Moon Musings: How The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse In Taurus (Nov. 19, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse In Taurus (Nov. 19, 2021) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Welcome to eclipse season; a time to awaken, both as individuals and as a collective. This celestial phenomenon holds the key to our soul journey, and divine mission on the planet. Life-altering and supercharged, eclipses are potent moon phases that usher in powerful change… and a whole lot faster than we’re often prepared for. This can bring either a new beginning or a long-overdue ending, as it is a push from the heavens giving us no choice but to take action. Sounds intimidating, but eclipses take place two to four times a year—there’s nothing to be afraid of. You’ve been here before, but if you find yourself overthinking the possibilities and/or worse case scenario, remember you are a spiritual being living a human experience; change is the only thing that’s constant. A divine activation of the Nodes of Fate—North Node and South Node; where we’re headed and what we’re destined to release—there are two types of eclipses: a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse. One is an eclipse of the moon, and the other an eclipse of the sun. As per NASA, "eclipses occur when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body".

Eclipses come in pairs, and they occur within two weeks from each other. For instance, the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series kicked off on June 5, 2020. *For reference, check where these signs are located on your birth chart; this is where you’ve likely experienced a significant amount of  transformation.* More importantly, the Gemini-Sagittarius axis highlighted our collective quest for knowledge, along with our ability to connect with our immediate surroundings. Think about it: There’s been a powerful shift when it comes to the way we gather information, (Gemini) not to mention  reconsider the diversity and belief systems of different cultures. (Sagittarius) Sounds hard to believe, but the last of this eclipse series will occur on December 4, 2021. However, before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a closer look at November’s partial lunar eclipse in Taurus, as it will initiate a brand new series of eclipses and via the axis of Taurus-Scorpio. *If you happen to have personal placements (i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Rising) in either of these signs, your glow up is loading. A fixed polarity comprised of the elements earth and water, the Taurus-Scorpio axis is a symbol of both life and death—the conception of all things.

This is all important to keep in mind, as the North Node will officially activate this astrological axis on December 22nd. But in the meantime, the first of this eclipse series will be an ‘out of sign conjunction,’ considering the North Node’s positioning in Gemini. Don’t get it twisted—this doesn’t take away from the essence of Taurus. On the contrary, this gives us the opportunity to obtain the information we need, (Gemini) in order to materialize and stabilize (Taurus) something long lasting, and on our own terms. Taurus is, after all, a representation of comfort, ownership, possessions, stability, sustenance, and self-worth. Its fixed earth is practical, persevering, and slow-moving. Governed by Venus, sensually driven Taurus has everything to do with indulgence, and the magic of the five senses. It teaches us how to become acclimated with the physical blooming life that exists all around us. Lady Venus is a celestial creatrix; she is a symbol of beauty, money, pleasure, and unique talents. Again, it’s no wonder the goddess of abundance governs this fixed earth sign, as basking in earthly delights is Taurus’ modus operandi. The riches of the earth are unparalleled, and it’s time to stop and smell the roses.

Are you ready to turn the page on another powerful chapter in your life? Lunar eclipses are potent full moons, and they occur when the earth casts its shadow on the moon. This ever-glowing luminary governs the unconscious mind, and eclipses bring emotional resets that help declutter unconscious fears that no longer serve you. A symbol of completion and permanence, a lunar eclipse will highlight themes that have been hidden from you. Happening on November 19th—at exactly 3:57 a.m. EST—via 27 degrees Taurus,  we will be experiencing a profound heart activation during this time, as the second sign of the zodiac is associated with the heart chakra… but there’s more. For starters, it’s been almost a decade since we’ve experienced an eclipse in the sign of Taurus, which means looking back at the years 2013—2014 could help you make sense of this evolution process. Similar patterns and themes are bound to repeat themselves. Keep in mind, the sun continues to transit through transformative Scorpio, highlighting passions, hidden motivations, and unconscious programming. This fixed water sign has everything to do with intimacy, mergers, inheritances, and soul bonds, and since all full moons are a call for balance, we also have to consider the sun’s sacred masculine presence.

