Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Gemini (Dec. 18, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Gemini (Dec. 18, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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As another riveting eclipse season comes to a close, we prepare to say our goodbyes to 2021. It’s normal to get a little nostalgic over the holidays, but with Venus already in her pre-retrograde shadow phase, there’s really no escaping the feels that come along with it. Go-getter Mars is also transiting through the early degrees of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, and alongside the South Node, which continues to energize and speed up the purging process that’s occurring. And with Jupiter in the last degrees of Aquarius, there is greater emphasis when it comes to standing up for the community, as well as our individual freedom. What you once considered to be ‘your truth’ may not even make sense to you anymore, and that’s how you know you’ve evolved. During its transit through revolutionary Aquarius, Jupiter—Greater Benefic, and the planet of abundance, blessings, and wisdom—shed light on the value of camaraderie, social interactions, and community affairs. It gave us a renewed sense of hope, and a general feeling of togetherness that we will all take with us forever. The only thing better than being able to think outside the box is having a group of like-minded individuals to share your ideas with. Whether you look at it in terms of your social media following or your group of ride-or-die friends, this colorful transit encourages us to look towards the future with hope. Although, more importantly, it inspired and motivated us to be our most authentic selves.

Jupiter’s ingress into mystical Pisces on Dec. 28 couldn’t have come at a better time, especially before ringing in the new year. There’s still, however, a couple of astrological events to take note of such as this year’s full moon in Gemini on Dec. 18. Glimmering through the night sky at 27 degrees Gemini, at exactly 11:35 p.m. EST, there’s something unique about this Mercury-ruled lunation, but before we dive deep into the astrological aspects, let’s take a closer look at Gemini’s zodiac archetype for more context. A swift communicator, this mutable air sign is symbolic of the primitive mind, as it collects the raw data in order to make a logical decision. Governed by the savvy messenger god, Mercury—planet of communication, thought process, cognitive functioning, and immediate surroundings—your full moon moment will revolve around a significant piece of information that’s being brought to your attention. As you may remember, the sun—a symbol of the sacred masculine—sits directly opposite the moon—a symbol of the divine feminine—during the full moon phase, which is equivalent to a call for balance and harmony in our lives. The moon represents our intuitive mind, emotional foundations, and shadow self, while the sun sheds light on our physical identity and soul’s authenticity. When in Mercury-ruled sign, such as Gemini, it’s important to acknowledge Mercury’s positioning, and aspects. This is what will inspire the energy of December’s full moon, among other aspects, of course.

Get down to business, as Mercury will be transiting through Saturn-ruled Capricorn at this time, which automatically changes the dynamic. For instance, when in this cardinal earth sign, Mercury approaches situations in a methodical, pragmatic, and no-nonsense type of way. Traditional-minded with a razor sharp strategy, Mercury in Capricorn is determined to reach its goal, and will persevere until it succeeds in doing so. With this in mind, check which astrological house belongs to Gemini and Capricorn, as these two areas will be highlighted within the next two weeks of this full moon. Something else to consider is, Capricorn represents our sense of authority, as well as our authority figures, both personally and in the workplace. Have you been working diligently towards your goals? Are your actions, exchanges, and general thought process aligned with your end goal? Truth be told, Gemini is a multitasker, but Mercury in Capricorn prefers to do one successful thing at a time. Moreover, Mercury will be making an exact square to Chiron in Aries, the day before the wounded healer stations direct. During its time in Aries, Chiron has challenged us to confront our insecurities, pain, and resentment; it’s presented us the opportunity to take action towards our desires, and unapologetically embrace our authenticity. Having said that, Mercury’s square to Chiron will likely trigger some opposition between the hard work you’ve been doing vs. the way it makes you feel. Have you been neglecting your independence in order to “succeed,” or look the part?

