Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Aquarius (February 4, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Aquarius (February 4, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Kyle Thomas on



Welcome to February, Lunatics, because a sparkling New Moon in the sign of Aquarius (15 degrees) will dawn in the sky on February 4th, 2019. This is one of the most blessed New Moons of the entire year because the planets will be singing each other’s praises, just like the sign of Aquarius does for humanity, at large. Any New Moon opens a door in our lives to add abundance, but it is important for us to take very specific actions in order to show the Universe we are ready. If you use the ten days following this New Moon to take a step into the cosmic pond, you’ll be able to move closer to the life you’ve always wanted! Make a note in your planner or digital calendar about August 15th, 2019, because we’ll be able to see how our initial actions now have ultimately come to light.



It’s the Age of Aquarius, haven’t you heard? While a lot of people have been singing this for decades, it’s definitely a time when Aquarian energy is front and center. Advancements in technology and global communication have certainly been on the rise. Catching up with a bestie across the country on FaceTime or shooting into the DMs of a cutie on Insta are definitely hallmarks of 2019. Also, with so many humanitarian causes and oppressed groups standing up for their beliefs, we’re all moving closer to building a collective heart. Aquarius is also a sign of hope for the future, and the more we build self-love and compassion for our neighbors, we are hopefully creating a brighter and more united future.


This New Moon is packed with opportunity and sweetness. Mercury, our planet of communication, will be spinning side-by-side with the New Moon, meaning that their energy will flow softly and easily to each of us down below. Communication will be highly blessed and our minds will be very active. You may be inclined to journal your thoughts, meditate on ideas with some crystals, or make a list of things that you are grateful for. Generosity will be bubbling within our hearts at this time, too, because the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury will all be softly embraced by Jupiter. Jupiter rules miracles and good fortune in our lives. With such harmony amongst these celestial giants, we, too, will be feeling openings in our lives. Through positive thinking, you may be able to look at your long-term plans and see a clearer vision than before. Also, consider ways that you can expand your view of life, culture, or other people. Rally your crew for some socializing or a girls night out, or even consider giving love back to others through volunteering or donations. We live in a beautiful world and if we give love, we can certainly make more. Take a peek into how each sign will be directly affected below.


You’re a social butterfly, Aries, but you’re going to be feeling a push-pull from the world and what is going on inside of you. While your calendar may be filling up a great deal with plenty of fun engagements, you may also feel your hopes and dreams bubbling up from beneath the surface, too. Sometimes you take on more than you can muster and have some difficulty saying “no,” but you have to remember that you’re not going to be able to chase down your dreams if you’re out and about burning the candle at both ends. Consider your long-term vision and how you can build it not only tangibly, but also from within.



You’re so often goal-oriented and able to create an impact on the world around you. However, this will certainly be a time when you are assessing what you truly hope your destiny is going to be. Reaching for the stars can be exciting, but is it truly fulfilling you? Take a moment to go back to your internal vision board and see how the pieces are coming together. Rather than sticking your hooves in the ground, ask yourself if you’re ready to take a leap or to climb to even greater heights.



The horizons are opening before you, Gemini, just like the moment that the sun erupts over the sea to bring light to the day. The majestic energy from this New Moon smiles so delicately upon you, nudging you softly to open your mind. What fertile new worlds do you want to explore? No matter which road blocks may have existed here before, by being resourceful and taking one step further out of your comfort zone, you may actually surprise yourself to see beauty you’d never seen before. 


Your hard shell but heart of gold win you the affection of so many people, Cancer, and this is a moment that will surely prove your worth. You’re so often focused on the long haul when it comes to partnerships and union and now you’ll feel this urge to merge even more sweetly. However, this may be a moment to look in the mirror to consider if you are paying enough attention to how much you are bringing to your relationships. Remembering your self-value is the open door to more meaningful connections.



While you are so often the main event, Leo, reflecting on your most crucial commitments and partnerships may help you become an even better person. Connecting with others is a two-way street, and all relationships take work. Strong partnerships are about building one another up and being supportive no matter the storm. Trusting your inner voice about your wants and your needs will help you bring them to the surface and grow.



Be ready to do some serious assessment about how you’re running your day-to-day routines, Virgo, because even the most well-oiled machine can sometimes grow tired. Monotony helps no one because it can get you stuck in a rut. You love to hustle, but make sure that you’re not spinning your wheels. Are you setting enough time aside for self-love amongst your already (overly) packed schedule? You’re of no use to anyone if you’re not also taking care of yourself, too. Soften the reins on your workload to look at how you can prioritize your work-life balance. You can still manage a hectic schedule even if you fit in some time just for you.


Your heart is lyrical and passionate, dear Libra, but when it comes to the love department, what truly tickles your soul? Sometimes you get trapped in patterns of romance and connection that aren’t helping you shine like the gem that you are. Creating a list of your non-negotiables of the heart will get you on track. Sometimes you can get lost in an internal windstorm of uncertainty and emotion, but if you are at first honest with yourself you can finally go out into the world to create the life and the love that you want.



How strong is the earth beneath your feet, Scorpio? You’re such a powerhouse in life, but you’ll notice that you’re feeling the need to step back and assess your surroundings. Doing the deep dive into the oceans of your emotion can help you do the inner healing or growth that can actually put you on track to finally build your kingdom. Sometimes this even requires us to truly evaluate our past and our familial relations to see how they affect us on a daily basis. Take a minute to look in the mirror to ask if you are holding onto baggage that is weighing you down and prioritize some time for self-love, because without that, you cannot hold up anyone else important to you.



Your wit is legendary, Sagittarius, and your humor is divinely blessed. The energy of this New Moon will sparkle especially for you and will push you to contemplate how you share your voice with the world. What special message that lies close to your heart are you ready to light off like a firecracker? You have a truly unique and beautiful vision of the world, so take a moment to realize that your ideas matter.



When it comes to long-term investments, you’re the one people should call, Capricorn. You are so gifted at looking at where you and others are now and where you could one day be. How can you grow your abundance in your life? This very special New Moon will help you to notice the winds of change are here and you may be ready to change your approach and move in a new direction. Sometimes in order to get what you want, you have to step up and ask for it, otherwise the only way you can harvest more from your garden is going elsewhere to find it.



Of all the signs, Aquarius, you are so truly blessed by the elegant light of this diamond of a New Moon. You’ll be feeling the urge to step forward and show the world who you are and what you have to give. You have a truly unique vision for your life and how you want to go forward in the coming days, months, and years. If you harness this energy, your dreams can become a reality. No matter what, though, be sure to use some of this time for self-love because you, Aquarius, are iridescent. 



Taking a step back to focus on rest, healing, and privacy aren’t a bad thing, Pisces. You have so much to give to the world and to other people that sometimes you forget when to recharge. This time will be especially sensitive and blessed for relaxing and meditating on where you have been and where you want to go next. Take some time to use your imagination and dream of a fantasy that you can very soon bring to life. Also, if past traumas are on your mind, you must find the courage to start anew and release them.

Kyle Thomas is a writer, producer, and lyricist living in Los Angeles. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram (@MrKyleThomas), Facebook (, or Twitter (@Mr_KyleThomas). More info:

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