Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Pisces Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (March 13, 2021)

Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Pisces Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (March 13, 2021)

Posted by Val Mesa on

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You made it; you survived not one but two inconceivably long winter seasons. We have arrived, and we’ve never been more prepared. And as if this wasn’t already enough reason to spring forward into Aries season with confidence and clarity, the cosmos are bestowing us with one of the most whimsical lunations we’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. As you may already know, the new moon phase is symbolic of new beginnings, as it marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. Every month Mother Moon and Father Sun meet at the exact same degree of a zodiac sign and in turn, present us with a fresh new start. The sun is a symbol of the sacred masculine, let alone our greatest source of energy; the moon is a representation of the divine feminine, speaking to our innermost feelings, emotional foundations, and shadow world. Who are you in the dark? Or perhaps I should say, who are you in the dark moon phase? When both of these luminaries join forces and become one, there is an immense amount of fertility that comes along with it. Keep in mind, the sun is equivalent to the ego and your identity in the physical dimension, while the moon governs your sense of nurture and innerworld. Meanwhile, the zodiac sign where they meet will determine the  essence of this fertility and more importantly, the area of life where we’re most capable of manifesting. This cosmic channel and divine portal occurs when the moon sits between the earth and sun, and the sun casts its ever-burning rays on the dark side of the moon.

Vanishing into the infinite sky on March 13 at 5:21 a.m. EST, in the mystical sign of Neptune-ruled Pisces—a symbol of faith, transcendence, release, and surrender—everything about this new moon is guiding us towards our divine mission, and in more ways than you can fathom. Just to give you some context, think about how much we’ve evolved, individually and collectively, since March of last year. And with Uranus transiting through Taurus—a symbol of Mother Earth—all the while clashing with Saturn in Aquarius, it’s safe to say we’ve had our fair share of quantum leaps, and cataclysmic awakenings in the process. Needless to say, whether it be mentally, spiritually, or in terms of our multidimensionality, this year’s new moon in Pisces is encouraging us to continue vibrating at a higher frequency, but there’s more. In the meantime, however, check where 23 degrees of Pisces is located on your birth chart; this is where you’re being guided to rise to the occasion, and follow your soul path. And though there’s no such thing as coincidences in astrology, there’s a sense of fatedness with this new moon, and it has everything to do with Pisces’ zodiac archetype. In fact, simply recognizing that this lunation will conjunct Pisces’ ruler, Neptune, and harmony-seeking Venus exalting via these mutable waters, is more than enough said. Compassionate, spiritual, and emotionally fluid, something significant is being released before we can be reborn again in the spring. Something else to remember is, dreamy Neptune is a representation of your higher self; it dissolves the boundaries between heaven and earth. This is a spiritual reboot, in every way.

Energetically, this could feel overwhelming if you’re not grounded in your physical body, so it’s important to be gentle with yourself, and your sacred temple. Warning: Neptune/Pisces is also symbolic of escapism and delusions, so be very mindful of what you’re ingesting and putting your physical body through. Substance abuse is highly detrimental. Moreover, this new moon will be in harmony with smoldering Pluto, bringing forth a supportive amount of catharsis, empowerment, and transformation. Remember, Pluto is the planet of rebirth, regeneration, and your subconscious shadow, and in an aspect to dreamy Neptune, it continues to emphasize the soul metamorphosis that’s about to take place. And though what we experience at a soul level ultimately reflects onto the physical dimension, this energy is completely visceral. If you’re familiar with cleansing and clearing rituals, this would be an excellent time to work your magic. On another note, if you’ve been feeling victimized by lower frequencies, energy vampires, and spiritual clutter, you will realize it more than ever during this new moon. Having said that, your higher self is already working in your favor and in true Piscean fashion, all you have to do is surrender. Letting go and letting God is the theme of this lunation but what’s even more refreshing about this is, the Lord of the Underworld is bestowing you with the strength to shed your snake skin, and rise like the Phoenix. Don’t hold onto the past just because it’s comfortable; it’s time to liberate yourself from toxic entanglements. The universe is working overtime for you, but now it’s your turn to take a leap of faith.

