Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Gemini (May 22, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Gemini (May 22, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Valerie Mesa on

Artwork by Gypsy Rae:

Your New Moon in Gemini Horoscope & Mantra, According To Your Zodiac Sign 

Things could very well feel uncertain right now, but this uncertainty could also be a blessing in disguise. What did you learn about yourself all throughout Taurus season? How has your value system and sense of security evolved since? Taurus’ fixed earth is abundant and fertile; hence its celestial vibration made the harsh realities of this global pandemic that much more real... but it’s time to finally turn the page. Your only challenge, however, is to keep an open mind, despite how challenging it might feel to surrender to the unknown. 

Right on time for a well-deserved new beginning, a resourceful new moon will disappear in the sky on Friday, May 22 — at exactly 1:39 p.m. EST — in the curious sign of Gemini. As you know, the new moon phase is an incredibly powerful time and for many reasons. In addition to being the beginning of a brand new lunar cycle, this lunar phase is especially potent because it occurs when the sun and the moon meet at the exact same degree of a particular zodiac sign. And it’s not everyday both of these ever-glowing luminaries join forces let alone in a savvy and problem-solving sign like Gemini.

If you’re not familiar with the zodiac archetypes, your safest bet is to study the divine order of the zodiac wheel. This universal sequence perfectly embodies the stages of both our human and spiritual development. For instance, Aries’ cardinal fire is the first spark of life after our journey to spirit in Pisces; Taurus is where we learn how to identify with our physical reality through our five senses, and Gemini is where we tap into our primitive mind and discover how to make logical sense out of our current reality. Keeping this in mind, the sun in Gemini is bringing forth an opportunity for you to put all of your abundance in motion. 


photo by Sharon McCutcheon @sharonmccutcheon

How can you utilize your unique possessions? Where have you been investing your time, energy, and money? Governed by intellectually driven Mercury, Gemini needs to see to believe so if you’re looking to get the ball rolling, all you’re going to need is the facts. Again, the new moon couldn’t have come at a better time but it’s up to you to make the best of it. Remember, when the moon renews itself, so can you. There’s nothing more powerful than the sun (sacred masculine) and the moon (divine feminine) coming together as one and in the meticulous sign of Gemini, your new beginning could be swirling with fresh insight and refreshing opportunities. 

Similar to when you take a nice deep breath, Gemini’s mutable air is here to give you some much-needed clarity. During the upcoming lunation, however, Gemini’s planetary ruler Mercury will meet Venus retrograde at 20 degrees Gemini, and this conjunction will ultimately play a role in your new moon moment. Gemini governs all forms of communication, but it also revolves around your siblings, peers, and local community. Venus retrograde in Gemini is making us revisit, reflect, and reassess our values, relationships, and hobbies, and Mercury simply wants to relate the message. 

Together, these two heavenly bodies will likely inspire a creative flow of ideas for potential collaborations and connections. The good news is, this energy is excellent for brainstorming and for all types of verbal communications; the bad news is, Mercury-Venus will be challenged by elusive Neptune and this could potentially create a misunderstanding or sense of ambiguity, especially with regard to your one-on-one partnerships. Fortunately, structured Saturn will be in harmonious energy flow with the new moon, which could help you solidify your long-term goals. 


photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production @emmamatthews 

Saturn brings the necessary discipline and structure to get things moving, but there’s more. Go-getter Mars — God of War; the planet of aggression, assertion, energy, passion, and sex — will be squaring off with the new moon as well, but this could go either which way. Impulsive and hot-headed, Mars is on a mission to fulfill his smoldering desires and in Pisces, these desires likely revolve around something mystical and/or unattainable. The new moon in Gemini trine Saturn, however, needs to see to believe and prefers to invest in something that’s tangible and long lasting. 

This could very well feel like a cosmic tug-of-war, but it’s important that you don’t lose sight of the bigger picture during this time. Focus on your goals and if Mars evokes your red-hot passions, use this rush of adrenaline wisely. Mercury and Venus will also be influenced by Neptune’s trippy purple haze, so try to use this energy creatively or you’ll get lost in the fog. Hint: Think of ways to monetize your blog, website, social networks. Focus on expanding your entrepreneurial horizons. Learn something new and don’t give up until you actually try. Remember, you are a limitless being; don’t you dare settle for anything less.

Read your new moon in Gemini horoscope and mantra below:


When all else fails, look over your shoulder, Aries. The new moon in Gemini will charge up your Mercury-ruled third house of communication, siblings, neighbors, and immediate environment, amidst blessing you with a clean slate from the heavens. Everything from your communication style to the way you process information is due for a mystical makeover. The question is, are you ready for it, Aries? With the help of structured Saturn —via your 11th house of hopes, wishes, and dreams — you will likely come across a number of eclectic opportunities and potential collaborations, so get ready to put your thinking cap on. Murky Neptune, however, might make things a bit ambiguous, so follow your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s not a coincidence. New Moon Mantra: My warrior mind is a divine tool and I will use it wisely.

