Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 1, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 1, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

photo by: @sheseesthestars

Your Full Moon in Aries Horoscope & Reflection, According To Your Zodiac Sign

There’s an audacious full moon headed our way, and it will illuminate the night sky on Thursday, Oct. 1st at exactly 5:05 p.m. ET. Igniting the dynamic sign of Aries—all the while its warrior-like planetary ruler, Mars, retrogrades through the same sign—it’s safe to say, this will be one of the most potent lunations in 2020, if not the most potent. In addition to the general magnitude stemming from Aries’ cardinal fires, there’s an important detail I need to point out: Mars retrogrades approximately every two years, but it rarely does so via its sign of rulership, Aries. This is actually the first time it’s happened since 1988, with the exception that this year’s Mars retrograde transit will be ten times more potent, considering it's being activated by Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn. While this astrological activation—a square—isn’t necessarily the easiest to endure, it’s still necessary. More importantly, you don’t need to be an Aries—or have personal planets in this cardinal fire sign—to experience the cosmic culmination of this lunation, because Aries already governs an area of your birth chart.

A friendly reminder: The sun and moon directly oppose one another during the full moon phase, which serves as a symbol of balance between both the divine feminine, and the sacred masculine energies within us. The zodiac sign being illuminated energetically colors the energy of the lunation, which means the sacred masculine essence of warrior Mars is precisely what Mother moon wants you to tune into, both personally and collectively speaking. Aries is assertive, confident, vigorous, passionate, and full of stamina; its cardinal fire epitomizes the meaning of “new beginnings,” as it is the first spark of life we experience after our journey to the divine in Neptune-ruled Pisces. Although, like everything in life, there’s also a shadow side to Aries’ vigorous spirit. For instance, it’s no secret that this Mars-ruled sign struggles having patience, but it can also be incredibly willful, intense, combative, and aggressive. In other words, there’s a very fine line between being passionate and assertive, versus aggressive and impulsive. However, with Mars already retrograde in Aries, you can probably already feel the tensions rising.

Something else that’s really important to consider during this lunation is, there will be eight heavenly bodies—the sun, moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Chiron, and Lilith—traveling through cardinal signs, and this modality has everything to do with initiation. Aries is also the first sign in the zodiac, and its planetary ruler Mars will be in the midst of its retrograde journey, so it’s proximity to earth is a lot closer than usual. Again, I can’t emphasize how powerful the energy of this lunation is, especially since full moons are supposed to be symbolic of harmony. Now, everyone knows the polarity between the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries is textbook. Why? Because these two cardinal signs perfectly oppose one another; Aries being the individual and Libra being the relationship; Aries goes to war and Libra longs for peace. As you know, the full moon is a call for balance, which means there is a similar polarity—alive within and all around you—that needs harmonizing. Mars-ruled Aries takes action, but Venus-ruled Libra wants to connect; Aries is independent, and Libra is co-dependent. How can we create balance between these two energies? 

Sitting alongside Chiron—the wounded healer—this lunation will likely intensify the emotional atmosphere, and inspire a deep—almost nostalgic, and melancholic—longing for autonomy, and independence. This could be heavy, but the silver lining is, the Moon-Chiron in Aries can be incredibly healing, especially when it comes to your sovereignty, and individuality. The sun will also be making an exact quincunx to rebellious Uranus—the planet of  rebellion, electricity, and unexpected change—which could create a sense of restlessness but again, this is happening exactly as it should. The cosmos can do no wrong, and this celestial energy is here to liberate you, and create a revolution of collective consciousness. Change is unavoidable, so don’t resist it. Follow your instincts, no matter how unconventional, or bizarre. Stand firm in your truth, even if it doesn’t sit well with the people around you. Open your mind, but don’t lose your balance. You can listen to someone else’s opinion, and still have your own.  

Mars retrograde—the moon’s ruler—will be challenged by Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn, which could feel wildly inhibiting, and restrictive. Again, this is especially potent, and for a number of reasons. Firstly, both Mars and Saturn are in their sign of rulership. Saturn stationed direct three days before this lunation, and Pluto will station direct in Capricorn three days after on Oct. 4. A retrograde planet’s expression is at its peak right before it stations direct, so there’s no denying the potentiality of the current astrology. It couldn’t be more charged, not to mention eruptive. Make sure to take deep breaths throughout the day, and more importantly, find an outlet to exercise pent up energies. We’re ready for liftoff.

Read your full moon in Aries horoscope and reflection below:


photo by: @indg0


Stand firm in your truth, and step into your power, Aries. This year’s full moon in your sign will be incredibly pivotal, as it will mark the beginning of an era, both personally and collectively speaking. With your planetary ruler, Mars, retrograding in your sign while directly opposing the sun in Libra—via your committed seventh house of compromise, negotiations, relationships, and other people—you’re being challenged to reflect on everything from your sense of autonomy, to the way you assert yourself in relationships. This will occur while Mars retrograde forms a harsh square with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn—via your ambitious tenth house of career, legacy, authority figures, and reputation in the world—challenging your individuality, and personal freedom. Breathe. Transmute the anger. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How have your personal and professional foundations evolved since? What have you discovered about your ambitions, and career direction?