This is definitely something to reflect on, especially since Mercury governs all things related to the mundane practicalities, (i.e. calendars, communication, contracts, transportation) so if plans suddenly fall through, don’t despair. The good news is, change-maker Uranus—the planet of chaos, freedom, innovation, revolution, technology, and unexpected change—is here to save the day, and I’ll explain why. In harmony with Mercury, amidst its retrograde journey through Taurus, this exhilarating trine could be what triggers a sudden aha moment, especially when it comes to problem solving and general solutions. Be on the lookout for exciting opportunities, and more importantly, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Ironically enough—especially with Chiron transiting through Mars-ruled Aries—the red planet (Mars) will be in harmony with the wounded healer, which also empowers us to push through our fears, in order to be a catalyst for our healing. Venus—the planet of love, finances, pleasures, and value systems—will also station retrograde in Capricorn a few hours later, and alongside Pluto. A key player in this lunation, the transformative synergy of Venus and Pluto will usher in significant changes, especially with regards to our investments, values, long-term goals, and stability in general. Venus will station direct at the end of January, which means there’s still something for us to review and reassess beforehand.

In the meantime, here’s what the full moon in Gemini has in store for your sun and rising sign:


Keep your eyes on the prize, Aries. As the last full moon of the year beams through multifaceted Gemini, it will glimmer through your immediate third house of communication, thought process, local community, and general exchanges, highlighting everything from your group of peers to your level of expertise within a particular skill set. Celebrate your accomplishments, and don’t shy away from constructive criticism, especially from your superiors. Humility is certainly required, but it’s all for your highest good. After all, with Mercury—celestial ruler of this lunation—hovering over your ambitious tenth house of career, public persona, and sense of authority, chances are your full moon moment will bring news regarding your professional life. Applications, contracts, and/or general communication come full circle for you during this time. However, Mercury’s trine to Uranus—via your second house of comfort, finances, possessions, and value systems—will inspire you with a series of solutions, perhaps even a unique talent you’ve unconsciously neglected. Moreover, with your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, transiting through your spontaneous ninth house of adventure, travel, and belief systems, you have more than enough confidence and inspiration to persevere forward. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in Gemini that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: Do you feel productive in your daily life? How can you continue to master your unique skill sets?


They don’t call you financially savvy for nothing, Taurus. Mercury-ruled Gemini does, after all, govern your stability-seeking second house of comfort, money, sensual pleasures, and value systems, giving you a swift solution and agile mind when it comes to everything from your money-making abilities to your general investments. Just your luck, the last full moon of 2021 will ignite this area of your chart, bringing something profitable and noteworthy to fruition. Although, with the full moon’s ruler, Mercury, transiting through your ninth house of spontaneity, opportunities, and higher learning, there is greater emphasis surrounding your belief systems, entrepreneurial ventures, and worldly pursuits. Keep in mind, your planetary ruler, Venus, will be sitting alongside transformative Pluto in this area of your chart, and just hours before it stations retrograde. You could be taking a closer look at a long-distance relationship, a mentorship program and/or a new opportunity outside of your usual comfort zone. Others of you may be celebrating the successful results of a new venture, or perhaps looking for ways to financially expand elsewhere. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in Gemini that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: Has your financial situation evolved since? How can you capitalize on your wisdom & gifts?


Just days before we ring in the new year, a sparkling full moon will light up the night sky in your name, Gemini. Hovering over your first house of self, physical identity, and personal aesthetic, this lunation will bring closure and clarity to themes surrounding everything from your autonomy to your unique branding. Although, with your curious planetary ruler, Mercury, transiting through your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and energetic exchanges—alongside Venus and Pluto—so you could be simultaneously reflecting on the foundation of your investments, whether it be personally or professionally speaking. Who will you trust on this new journey you’re embarking on? Will they commit for the long haul? If it’s professionally, you’re likely reflecting on whether or not you’re being properly compensated, especially after your recent glow up. Agreements, contracts, and exchanges revolving around the equal ‘give and take’ of this union and/or commitment are significant. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: How has your personal and professional presence evolved since? Has there been a return of investment in these areas of life?