When it comes to the astrological aspects at play, Venus—which also happens to be Taurus’ planetary ruler—will be quite active, as she will be making an exact trine to freedom-loving Uranus. However, more importantly, when traveling through the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, the goddess of decadence prefers to invest her time and energy into people, places, and things that will benefit in the long run. Commitment and stability are her main priorities. Now, in addition to the Uranian shock factor, this exhilarating Venus-Uranus synergy is here to help us break free from relationships, commitments, and professional responsibilities that have been keeping us stagnant. This could also shed light on the superficialities—namely, those surrounding career and reputation—that could be stifling your intimate unions. Where have you been choosing power over genuine bliss? What have you been trying to prove to others, while simultaneously neglecting yourself? You are worthy of love, and emotional fulfillment. FYI: Venus enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase on this day, so expect similar themes to come back around during the retrograde cycle. Sitting in a penetrating sextile to Mars, this is an opportunity for us to take a good hard look at our value systems, in order to act on next steps.

As I previously mentioned, there is no need to overthink the possible scenarios. Surrender to the divine, and open your heart to this beautiful new chapter.

Your emotional, financial, and spiritual investments are being highlighted this eclipse season, Aries. Activating your stability-seeking second house of comfort, money, and value systems, this month’s full moon lunar eclipse is presenting you with an opportunity to take a closer look at everything from your gains to your shared resources. Who will you embark on this brand new journey with? With a stellium of planets hovering over your eighth house of joint ventures, there is a desire to merge, whether it be personally and/or professionally. Although, with Venus dazzling your tenth house of prestige and notoriety, chances are this has something to do with work. Some of you may learn about an inheritance under your name, perhaps even from a feminine (Venus) energy. Venus’ trine to Uranus adds an exciting layer of shock to the equation, so expect the unexpected. Full Moon Reflection: How has your sense of security evolved in the past six months? Have your career moves influenced this area of your life?


This month’s highly anticipated lunar eclipse has your name on it, which means it’s time to level up, Taurus. Everything from your physical identity to your sense of self will be highlighted under these potent lunar rays, but with the sun in Scorpio, there is also emphasis on your one-on-one relationships. Fully committing to your partnerships is easier said than done, especially with change-maker Uranus inspiring you to step into your most authentic self. Don’t get it twisted—your freedom is definitely a priority, but you’re still intrigued by the potential of a magnetic connection. Embracing your truth brings great success. Speaking of which, Venus’ transit through your exotic ninth house of faith, adventure, publishing, and worldly pursuits is bestowing you with an opportunity to successfully venture into unknown territory, and follow your individual path. Venus’ trine to Uranus is equally as unconventional as it is innovative. You are your own brand.  Full Moon Reflection: What’s coming full circle for you in your personal & professional life? How can you solidify your long-term visions?


Gemini, when was the last time you got some rest, or took a day off to do absolutely nothing? An inspiring lunar eclipse will touch down on your unconscious twelfth house of closure, dreams, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, bringing great emphasis to themes surrounding your mental, physical, and spiritual well being. Your relationship with spirit and the divine will also be highlighted during this time. Although, with a stellium of planets—including your planetary ruler, Mercury—transiting through your responsible sixth house of wellness, work routine, and acts of service, taking a step from the grind is easier said than done. On that note, your life behind closed doors—namely, how you deal with daily pressure points—will be illuminated under these lunar rays. Meanwhile, Venus’ transit through your eighth house of mergers brings forth the opportunity to collaborate, and ask a significant other for the support you need. Take some well-deserved time for yourself, and recharge your energy. Full Moon Reflection: How can you spend more time with yourself without feeling guilt? What self-sabotaging patterns are you ready to release? 


