games, but there’s more. Pluto is the planet of death, sexuality, power, taboo, and all things hidden beneath the surface; hence the significance of this conjunction. In other words, while alongside the Lord of the Underworld, Venus is being challenged to confront everything from her shadow self to her untapped power. Themes surrounding career, marriage, and wealth will experience a powerful purge.

Could this be what’s been blocking your dreams from becoming a reality? Are there traditions, authority figures, and previously-set structures weighing heavily on the back of your mind? Your higher self knows the way.


It may not seem like it right now, but deep down inside, you know the possibilities are endless, Aries. Activating your lucky ninth house of faith, wisdom, worldly pursuits, and belief systems, this new moon solar eclipse is presenting you with an opportunity to start again, and perhaps even take a walk on the wild side. Whether it be a spontaneous decision to relocate overseas, or the sudden inspiration to publish your works, you’re being called to venture into the unknown. Cultivating relationships with classmates, foreigners, mentors, and teachers is likely, especially those that can help bring forth the knowledge you seek. And with your overzealous planetary ruler, Mars, hovering over your eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and soul bonds, you’re likely willing to invest the time and energy needed to make your visions become reality. New Moon Affirmation: I acknowledge my endless potential & divine connection to spirit; I am fully devoted to the journey.


If you don’t take it seriously, then you’re probably not interested, Taurus. A solar eclipse in freedom-loving Sagittarius will ignite your intimate eighth house of sexual chemistry, joint ventures, and ‘till death to us part, bringing you a well-deserved reset when it comes to loyalty and trust. What have you gained from your romantic and financial investments? Your ability to merge with another mind, body, and soul is being highlighted, and supercharged with fertility. Some of you will more than likely decide to take a relationship to the next level, whether it be personally and/or professionally speaking. Although, with your harmony-seeking planetary ruler, Venus, sitting alongside Pluto—via your ninth house of expansion, wisdom, and unknown territory—you’re feeling the call to explore areas you can’t quite put your finger on just yet. But with Mars in your relationship sector, you’re ready to commit at all costs. New Moon Affirmation: I trust the journey of my unique soul path & those who choose to be a part of it.


Your philosophy on relationships is shifting, Gemini. This is especially true when considering December’s new moon solar eclipse, as it will touch down on your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. There’s always something new to discover about yourself, and the people around you. And with your planetary ruler, Mercury, sitting alongside the sun and the moon, you’re more than likely seeing it firsthand. Venus will be sitting close to powerhouse Pluto via your intimate eighth house of joint ventures, shared resources, and mutual gains, highlighting the abundance stemming from your current connections. Your challenge, however, could potentially stem from a lack of truth, namely when in regard to your partnerships. Luckily, with Jupiter glimmering through your ninth house of possibilities, you’re getting a closer look at these opportunities. Mars is also sizzling through your sixth house of responsibilities, so you have more than enough energy at your disposal. New Moon Affirmation: I open my heart to acknowledge the divine lesson in every experience.


Express your gratitude when you wake up in the morning, Cancer. Your rituals are sacred, and December’s new moon solar eclipse will bring powerful new beginnings to your sixth house of health, mindfulness, work routine, and acts of service. Do your day-to-day tasks inspire and fulfill you? Jupiter’s transit through your ride-or-die eighth house of intimacy, mutual investments, and joint collaborations brings abundance and expansion to your financial and spiritual exchanges, highlighting the value of your individual freedom in the process. This is especially true for those of you seeking assistance on your entrepreneurial journey. Also, with Venus conjunct Pluto—via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others—you’re more than likely ready to invest your time and energy into these partnerships. Moreover, using your discernment and setting the necessary boundaries in your day-to-day will help you create the routine that works best for you. New Moon Affirmation: I can accomplish each & every one of my goals, one step at a time.


Make more room in your schedule for fun, Leo. An inspiring new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius will ignite your childlike fifth house of affection, creativity, romance, and self-expression, bringing new beginnings to themes surrounding everything from your sparkling authenticity to your love language. More than anything, your higher self is urging you to practice more self-love, and focus on your passions. Whether it be via a love interest or a creative venture, this lunation is presenting you with an opportunity to discover your own bliss. If you’re looking to conceive with a significant other, or collaborate on an art project, Jupiter’s transit through your relationship sector is clearing your path, and inspiring you to connect with like-minded individuals. Meanwhile, with Venus conjunct Pluto—via your responsible sixth house of daily rituals and due diligence—you’re well-aware of your day-to-day investments, and the amount of time you spend working hard. The real question is, are you satisfied? New Moon Affirmation: I celebrate the inner child alive within me & honor my unique attributes.


