Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Libra (Oct. 16, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Libra (Oct. 16, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

art by: @midnightmoonvisuals

Your New Moon in Libra Horoscope & Mantra, According To Your Zodiac Sign

October has arrived, and everything about the current astrology—namely, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto direct in Capricorn, Mars retrograde in Aries, and Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, not to mention all leading up to the 2020 elections—means it’s no holds barred. There is a collective rebirth happening as we speak, but before we can officially step into this long-awaited new beginning, we must first endure the birthing process, which is never easy. Truth be told, this month’s new moon in Libra could feel nothing short of contradicting, especially when referring to a sign that’s symbolic of justice, harmony, and the sacred connection between the divine feminine and sacred masculine. However, the powerful transits taking place during this lunation are foreshadowing something equally unexpected, as it is radical. Change is the only thing that’s constant, and in order for us to collectively navigate through the residual chaos stemming from these ancient wounds, there needs to be balance.

New moons mark the beginning of a brand new lunar cycle; this occurs when the sun and the moon meet at the exact same degree of a zodiac sign, which in this case is Libra. Vanishing into the night on Oct. 16 at 23 degrees of this Venus-ruled cardinal air sign, the foundation of this lunation revolves around peace, equality, justice, and harmony. Granted, this will be difficult to accomplish while sitting directly opposite of Mars retrograde, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. It’s also really powerful seeing how Mars will be sitting across a Venus-ruled sign all the while retrograding through its sign of rulership, Aries. Despite being comprised of both of the divine feminine and sacred masculine energies, Mars retrograde is challenging us to go inward in order to fully internalize the breakthrough taking place. This goes beyond gender archetypes, but this is no longer a man’s world. 

There’s enough room for the divine feminine and sacred masculine to thrive, as long as the balance is being restored. And thanks to Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, the collective is no longer in vibrational alignment to toxic systems, and previously-set structures, that are based on gender. On the contrary, these low frequencies have no place in the new paradigms we’re shifting towards. With Mars retrograde in Aries, there’s an opportunity to reflect on everything from the way you assert yourself to the way you go after what you desire. With this in mind, it’s important to practice discernment during this time, especially since it’s so easy to fall into the same patterns when you’re not being conscious of your actions. Mars is the planet of action, energy, aggression, but it’s time to reflect on the meaning of these themes before history continues to repeat itself. Balance is everything, and this is especially significant during the new moon.

Sitting in a square to Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto, while opposing Mars retrograde as it continues to square off with the same Capricorn stellium, the cardinal T-Square being activated continues to emphasize the new beginning that’s about to take place. And as Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto continues to destroy previously-set systems and patriarchal structures, Mars retrograde will slowly but surely re-ignite the fire. Meanwhile, with the new moon’s ruler Venus in Virgo, also forming a trine to these three heavenly bodies, there’s an opportunity to nurture ourselves and mother earth via the power of the divine feminine: intuition. New moons typically heighten intuitive and psychic abilities, and this new moon will be no exception. Sitting in opposition to boundless Neptune in Pisces, this trine to Venus is also here to help us cultivate the power of universal love.

Last but certainly not least, the new moon in Libra is governed by Venus in Virgo, which brings us to Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Important information is coming to light during this time, so in addition to following your intuition, make sure to keep an open mind. After all, the North Node in Gemini—which is where we’re headed collectively—is currently being fueled by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Gather the facts, reflect on the information you receive, and put things into perspective. There’s two sides to every story.

Read your new moon in Libra horoscope and mantra below:

photo by: @indg0


Being present, and holding space for others, goes a long way, Aries. Today’s new moon in Libra will ignite your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships, and interpersonal connections, bringing new beginnings to the foundation of a significant partnership. With the moon’s ruler Venus lighting up your orderly sixth house of details, this could revolve around a relationship in the workplace, or perhaps the one you have with yourself, especially in your day-to-day life. Mars is currently retrograde in your sign, so be mindful of the things that trigger your anger. With Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto shaking up your public 10th house of career, there’s really no escaping the scrutiny. Take the necessary precautions. New Moon Mantra: When I approach relationships with authenticity, diplomacy, and respect, I welcome in the harmony of divine equilibrium.


There’s a time and place for everything, Taurus. This year’s new moon in Libra will vanish through your responsible sixth house of health, daily duties, and acts of service, all the while sitting in opposition to Mars retrograde in your secretive 12th house of hidden agendas. And with the moon’s ruler—and your planetary ruler—Venus dazzling your fifth house of romance, and recreational activities, it’s important to reflect on the things you’ve been doing for fun, and whether or not it’s for your best interest. Venus’ opposition to Neptune hints at there being a lack of boundaries with a friendship, or community of people. Think about your future, and do what’s best. New Moon Mantra: Honoring the delicate balance of my daily rituals, and cultivating my relationship with time, is an equal manifestation of my future.


Express yourself, don’t repress yourself, Gemini. With the new moon in Libra igniting your flirtatious fifth house of romance, creativity, and self-expression, there’s a lovely opportunity for self-gratification. Whether you call it self-care or self-love, the moon’s ruler Venus will be dazzling your cozy fourth house of home, which has everything to do with your inner sanctuary, and emotional foundations. The square to Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in your eighth house of prior commitments could feel burdensome, but this simply proves there needs to be a healthy balance between what you give, and what you’re getting from it in return. Lean on your community, but remember who your true friends are. New Moon Mantra: My beautiful soul tribe is a reflection of my eclectic mind, childlike charm, and multidimensional spirit.


