Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Virgo Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (Feb. 27, 2021)

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Virgo Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign (Feb. 27, 2021)

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Your Full Moon In Virgo Horoscope & Reflection, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Sort out your priorities, and pull yourself together. Despite whether or not you feel personally victimized by the undeniable chaos stemming from February’s astro weather—considering more than half of the planets were simultaneously transiting through a stubbornly fixed and rebellious air sign—the month will end on a deeply healing and purifying note, thanks to this year’s full moon in Virgo. Glimmering across the night sky on Saturday, February 27 at 3:17 a.m. EST, this Mercury-ruled lunation will not only mark the end of the winter season, but also bestow the collective with some well-deserved clarity before heading into spring. Seems like the inevitable after the year we had no choice but to endure but 2021 kicked off at full speed, and February wasn’t too far behind. In addition to the elemental imbalance of this month’s new moon—when the sun, moon, Mercury retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pallas gathered via Aquarius’ fixed territory, squaring both Mars and Uranus in Taurus—we had the first of three squares between Saturn and Uranus, as it will happen again in June and December.

One of this year’s most significant transits, the tension between Father Time and the Great Awakener couldn’t be more straightforward. A stellar scientist and cosmic pioneer, Uranus is symbolic of breakthroughs, chaos, disruption, freedom, innovation, and unexpected change. Meanwhile, structured Saturn represents authority, boundaries, establishments, and traditions. Needless to say, when both of these planets meet at a 90 degree angle, we experience tension between the two energies both individually and collectively. In this particular case, we’re referring to Saturn in Aquarius which is symbolic of the masses and collective order, while Uranus in Taurus refers to themes surrounding value systems and the relationship we have with Mother Earth. As you can imagine, this has everything to do with the power outage and water crisis that’s happening in Texas. Although, the irony of it all is the World Health Organization labeled COVID-19 as a pandemic around the same time last year, just a few days before the full moon in Virgo. As always, there’s no such thing as coincidences especially in astrology, but you already knew that.

The full moon phase is symbolic of the harvest, as it is the celebratory phase in the lunar cycle. And in typical Pisces fashion, the divine synchronicities of this lunation are ever-present. First, the term “harvest” doesn’t only resonate with this lunar phase, it also embodies Virgo’s zodiac archetype. In Greek mythology, Virgo is associated with the goddess of the harvest Persephone, but there’s more. Practical, productive, and efficient, Virgo’s mutable earth thrives when it can indulge in the tedious process. Mastering a unique skill that brings tangible results—that can be analyzed, dissected, and measured—is Virgo’s celestial mission.  Governed by the savvy messenger planet Mercury, the planet of the mind, cognition, communication, and interpretation, Virgo can be just as versatile as it is grounded. And though the foundation of Mercury revolves around communication, Virgo’s mercurial essence takes it deeper. For instance, Gemini is also governed by Mercury but it processes information and relays messages via its mutable air—mentally and logically. The magic of Virgo’s mutable earth, however, is symbolic of the synergy that takes place between the mind, body, and soul. 

Sitting at exactly 8 degrees Virgo, this lunation is unique especially when we compare it to last month’s supercharged full moon. And since the sun sits directly opposite the moon during the full moon phase, the energy of Neptune-ruled Pisces inevitably comes to play. More importantly, the Sun will also be sitting in a sweet conjunction with Venus in dreamy Pisces, simultaneously bestowing us with a soft and soothing energy. As you may know, Pisces’ zodiac archetype has everything to do with surrender and this aspect is encouraging us to take a step back, and go with the flow. After all, when Venus swims through the depths of Pisces’ mutable waters, she prefers to indulge in dreams, downtime, and beauty sleep. Her charm comes to life via her deeply compassionate and ethereal-like nature, so don’t hesitate to soak in her heavenly bliss. Then again, with Luna sitting all by herself across the way in meticulous Virgo, you could feel as if you have something pending in terms of your tedious to-dos. And if you felt as though you weren’t able to keep up and/or complete your due diligence during Mercury retrograde, this lunation could bring you the clarity you never knew you needed.