Slow and steady, but trust that you’re onto something, Cancer. This month’s lunar eclipse in Taurus will touch down on your freedom-loving eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, highlighting everything from your future aspirations and social status. Although, with its ruler, Venus, dazzling your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, chances are an exciting partnership and/or collaboration will soon be in the works. More importantly, you’re being granted an opportunity to mingle and connect with like-minded groups of individuals, who share similar hopes and dreams. In the meantime, the sun will continue to glimmer through your fifth house of fame, passion, romance, and self-expression which, in turn, inspires you to take the stage. Whether it be romantically and/or professionally, this is your time to shine. It’s time to surround yourself with people who honor you, and your sparkling authenticity. Full Moon Reflection: Are you connected to trustworthy individuals? How has your social life evolved in the past six months?


Take back your power, Leo. November’s full moon lunar eclipse will ignite your prestigious tenth house  of ambition, career, notoriety, and sense of authority, bringing similar themes full circle. This is the most public sector in your birth chart, but with your planetary ruler—the sun—transiting through your fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional foundations, you’re also preoccupied with everything that’s going on in the home front. You might even be contemplating a big career move, in hopes of building upon your sense of security. The good news is, working towards your financial successes and career goals brings you great pleasure, thanks to Venus’ transit through your responsible sixth house of wellness, daily rituals, and acts of service. The planet of love will also trine Uranus, so expect the unexpected when it comes to your business ventures, and reputation in the world. Never say never, especially those of you working tirelessly on a talent and/or skill you’ve been keeping under wraps. Full Moon Reflection: What is your ideal occupation & professional scenario? How can you innovate & revolutionize your daily tasks?


You are destined for greatness, Virgo. Ready or not, this month’s full moon lunar eclipse will illuminate your expansive ninth house of wisdom, entrepreneurship, and worldly ventures, bringing forth the opportunity to materialize your long-term goals. Growth, progress, and adventure await you, despite your tight grasp on the familiar. This is especially true with the sun, Mercury, and Mars sizzling through your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate environment. Although, some of you are more than likely strategizing your next move behind the scenes. Single? Amidst Venus’ journey through your romantic fifth house of affection, fame, creativity, and self-expression, you’re looking for the butterflies… but you still mean business. An inspiring trine to Uranus, however, could catch you off guard in the best way, whether it be romantically and/or artistically. The inspiration you seek is closer than you think, but it may require you to step outside of your comfort zone. Full Moon Reflection: How can you go the distance with your passion projects? What quenches your curiosity?


You’re in the midst of a significant metamorphosis, Libra. A full moon lunar eclipse will activate your transformative eighth house of mergers, sexuality, inheritances, and shared resources, bringing something in your personal life to fruition. Single or already attached, this likely surrounds matters of home and family, given Venus’ transit through your domestic fourth house of innermost feelings, emotional foundations, and your humble abode. Are you ready to seal the deal? Perhaps some of you will decide to move in with a significant other, or invest in something together as a couple. Venus—your planetary ruler—will form an inspiring trine to Uranus in your eighth house of mergers, so don’t be afraid to share your eccentricities with your partner. Maybe it’s in regard to your home decor, or the secret traditions you have with close relatives. It’s important to nurture your personal freedom in the process, as opposed to neglecting everything you’ve obtained on your own terms. Full Moon Reflection: How can you hold space for your partner’s values, without losing sight of your own? Are you open to the idea of merging both worlds?


You’re stepping into a brand new phase, Scorpio. This is especially true when it comes to your one-on-one connections, as this month’s full moon lunar eclipse will ignite your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. Single? With change-maker Uranus revolutionizing this area of your chart, chances are you’re not going for your ‘usual’ type. In fact, the more unconventional and thrilling, the more it intrigues you. Meanwhile, others of you could feel a strong desire to break free from partnerships that are stifling your freedom and emotional fulfillment, whether it be personally or professionally. Bottom line? You’re long overdue a revamp in this area of your life, and it’s for your highest good. Granted, committing to a significant other is easier said than done with the sun, Mercury, and Mars conjugating in your sign. Fortunately, Venus’ harmonious transit through your communication sector brings forth the opportunity to connect, vibe, and put your desires into words. Full Moon Reflection: Are you and your significant other(s) on the same path? Which connection(s) is actually worthy of your investment?