Take a mental health day, Cancer. This year’s new moon in Libra is activating your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional intelligence, all the while sitting across Mars retrograde in your ambitious 10th house of career. Tending to your personal life, and relationship with family, could seem like a foreign concept as of late, but nourishing our inner world should be equally important as your professional life, if not more so. The moon’s ruler Venus will also be shaking up your communication sector, which means it’s important to express yourself, even if that means taking a step back from your workload. Neptune on your ninth house of expansion reminds you to have faith in the future, and to follow your intuition. New Moon Mantra: The harmony of divine feminine and sacred masculine are in sync within me. 


Everything starts with intention, Leo. The new moon in Libra will touch down on your chatty third house of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges, bringing new beginnings to your local environment, and perspective. Sitting across Mars retrograde in your ninth house of future visions, while squaring off with Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn in your sixth house of daily due diligence, it might seem hard to depend on the future, especially when hardly anything makes sense, but this is why trusting the process is so important. And with the moon’s ruler Venus activating your pleasure-seeking second house of finances, you’re likely focusing on the money bag, which is all good as long as you’re inspired. New Moon Mantra: If I can visualize it, I can actualize it; infinity is a product of my perspective.


There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself, Virgo. This year’s new moon in Libra will ignite your pleasure-seeking second house of finances, comfort, money-making abilities, and sense of security, bringing new beginnings to your value system. Sitting in an opposition to Mars retrograde in your eighth house of prior commitments, however, could challenge your confidence levels, especially with regard to your unique talents, and sense of self-worth. Fortunately, with the moon’s ruler Venus traveling through your sign, all the while opposing Neptune in your partnership sector, there will be plenty of room for compassion, and unconditional love, but it all starts with you. So whether you decide to invest in a prized possession, to make things official with someone you fancy, don’t forget to check-in with yourself first. New Moon Mantra: When I cherish my unique charms, and hold space for my values, I validate my self-worth.


Happy new moon, Libra. This one has your name on it, but there are a few things to tackle first. In addition to sitting in opposition to Mars retrograde in your partnership sector, your planetary ruler, Venus, will be transiting your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, and hidden agendas. New beginnings are afoot, but perhaps not in the way you think. Sitting in a square to Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in your domestic fourth house of emotional experiences, you’re in the process of stepping into a brand new version of yourself, whether it be physically and/or emotionally. Everything from your individuality to the way you assert your passions will be coming up for review. Don’t overthink it, Libra. Nothing’s supposed to stay the same, and with Mercury retrograding through your second house of values, it’s about time you remember who you are. New Moon Mantra: I surrender to the ebb and flow of my soul journey—I trust it.


Make time for yourself, and your witchcraft, Scorpio. Just days before kicking off your birthday season, a mystical new moon will light up your 12th house of secrets, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes. Recharge your energy, and bask in your solitude. Getting your rest might feel somewhat challenging as of late, especially with Mars retrograding through your sixth house of daily duties, but believe it or not, being vulnerable is your superpower right now. Don't hold back from speaking up. With the moon’s ruler, Venus, igniting your 11th house of friendships, hopes, wishes, and dreams, you can bring a friend you can trust along for the ride, too. Reunite with your coven, and by all means, feel free to use this mercury retrograde as a period of reflection. New Moon Mantra: The sacred balance in the back of my mind can tune into the magical unconscious divine.


Let go of that "no new friend" mentality, Sagittarius. This year's new moon in Libra will ignite your friendly 11th house of hopes, wishes, dreams, and sense of belonging in the world, all the while making a daring opposition to Mars retrograde in your expressive fifth house of romance, authenticity, and self-expression. Themes revolving around your friendship circles, and extended network, are fertile and ready for a much-needed refresh, especially if something's been getting in the way of your passion projects. Prioritize your comfort, and self-worth, especially now that Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto are direct in your second house of values. New Moon Mantra: When I surround myself with a like-minded community, who accepts me wholeheartedly, I spread love like Aphrodite.


The success you seek depends on the sacred equilibrium you create between your personal, and professional life. This year's new moon in Libra will ignite your ambitious 10th house of career, authority figures, and reputation in the world, all the while sitting across Mars retrograde in your fourth house of emotional foundations. You're likely looking for a refresh when it comes to your public image and professional brand, and with the moon's ruler, Venus, in your expansive ninth house of media, publishing, and long-term goals, there's an opportunity to expand your horizons. Venus' opposition to dreamy Neptune in your second house of talents, reminds you to tap into your universal gifts, and have more compassion for yourself in the process. New Moon Mantra: The well-received foundation of my success, is an honest result of my relentless passion, perseverance, and hard work.


The rest is still unwritten, Aquarius. Don't be afraid to explore and venture into unknown territory. This year's new moon in Libra will ignite your expansive ninth house of education, travel, faith, and personal philosophies, all the while sitting across Mars retrograde in your third house of communication, and immediate surroundings. There's a part of you looking for opportunities to travel, or perhaps learn something new, but you could also feel stifled in more ways than one. Although, with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto lighting up your 12th house of surrender, you'll likely have no choice but to let go. The silver lining here is, this lunation brings a well-deserved burst of luck, faith, and new inspiration. New Moon Mantra: I am equally grateful for the highs, as I am for the lows; I learn something everyday.


You of all people know, sharing is caring, Pisces. With the new moon in Libra igniting your erotic eighth house of sex, transformation, shared resources, and soul-to-soul connections, there are new beginnings revolving around your ability to trust afoot. Whether it be sexually, financially, or personally, themes of give and take are likely prominent during this time. And with the moon's ruler Venus lighting up your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships, there will more than likely be a significant other involved in the process. Sitting in an opposition to your planetary ruler, Neptune, in your sign, it's important that you continue setting the necessary boundaries. Too much of anything is never a good thing. New Moon Mantra: When I practice discernment, I recognize the shadow in my mutability, and take back my power.


Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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