Rest assured this could be an incredibly productive time if used wisely, but adding pressure won’t be necessary. In fact, with both the sun and Venus dreaming through Pisces, you may want to take a well-deserved break in between. Remember, Pisces’ mutable waters govern the subconscious which means this isn’t just an opportunity to physically decompress, but also recharge emotionally and spiritually. The essence of this water sign is also deeply private, so the desire to soak in long baths and indulge in your sweet solitude is almost inevitable. More importantly, full moons are a call for balance so if you’re suddenly experiencing tension between the desire to retreat vs. being productive, don’t be discouraged. This is precisely what the full moon phase is all about—finding harmony between the sacred masculine (sun) and the divine feminine (moon) frequencies within, and all around you. In the meantime, revolutionary Uranus will align with Mother Moon in a harmonious earth trine, adding a little something extra to your productivity levels in the process. And since Uranus is also transiting through an earth sign, themes revolving around stability and what’s practical may resurface at lightning speed. 

This is something else to look forward to after the hectic retrograde cycle we just experienced. The good news is, all planets are now direct and they’re leading us towards exciting new beginnings. On the dark side, there are a couple of things that need to be restructured and recognized, and it’s all thanks to the square between serious Saturn and change-maker Uranus. So in the midst of tending to your to-dos and squeezing in a little shut-eye, it’s important to not lose sight of the bigger picture which in this case has everything to do with stepping into your authenticity, and looking towards the future. As always, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and the celestial ruler of this lunation is now direct in Aquarius, alongside Jupiter and Saturn. Last but certainly not least, the Virgo-Pisces axis fuses the elements earth and water, which are expressed via our physical and spiritual reality. How can you tap into higher states of consciousness, and integrate its power with your human experience? Little by little, you’re making the changes that need to be made in order to align with your soul’s truth. Happy full moon.

Read your full moon horoscope and reflection according to your zodiac sign below:


Level up, Aries. Glimmering over your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, this Mercury-ruled lunation is a culmination of the seeds you’ve been diligently planting these last six months. And with the messenger planet sitting alongside Jupiter and Saturn via your experimental eleventh house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world, this isn’t only an opportunity for you to cultivate a divine balance between your mind, body, and soul, but also a chance to reunite with your soul tribe. Whether it be personally and/or professionally speaking, Mother Moon says it’s time to get to hands on with your soul mission, despite how much you’d prefer to stay put in your comfort zone. This is especially true with your planetary ruler Mars igniting your security-seeking second house of value systems, so don’t let this stifle your momentum. Full Moon Reflection: How has your day-to-day lifestyle evolved in the last six months? Is your current routine aligned with your soul mission? 


The things that bring you joy are being highlighted but it’s up to you to bring them to fruition, Taurus. Just in time to start living your best life, the full moon will touch down on your affectionate fifth house of creativity, infatuation, love, musings, passion, and pleasure, so don’t hesitate to wear your big heart on your sleeve. Rekindling your inner fire and/or the relationship with your inner child is key during this Mercury-ruled full moon. And with the sun and your planetary ruler Venus sitting across the way via your experimental eleventh house of associations, friendships, community, and society, there’s plenty of room to express your love, talents, and skills with the masses. Finding the sacred equilibrium between your divine frequency and sense of belonging in the world is key. In the meantime, Mercury—the ruler of this lunation—will be sitting alongside Jupiter and Saturn in your career sector, challenging you to integrate your personal and social life with your reputation in the world. Full Moon Reflection: How can you cultivate your inner humanitarian, build upon your passion projects, and experiment in your career?