Read your new moon horoscope and mantra below:


Rest and recharge, Aries. This year’s new moon in Pisces will touch down on your solitude-seeking twelfth house of unconscious patterns, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, bringing you a well-deserved and very-much-needed spiritual reboot. The thought of surrender, of course, is easier said than done with your planetary ruler, Mars, igniting your third house of communication and thought process—hence the constant mental buzz—but this transit is encouraging you to lean on your peers for support in the process. Do take as much time as you need to reflect on your next move, especially if you’re feeling called to let go of something that no longer serves you. New Moon Mantra: When I surrender to the universe, I step into my power.


The way you express your unique individuality has a lot to do with your community, Taurus. And despite whether or not you’ve outgrown a few friends these past couple of years, this Neptune-ruled lunation is bringing significant new beginnings to themes surrounding your hopes, future visions, and sense of belonging in the world. Keep in mind, with both Saturn and Mercury shaking up your career sector, focusing on your place in society is hardly an easy task, but keeping a healthy balance is key. Fortunately, with audacious Mars lighting up your sensually driven second house of finances and value systems, chances are you’re thriving in your professional life and snagging that money bag. Nevertheless, make sure your soul is also in it to win it. New Moon Mantra: My higher self is guided by love, not fear.


Are you ready for your close-up, Gemini? This year’s new moon in Pisces will illuminate your public tenth house of ambition, authority, career, and legacy in the world, encouraging you to reach for the stars in terms of your professional life. Who says you can’t make your wildest dreams come true? Given that your planetary ruler, Mercury, is also sitting alongside serious Saturn in your expansive ninth house of experience, wisdom, and unknown territory, the journey to your new beginning will likely revolve around education, self-discovery, and a leap of faith. Meanwhile, with go-getter Mars lighting a fire in your sign, you have the drive, endurance, and stamina to move forward with confidence, and clarity. Keep your eyes on the prize, and follow your dreams. New Moon Mantra: When I honor my soul’s truth, I am recognized for it.


Indulge in the magic of your daydreams, and future visions, Cancer. A magical new moon will ignite your expansive ninth house of adventure, expansion, experience, wisdom, and unknown territory, bringing pivotal new beginnings to themes surrounding your personal brand, long-term goals, and soul path. Given that this lunation will also conjunct romantic Venus, and sextile Pluto in your committed seventh house of significant others, your leap of faith and new beginning could very well revolve around a new lover, possibly even a soulmate coming forth. Mars—the ruler of your amorous fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure—is currently transiting your unconscious twelfth house of karma and secrets, suggesting the possibility of this fantasy-like love story. New Moon Mantra: I have everything I need within me to move forward.


Don’t be afraid of your vulnerability, Leo. On the contrary, this lunation will touch down on your erotic eighth house of intimate unions, joint collaborations, soulmate connections, and energetic exchanges, encouraging you to heal, merge, and release simultaneously. This could be financially, spiritually, and/or sexually, so open your heart to the process. Your higher self is taking the wheel, and the cosmos is asking you to go inward. This is especially significant to consider with Saturn and Mercury activating your committed seventh house of relationships and significant others, because in order to completely merge with another mind, body, and soul, you need to be able to fully  trust. Do you trust yourself? New Moon Mantra: The security I seek lies in my ability to accept, not control.


You can have more than one soulmate, Virgo. And this year’s new moon in Pisces will ignite your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships, significant others, and business collaborations, bringing significant new beginnings to your key partnerships. Keep in mind, Neptunian energy is incredibly fluid, so be sure to set the necessary boundaries—you’re going to thank me later. Fortunately, with Saturn and your planetary ruler, Mercury, shaking up your responsible sixth house of due diligence, you have the discipline and structure to make this happen, so don’t hesitate to sort out the details before moving forward. The key is to stay grounded in your individuality, despite what your personal and/or professional partner has to say. New Moon Mantra: My spiritual growth starts with self-acceptance.