Tune into the fire in your soul, even if it’s behind closed doors, Taurus. October's full moon in Aries will be one to remember, and it will ignite the multi-dimensionalism alive in your karmic 12th house of closure, secrets, hidden agendas, and the divine source. A call for balance, this lunation will sit directly opposite the sun in Libra—via your responsible sixth house of health, acts of service, and daily due diligence—highlighting the process of your current routine, and extensive to-do list. A ruthless square between Mars retrograde and Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn—via your expansive ninth house of opportunity, expansion, and adventure—may inspire you to continue exploring your horizons, and venturing into unknown territory, but don’t make any impromptu decisions just yet. Sit with your intuition. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How can you continue persevering towards a brighter future without losing your balance? How can you practice discernment in your day-to-day life?


When you have something to say, everyone stops and listens, Gemini. Aries governs your experimental 11th house of teams, colleagues, and extended networks, so it’s no secret that you’re a leader of the pack. The full moon will ignite this area of your chart, bringing closure and clarity to your sense of belonging in the world. A new beginning, this lunation will sit opposite the sun in Libra—via your flirtatious fifth house of creativity, romance, authenticity, and self-expression—highlighting the things that bring you joy, but this is where it can get tricky. In addition to Mars retrograde challenging you to reflect on the dynamic within your social spheres, along with your role as a pioneer in the world, it will be challenged by Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn via your intimate eighth house of soul contracts, and ride-or-die connections. Meaning, your insatiable desire to express your colorful individuality, and do the things you enjoy most, could be stifled by your most recent commitments. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: Are your intimate bonds, and prior engagements, getting in the way of your freedom? How has your ability to trust, and merge with another, evolved since?


It’s time to own up to everything you project, and aspire to become, Cancer. Take it or leave it. This year’s full moon in Aries did not come to play, and it will charge up your prestigious tenth house of career, reputation, sense of authority, and destiny in the world. A powerful culmination, and celebration of your wins, this lunation will directly oppose the sun in Libra—via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional experiences—highlighting your desire to succeed, and nestle into your sanctuary, simultaneously. As always, balance is key. Although, with aggressive Mars retrograding through your career sector—amidst squaring off with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn via your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships—a personal or professional partnership could suddenly catch you off guard, specifically when it comes to the value of your successes. This, too, shall pass, Cancer darling. The moon is your sign of rulership, so detaching from the full moon energy will be more challenging than you’d like, but it’s OK. The progress you’ve made is what counts, and this is just the beginning. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How has your professional life, and reputation in the world, evolved since? Do you feel comfortable setting boundaries in your career?


Focus on your long-term goals, Leo. October’s full moon in Aries is about to erupt before your eyes, and set your spirit free. Red-hot and sizzling with intensity, this lunation will ignite your expansive ninth house of education, faith, opportunity, travel, personal philosophies, and unknown territories. During this time, everything from your college diploma to your bucket list will be highlighted, as it is here to shed light on your future visions, and audacious POV. What are you afraid of? Sitting across from the sun in charming Libra—via your intellectual third house of communication, siblings, thought process, and immediate networks—Mother moon will shed light on your innate instinct for familiarity, versus your insatiable desire to explore new heights. Mars will be retrograding through this area of your chart—amidst squaring off with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto via your responsible sixth house of health, acts of service, and day-to-day routine—which could easily put a damper on your next adventure. Luckily, with Venus in your sign, and the sun beaming through Venus-ruled Libra via your third house of peers, you’ll have the voice(s) of reason you’ve been longing for. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How are you cultivating your passions? When you look towards the future, what lights you up inside?


The deeper you go, the more treasure you will find, Virgo. This is especially true for you during this time, as October’s full moon in Aries will ignite your erotic eighth house of intimacy, transformation, soul contracts, and other people’s money. Despite being incredibly independent, this lunation will shed light on everything from your energetic exchanges to your bonded agreements. With Mars retrograding through this area of your birth chart—amidst squaring off with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn via your flirtatious fifth house of romance, individuality, and self-expression—you’re being challenged to reflect on the value of your intimate unions, and sacred commitments. With the moon conjunct Chiron, these “commitments” could certainly feel burdensome, but this is where the full moon equilibrium comes to play. The sun will be energizing and revitalizing your second house of self-worth, shedding light on your value system and definition of pleasure. Having said that, don’t disregard your desire for some well-deserved alone time. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: What do your autonomous desires look like? How can you step into your power, and cultivate them?


Your relationships don’t define you, Libra. October kicks off with an eruptive full moon in Aries, shaking up your committed seventh house of compromise, negotiations, partnerships, and other people. When you reflect on who you are as an individual, versus the person you are in your current partnerships, what comes to mind? With aggressive Mars retrograding through your harmony-seeking seventh house of one-on-one connections—amidst squaring off with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional experiences—you will likely be in an introspective mood, or perhaps second guess whether or not you can trust the people around you. This will not only intensify your intuitive instincts, but also spark unnecessary quarrels in the home front. Don't take the bait. The moon will be sitting close to Chiron—the wounded healer—which means there’s a part of you, specifically when it comes to relationships, that needs nourishment. Open your mind and heart to this opportunity, but don’t lose your autonomy in the process. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: What’s lacking in your relationships right now? Do you expect the same from yourself, as you do from others?