Hold space for your innermost feelings and soul family, Gemini. A purifying full moon in Virgo will light up your karmic fourth house of home, family, ancestors, living space, and definition of stability, bringing closure and clarity to themes surrounding your emotional foundation and sense of security. And with Mercury—your celestial ruler and the heavenly body leading this full moon—shaking up your expansive ninth house of education, faith, experience, philosophy, and unknown territory, you could either decide to find a completely different place to reside or perhaps reconnect with kindred souls, and/or those who inspire you to live your truth. In the meantime, however, finding a healthy balance between your personal and professional life is key. This is especially true with both the sun and Venus shaking up your career sector, not to mention via an all-encompassing zodiac sign like Pisces. Boundaries are necessary. Full Moon Reflection: What’s your self-care ritual like? How can you continue exploring your inner world without losing sight of the bigger picture?


Turn your attention towards your immediate circles and communication style, Cancer. The full moon in Virgo will shake up your intellectually savvy third house of exchanges, conversations, and local networks, bringing themes revolving around a significant partnership and/or energetic exchange to fruition. For reference, think back to the new moon in Virgo that took place in September 2020. Whether it be something in regards to the words you write or the way you’ve been expressing yourself, be mindful of the relationships that are simultaneously being affected. The full moon’s ruler Mercury will be sitting alongside Jupiter-Saturn, and in your erotic eighth house of intimacy, joint collaborations, shared resources, and soulmate connections, which means your time and energy are being highlighted. More importantly, with both the sun and Venus hovering over your visionary ninth house adventure, you’re being called to explore your horizons in the process. Full Moon Reflection: How can you continue to invest towards the future without neglecting your immediate environment?


Take a closer look at your value systems, Leo. A full moon in Virgo will touch down on your security-seeking second house of finances, possessions, values, money-making abilities, and sense of security, bringing closure and clarity to everything from your definition of stability to the way you earn a living. And with your majestic planetary ruler (the sun) sitting alongside luscious Venus in your erotic eighth house of intimacy, joint collaborations, energetic exchanges, and soul-to-soul connections, themes surrounding the value of your partnerships will more than likely be highlighted. More importantly, with the full moon’s planetary ruler Mercury shaking up your committed seventh house of relationships, this could also have something to do with you and/or your significant other’s ability to compromise. The relationship you have with your inner resources and material possessions could also come up for review. Full Moon Reflection: How can you invest in yourself without losing sight of your intimate partnerships, and vice versa?


Happy full moon, Virgo dear. Mother Moon is glimmering through the night sky in your name, and themes surrounding your sense of self and your one-on-one relationships will be of focus. Although, in the midst of soaking in Luna’s mystical rays and basking in your shadow magic, the sun and Venus will be conjugating via your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships and significant others. And despite whether or not something in your personal life comes to fruition, it’s important to reflect on the ways you’ve been holding space for yourself and your wellbeing. This is especially true with the moon’s ruler Mercury sitting alongside Jupiter and Saturn in your orderly sixth house of health, daily rituals, and due diligence. Perhaps you’ve been focusing too much on others, as opposed to prioritizing your personal freedom. Nevertheless, this is an opportunity for you to nurture your individual process along with your personal aesthetic. Full Moon Reflection: Are you as dedicated to yourself as you are to others? What have you learned about yourself these last few months?


Take a second for yourself, Libra. The full moon in scrupulous Virgo will touch down on your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, karma, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, bringing themes surrounding your solitude and spiritual well being to fruition. Sacrifices and the areas of your life where you’re the most selfless are bound to come up for review during this time, especially if you haven’t been getting enough rest. More importantly, with the sun and your planetary ruler Venus lighting up your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, and due diligence, finding the sacred equilibrium between your mind, body, and soul is key. The essence of Virgo is detail oriented and on the dark side, overcritical. That said, check in with yourself and find time to decompress before adding unnecessary pressure. Significant information revolving around your health habits and daily routine will be illuminated. Full Moon Reflection: How do you tune into your higher self? Do your daily rituals align with your soul’s frequency?