Relax your mind, dear Cancer. The last full moon of 2021, this Mercury-ruled lunation will touch down on your secretive twelfth house of karma, dreams, unconscious patterns, and your life behind the scenes, bringing closure and clarity to themes surrounding your sacrifices, private life, and general coping mechanisms. Gemini rules the mind, so take a second to reflect on your thinking patterns as well. Keep in mind, with the moon’s celestial ruler, Mercury, hovering over your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others—not to mention alongside Venus and Pluto—this could have something to do with a significant other, personally and/or professionally. You may also feel the desire/temptation to bond deeply with another individual, perhaps someone from your past that comes back around. Has this person been living rent free in your mind? What exactly are you getting out of this situation? Either way, this area of your chart has to do with closure, so consider this an opportunity to speak your truth. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: Are there secrets weighing over your head? What clarity have you gained with regard to your significant other(s)?


Lean on your soul family, Leo. A sparkling full moon in Gemini will ignite your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, friendship groups, and sense of belonging in the world, highlighting everything from your social status to your virtual exchanges. Whether it be a group of friends from early childhood, or an inspiring team of professionals guiding you towards your next big break, this lunation will be sure to put you in the spotlight. Your holiday social calendar is already poppin’ so make sure to pencil in some time for biz. To top it off, audacious Mars will be transiting through freedom-loving Sagittarius, and your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. One thing’s for sure: you’re ready to seize the day. However, with Mercury, Venus, and Pluto transiting through your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, employment opportunities, and health routines, you’re also being called to do your due diligence. As cliche as this sounds, put it this way: “no pain, no gain.” There’s work to be done in order to see the results you seek, not to mention become the best version of yourself. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: Are you being productive & efficient with your goals? Do you feel comfortable leaning on your friends for support?


You’re starting the new year with a bang, Virgo. Glimmering through your bossy tenth house of career, reputation, public persona, and sense of authority, this year’s sparkling full moon in Gemini is bestowing you with a brand-new perspective, specifically with regards to your divine mission on the planet. Also, with the moon’s ruler, Mercury—which also happens to be your planetary ruler—transiting alongside Venus and Pluto in Capricorn—via your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and acknowledgement—there’s an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, both romantically and/or creatively. Mars is also sizzling through your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations which, in turn, brings greater emphasis to matters of heart, and hearth. All in all, you’re taking a closer look at where your time is going, and reflecting on whether this aligns with your authenticity, family unit, and general authenticity. Mercury’s square to the wounded healer, Chiron, via your eighth house of mergers could lead to a potential hiccup in the arena of love, but if anything, it’s also an opportunity for you to take charge of the situation, with honesty and integrity. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: What have you accomplished in your personal & professional life since? What are you most proud of?


There’s so much to learn and experience, Libra. Where are you off to next? Just in time to ring in the new year, an inspiring full moon in Gemini will ignite your expansive ninth house of adventure, education, wisdom, and worldly pursuits. Meanwhile, with the full moon’s ruler, Mercury, transiting through your intuitive fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings—not to mention alongside your planetary ruler, Venus, and powerhouse Pluto—you’re simultaneously gaining clarity on a personal matter, or perhaps relocating for a new job opportunity. You could also be revisiting themes from the past, namely with regards to your loved ones, and the philosophies instilled in you from a young age. Fortunately, with Mars sizzling through your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate environments, you have plenty of energy at your disposal, and a strong desire for thrill and experience. Acquiring a new skill set? Steer away from stubborn closed minds, as you are easily triggered at this time. Otherwise, the sky’s the limit. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: What do your future goals look like? What can you do to stay inspired?