You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyoncé, Scorpio. Sounds cliche, I know, but this year’s full moon in Aries is here to liberate you from the endless pile of work you have waiting for you on your desk every morning. Ruthless and full of zest, this lunation will ignite your orderly sixth house of health, responsibility, daily duties, and acts of service. If you keep taking on more work, you’ll never have a second to yourself. Luckily, with your traditional planetary ruler, Mars, retrograding through this area of your chart, you’re finally taking a step back from the mundane mindset, and turning your autopilot off. Everything from your levels of efficiency to your wellbeing will come up for review during this time, but there’s more. Mars retrograde will be challenged by Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn—via your communicative third house of intellect, problem-solving skills, and immediate exchanges—creating friction between your ability to connect, versus your tedious work schedule. Meanwhile, with the sun in Libra beaming through your sleepy 12th house of rest, you’ll also be in the mood for a well-deserved mental health day. Truth is, you can have it all, but you’ll need to come up with a better strategy. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How can you be productive and mindful simultaneously? What can you eliminate from your schedule, in order to make your life easier? 


Admit it, Sag. You want more attention, and that’s understandable, especially with this year’s full moon in Aries igniting your confident fifth house of acknowledgment, happiness, creativity, praise, self-love, and romance. In fact, with Mars retrograding through this area of your chart, you’ve likely been reflecting on the things that bring you joy, in order to brainstorm on an exciting action plan. Whether it be creatively or personally, Mars retrograde wants you to tune into your heart chakra more often, and do the things you love. You owe yourself that much. Sitting in a harsh square with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto—via your second house of finances, comfort, pleasure, and values—this lunation will challenge you to birth something brand-new, all the while having no choice but to focus on your finances, or perhaps even your self-esteem. Are you depending on something and/or someone to feel secure? Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: What makes you feel authentic and confident? How can you lean on your tribe for support, and new POVs?


You can’t be apathetic all the time, Capricorn. This is especially true for you during this time, as October’s full moon in Aries will ignite your domestic fourth house of home, family, intuition, and sense of security, highlighting everything from the way you process emotions to the relationship you have with your relatives, especially your authority figures. Mars is retrograding through this area of your chart as we speak, but it will also be in a challenging square with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in your sign, challenging the foundation of your traditional mind. Meanwhile, with lady Venus pirouetting through your erotic eighth house of intimacy, psychological experiences, and soul contracts, the dynamic of your close relationships will also come up for review during this time. The sun in Venus-ruled Libra will continue to energize and revitalize your ambitious tenth house of career, legacy, and authority figures, but you’ll likely have more brewing in the back of your mind. Why? Because it’s all connected. Your upbringing, your reputation, and your ability to relate to others. There are mountains you have yet to climb, Capricorn. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: How do your professional successes make you feel? Does your new life remind you of where it all began?


Use your sparkling mind to revolutionize your surroundings, Aquarius. October kicks off with a powerful full moon in Aries, and new beginnings are afoot. Ravishing and erupting with passion, this lunation will touch down on your chatty third house of communication, siblings, conversations, and local community, bringing emphasis to your immediate interactions and freedom-loving mindset. Mars will be retrograding through this area of your chart, all the while forming a challenging square to Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn—via your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, privacy, and spirituality—which could easily stifle the fluidity in your conversations, let alone your innate ability to take the lead. Take a step back from the superficialities, and listen closely to what the universe is trying to tell you. The sun in Libra—via your expansive ninth house of luck, travel, and opportunity—highlights the infinite possibilities of the future, but there are some things you need to take care of beforehand. Venus in Leo will bring harmony to your partnership sector, which is always refreshing. Don’t be afraid of your vulnerability. You’re overdue getting a few things off your chest. Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: Do the words you say, and personality you portray, align with your individual truth? Do you feel inhibited amongst your inner circle?


You know your worth, so what’s stopping you from making a commitment to your personal success, Pisces? This year’s full moon in Aries is here to ignite the fire in your heart, but there’s more. It will beam directly through your pleasure-seeking second house of finances, comfort, values, spending habits, and unique possessions, bringing closure and clarity to your relationship with money, and themes revolving around your self-worth. Mars will be retrograding through this area of your chart, amidst squaring off with Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto—via your hopeful 11th house of friendships, teammates, soul tribe, and extended community—which could challenge everything from your sparkling visions to your sense of belonging in the world. Don’t fret—everything happens for a reason. This lunation marks the beginning of a new era, and you won’t need to bring your past along for the ride. The sun in Libra is encouraging you to commit to something fresh and exciting in your day-to-day life, so what are you waiting for? Think back to the new moon in Aries that took place on March 24, and reflect on the following: Does your social network motivate you to be the best you can be? How can you take action, and put more energy into your money-making abilities?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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