There’s no such thing as an individual without a community, Scorpio. And in the midst of the sun igniting your heart-centered fifth house of love, authenticity, creativity, and self expression, the full moon in Virgo will highlight your socially conscious eleventh house of associations, community, friendship, and sense of belonging in the world. And since the full moon phase is a call for balance, this is an opportunity for you to create a happy medium between your relationship with the masses vs. your most authentic self. This is especially true with the full moon’s ruler Mercury lighting up your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, which also encourages you to connect with your friends and peers in a deeper way. Perhaps childhood memories of your relationships and/or family dynamics played a significant role in your social life. Something’s coming to light. Full Moon Reflection: Are you your most authentic self when surrounded by friends? Do your innermost feelings align with your social life?


Your mind is working overtime, Sagittarius. And though the full moon in Virgo will touch down on your ambitious tenth house of authority, career, legacy, and reputation in the world, there are a series of astrological aspects to consider simultaneously. First, with both the sun and Venus igniting your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, themes surrounding everything from your innermost feelings to your literal living space could be top of mind, while the moon shifts your focus towards professional matters. Meanwhile, with the moon’s ruler Mercury lighting up your intellectually driven third house of communication, this suggests that important career conversations and/or your network of peers is suddenly under the spotlight. Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to develop a new skill, or learn something that could benefit you from a professional standpoint. Full Moon Reflection: How can you show up for yourself and work towards your professional legacy simultaneously?


Your personal philosophy is being put under a magnifying glass, Capricorn. And despite whether or not you believe in a particular faith, the full moon in Virgo will highlight your exotic ninth house of adventure, experience, wisdom, and unknown territory, bringing closure and clarity to your current outlook on life. Having said that, something revolving around your individual belief system and how you’ve been cultivating that is coming up for review. Given that Virgo is symbolic of the mind and your divine mission, this could very well revolve around entrepreneurship, media, and/or publishing. The moon’s ruler Mercury will also sit alongside Jupiter and Saturn in your security-seeking second house of value systems, encouraging you to take a closer look at your money-making abilities, spending habits, and unique talents in the process. In the meantime, with the sun and Venus shaking up your third house of immediate networks, you might even catch yourself off guard when considering a point-of-view, especially if you were reluctant to do it at first. Full Moon Reflection: How are you indulging in the fruits of your labor? If it’s not about the money, what is really about?


Is the investment worth it, Aquarius? The full moon will touch down on your erotic eighth house of intimacy, joint collaborations, shared resources, and soulmate connections, highlighting the value of a significant partnership and/or energetic exchange. And with the sun and Venus shaking up your security-seeking seventh house of finances, possessions, and sense of stability, you could suddenly find yourself experiencing a tug-of-war between your mergers vs. your desired solo ventures, especially if there’s money involved. Meanwhile, with the moon’s ruler Mercury sitting alongside Jupiter and Saturn in your twelfth house of dreams, you could have a sudden epiphany about a significant other, or perhaps begin to reflect on your ability to trust. Truth is, this is a big year for you, and a lot of inspiration will come along with it. Nevertheless, this inevitably puts your unions under a magnifying glass, so make sure you’re being honest with yourself. Full Moon Mantra: Do your intimate partnerships and energetic exchanges coincide with your individual freedom?


Relationships are a work in progress, Pisces. And in true Virgoan fashion, the full moon will ignite your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships and significant others, putting a microscope on themes that revolve around your ability to compromise and share the spotlight. This is especially significant to consider with both the sun and Venus transiting through your sign at the moment, while Luna overpowers your one-on-ones. And though this makes you naturally prone to indulging in your sensual delights and hogging all the attention, you can’t help but reflect on the way others have been perceiving you these last couple of months. Given that the moon’s ruler is also lighting up your twelfth house of unconscious patterns, you could suddenly see yourself via a completely different set of lenses, but deeply illuminating nonetheless. No need to be hard on yourself, especially during your birthday season. Consider this a learning experience for your new journey around the sun. Full Moon Reflection: How can you dedicate more time to working on yourself, and still make time to nurture your relationships?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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