Just because Venus is retrograde doesn’t mean you can’t make it fun, Taurus. Ironically enough, the new moon in Gemini will activate your Venus-ruled second house of money, possessions, pleasure, and unique gifts, bringing new beginnings to your sense of security and comfort zone. With four heavenly bodies charging up your pleasure-seeking house of rulership, and one of them being your planetary ruler Rx, this is an opportunity for you to revisit, reflect, and reassess your financial situation… but you already knew that. What have you been spending your money, time, and energy on as of late? The good news is, structured Saturn’s got your back and he’s hovering over your career sector, but foggy Neptune could have you second-guessing things in terms of your friendship circles and sense of belonging. Don’t forget to do what feels right for you, Taurus. New Moon Mantra: Only I can decide what’s right for me and whether or not it’s worth my time, and money.


Happy new moon, Gemini dear. ‘Tis your annual lunation from the heavens and your name’s written all over this new beginning. Now, with four heavenly bodies hovering over your sign — one of them being your planetary ruler Mercury conjunct Venus Rx — you’re being bestowed with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revamp and rework your personal brand. In other words, everything from your aesthetic, sense of self, wardrobe, and personality is due for a check-in, and the cosmos are feeling as creative as ever. How do you want to come across to others, personally and professionally? Warning: Foggy Neptune will be squaring off with Mercury-Venus in your sign — via your ambitious 10th house of career and authority figures —  and this could wake up your anxiety-prone twin when in reality, it’s probably just an illusion. Bottom line, don’t let anyone make you feel insecure or discouraged. This Neptune square will feel like a cloudy storm that just needs to pass through. The sun will come out tomorrow. New Moon Mantra: I can do anything I set my mind to; my vibe is irreplaceable & valuable.


The universe works in mysterious ways, Cancer. It isn’t up to us to understand but instead to surrender to a higher power, despite whether or not it makes logical sense. The new moon in Gemini speaks to this as it will charge up your karmic 12th house of closure, forgiveness, mysticism, and all things behind the scenes. This is an excellent opportunity to let go and let God but more importantly, it’s a sign from the universe to finally forgive yourself and all those who have wronged you in the past. Your compassion is truly innate and with both Mars and Neptune in Pisces challenging the sun-moon-Mercury-Venus via your secretive 12th house, you might feel the need to go inwards and retreat for a while. Do what feels right and don’t think about it twice. New Moon Mantra: My mind, body, and soul are my own sacred space.


That’s what friends are for... as long as you know who your true friends are, Leo. The new moon in Gemini will bring new beginnings to your socially conscious 11th house of teams, tribes, friendship groups, extended network, and sense of belonging in the world. This area of your chart also revolves around your hopes, wishes, and dreams and since it’s governed by Mercury-ruled Gemini, you’re probably someone who has more than one aspiration — this is especially true for Leo risings. A challenging square between Neptune and Mercury-Venus, however, could have you second-guessing your place in the world or perhaps spark some anxiousness. Take a deep breath and don’t stop reaching for the stars, Leo. While there may be some things that need contemplating — especially with Venus Rx — don’t lose sight of what truly matters to you. Follow your heart. New Moon Mantra: Doing what makes me genuinely happy, surrounded by those who have my best interest, brings me closer to my destiny.

Just because it isn’t written on paper doesn’t mean it isn’t official, Virgo. Granted, with the new moon in Gemini activating your ambitious 10th house of career, authority figures, and destiny in the world, you’re being given the opportunity to start something new and exciting in your professional life, which always feels more legit when it’s in writing. With Mercury conjunct Venus Rx, however, it’d be best if you don’t make anything official just yet, especially with regard to your finances. Don’t worry, your turn will come soon enough! In the meantime, take advantage of this energy to reflect and rework your professional modus operandi, especially if you’re starting an entrepreneurial venture. Meanwhile, Neptune will be hanging out in your relationships sector, challenging Mercury-Venus in your career zone, and this could potentially spark some misunderstandings, especially with a professional or romantic partner. Don’t let this distract you from getting to the top of the mountain, Virgo. Instead, use this energy to your benefit and make sure you don’t take any of the vibes you’re getting from the people around you for granted either. New Moon Mantra: When I use my words to set necessary boundaries, I am owning my sense of authority.