Your house, your rules, Virgo. A new moon solar eclipse will touch down on your domestic fourth house of home, family matters, emotional foundations, and ancestral lineage, bringing emphasis to themes surrounding your internal reality, and personal life. Your definition of home may not make sense to everyone, and that’s okay. If anything, this is an opportunity to discover your own comfort zone. This is especially true with Venus conjunct Pluto via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, possessions, and value systems. How can you work towards your ideal? Are you willing to invest in this commitment? Fortunately, with Mars in strategic Scorpio, and your curious third house of the mind, you have the mental strength and stamina to make it happen. The home within yourself already exists, and you’re realizing this, too. Jupiter’s transit through your sixth house of wellness, brings forth opportunities to cultivate mindfulness. New Moon Affirmation: My emotional body is my temple, as is my physical vessel. 


Your higher self is encouraging you to keep an open mind, Libra. With the help of December’s new moon solar eclipse—via your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings—the cosmos is presenting you with an opportunity to explore your horizons, and shift your perspective. Everything from your communication style to the people you surround yourself with be highlighted during this time. Meanwhile, with the eclipse’s ruler, Jupiter, blessing your creative fifth house of affection, romance, and unique authenticity, you’re finally giving your inner child a chance to speak up. Don’t shy away from your pure generosity and childlike spirit. Your planetary ruler, Venus’, close proximity to Pluto—via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations—continues to highlight the relationship structures that haunt your past, some of which play a role in your relationships today. What are you ready to let go of? New Moon Affirmation: The infinite possibilities are as real as I allow them to be; I am a unique individual. 


Think bigger, Scorpio. What is your definition of financial fulfillment? If it were all up to you, how would you earn a living? An inspiring new moon solar eclipse will ignite your stability-seeking second house of comfort, possessions, unique talents, and value systems. Financial freedom is a privilege you’re more than capable of achieving. And with Jupiter transiting through your intuitive fourth house of home, innermost feelings, and living space, you could be exploring opportunities where you can work from the comfort of your own home. This new beginning could bring a series of blessings, but only if you’re brave enough to venture into the unknown. Fortunately, with Mars in your sign, you have the drive and razor-sharp determination to do so. Venus conjunct Pluto—via your curious third house of communication and immediate surroundings—challenges you to recognize where you’ve been unconsciously limiting yourself, personally and in terms of your connections. New Moon Affirmation: The more I recognize my worth, the bigger the reward; my future is bright.


Chin up, Sagittarius. You’re stepping into a brand-new chapter, and simultaneously closing a door behind you. A sparkling new moon solar eclipse in your sign brings forth the opportunity to bask in the spotlight, and redefine your brand in the process. Find the freedom to be unapologetically yourself. Meanwhile, with your celestial ruler, Jupiter, transiting through your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges, there are plenty of opportunities to learn, network, and expand within your local community. Whether it be online or in-person, it’s time to reunite with your soul family. Moreover, Venus’ close proximity to Pluto—via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, possessions, and value systems—is challenging you to redefine your sense of security, and idea of wealth. New Moon Affirmation: I stand firm in my truth; my voice & wisdom hold the key to my abundance.


No need to overextend yourself, Capricorn. Save your energy for a rainy day, and don’t forget to make it count. A hopeful new moon solar eclipse will activate your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, bringing clarity and serendipitous breakthroughs. How do you cope with stress? How do you decompress? Everything from your relationship with spirit to the way you ‘escape’ is long-overdue a reset. Moreover, with Jupiter transiting through your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, you’re exploring the potential of your options. How can you revolutionize your money-making abilities and/or spending habits? What are you ready to break free from? Venus conjunct Pluto in your sign will simultaneously challenge you to confront your shadow, namely when it comes to your one-on-one connections. Do you feel comfortable asking for help? New Moon Affirmation: The more I cultivate a relationship with spirit, the more fortunate I become.


You have the freedom to be unapologetically yourself, Aquarius. And just in time for the new year, a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius will touch down on your revolutionary eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world. New tribe, new vibes? Whether it be in terms of your professional life, or the desire to connect with like-minded groups of individuals, this lunation is urging you to approach your social life with a different mindset. Trusting in the kindness of others, and in the magic of your unique authenticity, it’s time to expand your network. Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, via your unconscious twelfth house of hidden agendas and all things behind the scenes, will shed light on everything from the self-sabotaging patterns you’re breaking free from, to the past relationships you look back on from time to time. Release the judgement, and leave the past where it belongs. A new era awaits. New Moon Affirmation: I choose to release what no longer serves me; I influence others with my free spirit.


Do what you do best, and reach for the stars, Pisces. An inspiring new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius will ignite your bossy tenth house of career, reputation, and sense of authority. Everything from your professional endeavors to your public persona will be highlighted during this time, but there’s more. Have you had a change of heart recently? Hopeful and swirling with optimism, this lunation is bringing forth the opportunity to rebrand your public persona, and/or redefine your divine mission on the planet. Bottom line? The possibilities are endless… but you already knew that. After all, Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius—via your mystical twelfth house of karma, dreams, and unconscious patterns—has brought you a significant amount of insight, especially when in regards to your soul path. Meanwhile, Venus conjunct Pluto—via your eleventh house of community—challenges you to confront the shadow side of your social life, along with the relationships you’ve invested in. New Moon Affirmation: My presence holds power; I give myself permission to trust, prosper & grow.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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