When you daydream about the perfect day, what does it look like, Libra? Given that the new moon will touch down on your dutiful sixth house of health habits, daily rituals, and day-to-day routines, you’re being given the opportunity to refresh your current modus operandi. As you probably already know, your success is a reflection of your daily rituals, so what’s it going to be? Fortunately for you, your darling planetary ruler is also in this area of your birth chart, encouraging you to do everything from sprucing up your work space to splurging in a new pair of yoga pants. Have fun! This is especially true with both Mercury and Saturn shaking up your fifth house of authenticity, asking you to reflect on whether or not your current lifestyle is actually bringing you joy. New Moon Mantra: When I follow my heart, I set my spirit free.


Indulge in your vivid fantasies, Scorpio. This year’s new moon in your sister sign, Pisces, will highlight your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, bestowing you with a much-needed reset and mystical muse.  Whether it be romantically or artistically speaking, this is an opportunity for you to bask in the magic that sets your soul on fire. Things could certainly intensify now that your red-hot ruler, Mars, is transiting through your erotic eighth house of intimacy, sexual chemistry, and soulmate connections, but even then it’s important to be mindful of your energetic exchanges, as Neptune knows no boundaries. Make sure you’re taking your mergers for exactly who, and what they are. New Moon Mantra: When I indulge in my passions, I feel the most alive.


Cleanse, clear, and call upon your ancestors for guidance, Sagittarius. A magical new moon will shake up your domestic fourth house of home, family, innermost feelings, and soul foundations, bringing significant new beginnings to themes surrounding your roots, living space, and sense of stability. If you’re in the mood for an early round of spring cleaning, this would be an excellent time to declutter and burn sage. After all, your environment is a reflection of your inner world, and vice versa. And with Mercury and Saturn in your third house of communication and siblings, perhaps it’s an opportunity for you to ask questions about your ancestry line, and family tree. New Moon Mantra: When I honor my innermost feelings, I hold space for ancestral healing.


Are you afraid of having heart-to-heart discussions, Capricorn? Perhaps this involves the relationship you have with a sibling, or a belief system instilled in you as a young age, this year’s new moon in Pisces will shake up your chatty third house of communication, thought process, and immediate networks, will bring healing and significant new beginnings to this area of your life. Ironically enough, with Mercury and your planetary ruler, Saturn, lighting up your second house of finances and sense of security, these conversations could very well revolve around something you truly value, and/or find comfort in. Moreover, themes revolving around forgiveness could also come up during this time. Self-compassion is self-love. New Moon Mantra: Only I can choose how to perceive a situation.


What does wealth mean to you, Aquarius? The new moon in Pisces will ignite your stability-seeking second house of finances, possessions, value systems, and sense of security, bringing powerful new beginnings to your idea of luxury, and perhaps shed light on talents you mysteriously possess that could potentially help you earn a living. More importantly, themes surrounding abundance and self-worth are bound to come up for review and in turn, remind you to love yourself unconditionally. And as strange as this sounds, the energy you surround yourself with, not to mention the burdens you carry deeply embedded in your psyche, reflect onto everything from your money-making abilities to your sense of worth. New Moon Mantra: I am whole when I can be unapologetically myself.

This one’s got your name on it, Pisces. And as if this wasn’t enough synchronicity, this is also one of the most magical lunations we’ve experienced in quite some time. Hovering over your mutable waters, alongside the sun, Venus, and your dreamy planetary ruler, Neptune, Luna is blessing you with a clean slate, and cosmic reset from the heavens. Everything from your first impression on others to your dreams that are larger-than-life itself will be highlighted during this celestial event. Meanwhile, Mars is also igniting your domestic fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, invigorating you with the bold courage to move forward on your new moon journey. What’s next? It’s time to show the world what you’re really made of. New Moon Mantra: I choose to radiate authenticity, and stand in my power.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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