There is so much to learn and explore, Libra. The new moon in Gemini kicks off a brand new lunar cycle via your expansive ninth house of knowledge, wisdom, education, travel, cultures, and personal philosophy, bringing you some fresh insight in regard to your long-term goals, and vistas. What’s next for you in 2020? What do you want to read, write, and learn? With your planetary ruler Venus retrograding alongside Mercury in this area of your chart, this is an opportunity for you to revisit and rework any potential publishing projects or collaborations with the media. Make sure you don’t get too wrapped up in your visions and dreams, considering both Neptune and Mars — via your sixth house of due diligence — will be challenging the extraordinary possibilities of this lunation. Instead, try to focus on your priorities before you miss a deadline while daydreaming. Work hard, play later, Libra. New Moon Mantra: When I tackle my to-do lists, I am manifesting my dreams and visions.

You’re stronger when you’re being vulnerable, Scorpio. Don’t believe me? Leave it to the new moon in Gemini  to charge up your sultry eighth house of investments, intimacy, commitment, transformation, psychological experiences, and joint ventures, for you to see this firsthand. After all, Gemini needs to see to believe and you’re not too trust-worthy yourself... but it’s time for a fresh start. With Mercury conjunct Venus Rx via this area of your chart, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on your intimate unions and commitments. You’ve always been a ride-or-die but with Neptune — via your expressive fifth house of creativity, passion, and children  — challenging both Mercury and Venus via your eighth house of intimate unions — you could feel a tension between your smoldering desires versus your keeping your word. Mars will also be here challenging the sun and the moon, so there could definitely be some ego involved. Don’t make excuses to avoid a commitment, Scorpio. Consider this an opportunity to heal from past betrayals and grow from repressed fears. New Moon Mantra: My vulnerability is pure and authentic; I will share these parts of me with someone who is worthy of my energy.

It takes one to know one, Sagittarius. The new moon in Gemini is activating your committed seventh house of partnerships and one-on-one commitments, bringing new beginnings to your relationship sector and ability to compromise. Everything from the way you relate to others to your potential negotiations will be top of mind during this time. With Mercury conjunct Venus Rx, however, this lunation will bring forth the opportunity to reevaluate and reflect your relationship dynamic along with the way you treat others closest to you. Gemini is a brilliant communicator so in addition to starting a new chapter, use this time to revisit pending conversations with your significant other. Foggy Neptune, however, will challenge this logical Gemini stellium (all the way from your domestic fourth house of home, family and emotional foundation) and this could very well have you in your feels. Say what you need to say, but don’t let your emotions cloud your reality. New Moon Mantra: I can be compassionate with others without losing my balance.

You don’t always have to take the traditional route, Capricorn. In fact, with the new moon in Gemini activating your orderly (and very mercurial) sixth house of health, mindfulness, and due diligence, you’re being presented with some exciting new options and if you use this energy wisely, a brand new lifestyle. Mercury and Venus Rx will join forces in this area of your chart, and this combination of energies could bring forth a series of messages revolving around your daily rituals and hobbies. How can you use your social media presence to monetize your routine rituals? Are you making the money you know you’re capable of making? Finding pleasure in your daily life should be number one on your to-do list, and this is your chance to make it happen. Murky Neptune — via your third house of communication, thought process, and problem-solving abilities — could make all of your colorful endeavors seem overwhelming, but don’t get it twisted. Use the intuitive side of Neptune to your benefit, and allow messages from source to flow through you. You are infinite. New Moon Mantra: I have faith in the divinity of my mind, and in the versatility of my spirit.

Your love is electric, Aquarius. The new moon in Gemini will recharge your expressive fifth house of joy, passion, creativity, and authenticity, bringing forth an eclectic and intellectually stimulating new chapter. With Mercury and Venus Rx joining forces in this fifth house of fame, you will likely experience a sweet burst of creative insight along with an opportunity to revisit your passion projects. Considering that this is the house of love and one-night-stands, this new moon could also come with a blast from the past, especially if there’s some unfinished business you need to settle with an ex love. With Neptune making things hazy via your pleasure-seeking house of finances, security, and possessions, however, you could lose sight of your creative potential or perhaps feel a lack of self-confidence. If this happens, don’t be discouraged. Neptune can easily cloud your reality, so shift your perception and tap into your creativity instead. New Moon Mantra: The electricity in my heart is my forever muse.

There’s always something you can improve, even when it’s in your most sacred space, Pisces. The new moon in Gemini will charge up your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation, bringing forth an eclectic new beginning. This new chapter could happen within your living space, your emotional center, or perhaps with a close relative. Everything from your inner world to your emotional point of view is ready for an upgrade, and it’s long overdue. Mercury and Venus Rx will join forces in this area of your chart and this will bring you some much-needed clarity, especially with regard to your family members and/or the people you share your sanctuary with. With foggy Neptune and go-getter Mars (in your sign) squaring off with the sun, moon, Mercury, and Venus in your fourth house of emotional foundations, this is an opportunity for you to see familiar complexities logically and rationally. Use your words and speak your truth, but make sure you don’t let your planetary ruler’s love for escapism blur your reality. New Moon Mantra: My divine compassion and connection to source is my home away from home. 


Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa

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