Scorpio, you typically find yourself when you lose yourself, and it’s all thanks to your Plutonian nature. Ironically enough, December’s brilliant full moon in Gemini will touch down on your ruling eighth house of mergers, sexual chemistry, shared resources, and energetic exchanges. Whether it be personally and/or professionally, this Mercury-ruled lunation is shedding light on everything from personal investments to the equal give and take—or lack thereof—within your partnerships. Given that Mercury will be simultaneously transiting through your curious third house of communication, immediate network, and local community—not to mention while alongside Venus and your modern ruler, Pluto—this lunation is presenting you with an opportunity to confront a situation, in order to get the necessary clarity. Mars will be sizzling through your stability-seeking second house of self-confidence and value systems, so consider this a sign to take your power back. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: How have your personal & professional commitments evolved since? What does loyalty mean to you?


You’re seeing things from a completely different perspective, Sagittarius. Thanks to this year’s sparkling full moon in Gemini—via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others—you’re gaining important insight with regards to your personal and professional investments during this time. Although, with go-getter Mars sizzling through your sign, you could be a lot more outspoken than usual, and perhaps even a bit rash with your approach. Communicate calmly and rationally—try at least. In the meantime, Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, will be transiting through your stability-seeking second house of comfort, money, and value systems—while alongside Venus and Pluto—bringing emphasis to themes surrounding your worth. You’re looking towards the horizon, and thinking long term. You may also come to realize that you’re overdue a revamp in your financial sector, especially those of you trying to build something long-lasting. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: How can you stand up for yourself without it escalating further? Have you been getting your end of the bargain?


There’s technically no such thing as right or wrong, Capricorn. It’s all relative, and with the help of this year’s full moon in Gemini—via your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, and work routine—you’re being presented with a brand-new outlook on your modus operandi. Just because you're not going it the traditional way, doesn’t mean you’re doing it the wrong way. Given that Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are simultaneously transiting through your sign, you’re being challenged to reflect on what works for you, and what doesn’t. However, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when you’re constantly critiquing yourself along the way. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Instead, use the energies at play to stand up for your unique values, and personal brand. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: Are you being conscious of your mental, physical, and spiritual needs? Who can you lean on for support?


Follow your heart, Aquarius. A brilliant full moon in Gemini will ignite your creative fifth house of affection, fame, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, bringing closure and clarity to themes surrounding your inner child and your muse of inspiration. Whether it be romantically and/or creatively, this lunation is highlighting everything from your inhibitions to your sacrifices. What are you truly passionate about? Given that the full moon’s ruler, Mercury, will be transiting through your twelfth house of dreams, secrets, and unconscious patterns, you may suddenly discover a new hobby and/or talent in the process. Others of you may decide to tell someone how you really feel, despite what you may have considered to be a potential ‘consequence.’ Coco Chanel said it perfectly: There's a time for work and there's a time for play. Besides, with fiery Mars sizzling through your socially driven eleventh house of community, there are plenty of opportunities for you to experience. Either way, you’re learning something valuable about yourself, even though we’ve all probably seen it by now. You’re a star. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: What do you do for fun when no one’s around? How can you continue to execute this unique attribute?


We all get by with a little help from our friends, Pisces. In the meantime, December’s sparkling full moon in Gemini will bring closure and clarity to your domestic fourth house of home, family matters, emotional foundations, and innermost feelings, especially with regard to the moral support—or lack thereof—provided to you by your soul family. This is especially true when considering the moon’s ruler, Mercury, transiting through your eleventh house of associations, community, and future visions—not to mention alongside Venus and Pluto—as you are consciously and unconsciously seeking validation from your immediate, and extended network. Keep in mind, Mercury will be in harmony with electric Uranus in your communication sector which may, in turn, bring a shock revelation, or perhaps a message that changes your perspective on things. Pay attention to your emotional waves and triggers, as you are in the midst of a powerful metamorphosis, as is the rest of the collective. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in your sign that took place in June 2021. Full Moon Reflection: How can you learn more about yourself through your community of friends? What’s resonating & what’s no longer in alignment with your truth?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.


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