Despite your desire for adventure, you really value simplicity when it comes to your day-to-day grind, Sagittarius. If anything, this gives you an opportunity to travel more often, right? You’re in luck as November’s full moon lunar eclipse will illuminate your responsible sixth house of health, due diligence, daily rituals, and acts of service, bringing everything from your work routine to your usual modus operandi to the forefront. Keep in mind, the sun continues to roam through your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, hidden agendas, and unconscious patterns, so you could be preoccupied with your life behind the scenes. Nevertheless, this potent lunation is presenting you with an opportunity to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Your growth will require a significant amount of change in your life, and the same goes for your finances. Fortunately, with the help of Venus—glimmering through your stability-seeking second house of comfort, money, and value systems—you’re also taking a closer look at your investments. Full Moon Reflection: Where is the majority of your energy going? Do these activities align with your goals & general fulfillment?


Your authenticity is your superpower, Capricorn. And in case you weren’t already aware of your unique lure, this month’s full moon lunar eclipse will touch down on your fifth house of affection, creativity, passion, and self-expression. Whether it be romantically and/or artistically speaking, this powerful lunation will shed light on everything from your creative talents to your heart’s desires. Keep in mind, with the sun, Mercury, and Mars glimmering through your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, a part of you could feel guarded and/or secretive about your passion projects, or perhaps uncertain as to whether you should share the good news with your soul tribe. Keep your balance and expect the unexpected, as Venus will form an exhilarating trine to rebel Uranus in the process. Your individual hobbies may or may not match the “status quo,” but people’s opinions of you are none of your business. Besides, there’s no such thing as a world without secret taboos. Full Moon Reflection: What’s holding you back from embracing your vivaciousness? What inspiring projects are you currently working on?


You’re breaking patterns, and generational curses, Aquarius. There’s a new sheriff in town, and you’re ready to build your own foundation, despite how unconventional and/or taboo-like. This is especially true with this month’s full moon lunar eclipse glimmering through the lowest point of your chart, as it governs your innermost feelings, family affairs, and emotional foundations. On another note, with the sun sizzling through your ambitious tenth house of career, authority, and sense of belonging in the world, there is great emphasis on themes surrounding your career ventures, public persona, and sense of authority in the world, which challenges you to cultivate balance between your personal vs. professional life. Nevertheless, whether it be your literal living space and/or family dynamic, this lunation is ushering in significant change, especially when it comes to your emotional stability. Full Moon Reflection: What does an emotionally fulfilling life look like to you? How can you integrate these internal shifts with your reputation in the world?


You never know who you’re going to run into, so stay open to the possibilities, Pisces. In the meantime, this year’s full moon lunar eclipse will illuminate your local third house of communication, thought process, immediate exchanges, and community affairs, bringing significant transformation to themes surrounding everything from your mindset, to your ability to connect with others. Keep in mind, with the sun, Mars, and Mercury glimmering through your expansive ninth house of wisdom, belief systems, and worldly ventures, you’re also driven by the intrigue that comes with venturing into the unknown. Others of you may be incredibly passionate about your religious views and/or spiritual beliefs, and yet opening your heart and mind to different perspectives. Your long-term goals and personal development is also being highlighted, but the good news is, Venus will also bring abundance and prosperity to your eleventh house of society. Your friendship groups, network connections, and sense of belonging in the world will peak during this time. Full Moon Reflection: What are you secretly wishing for? How can you expand your network & invest more on your social connections?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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