Moon Musings: How the Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 17, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How the Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 17, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Kyle Thomas on

featured image: @farandularte



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Your Full Moon In Sagittarius Horoscope & Reflection,

According To Your Zodiac Sign


Ready to take that leap of faith? The possibilities are endless. On Monday, June 17, a powerful full moon will illuminate the night sky in the truth-seeking sign of Sagittarius, alongside its larger-than-life planetary ruler Jupiter, who is currently retrograde via its sign of rulership. This will only magnify Jupiter’s contagious optimism as well as our internal belief systems, but a few challenging aspects could also cloud our judgement, so make sure to keep your eyes on the prize. When Mother moon reaches her peak, we are gifted with a sense of fulfillment and completion, which can also serve as a culmination of sorts, depending on where Sagittarius is located via your birth chart. Each of the astrological houses represent a unique area in your life, and this is where the essence of Sagittarius makes itself known throughout your journey as a spiritual being and this lunation, of course. But before we take a closer look at this magical full moon phase, think back to the new moon in the sign of the archer that took place on December 7, 2018: What kind of spiritual clarity have you obtained since? How have you been making the most of your human experience?


The sun and the moon directly oppose one another during the full moon phase,  which serves as a symbol of balance between both the divine feminine and masculine. And that is precisely what we’re being asked to do during this time. For instance, with the Sun in curious Gemini, we are in the midst of absorbing as much information as possible, via reading, writing, and speaking, in order to expand our minds. The moon in Sagittarius, on the other hand, is asking us to consider the “bigger picture,” and the colorful possibilities that exist over the horizon. Who are you within your immediate environment? Who do you aspire to be when you visualize the future? Gemini is a representation of our innate curiosities, and Sagittarius is the full experience. Another way to look at these astrological energies is, Gemini is the GPS, and Sagittarius is the final destination. One cannot exist without the other, and that is something very important to consider during this lunation. Sagittarius’ motto is “go big or go home,” but without Gemini’s petty facts, we have no sense of direction. And after last month’s cathartic full moon in Scorpio, we’re finally ready to venture into unknown territory.


Almighty Jupiter might very well be retrograde in its home sign Sagittarius, but with Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node in Capricorn, there’s no escaping the truth. All previously-set foundations are in the midst of a powerful restructure, including those stopping you from living the experiences you desperately crave. Your truth awaits, and in risk-taking Sagittarius, la luna will lead the way. A tricky square between abundant Jupiter and dreamy Neptune is gifting us with a deep sense of hope, and perhaps an opportunity that could feel out-of-this-world, but in the midst of what might seem totally surreal, this aspect can also be wildly deceiving, given Neptune’s glamorous fog and Jupiter’s reckless optimism. As always, balance is everything, so don’t disregard the minor details until you consider the bigger picture. What you think about every single day is finally starting to manifest, and this full moon will be your very own celestial compass from the heavens. BTW, with Mercury sitting close to Mars in sensitive Cancer opposing the Saturn-Pluto-South Node conjunction, overthinking whether or not you should move forward is inevitable, but Sagittarius needs to see to believe. So don’t be afraid to experience it for yourself. Instead, let your inner wanderer be your guide.


See your full moon horoscope and reflection below:


This is your moment of truth, Aries. With la luna shaking up your ninth house of education, faith, higher learning, and personal philosophy, you’re likely feeling as adventurous as ever, and well, it’s no wonder you’re so ready to free fall. In fact, when was the last time you actually took a risk? Whether you’ve been taking time out of your day to meditate, or perhaps considered the idea of traveling somewhere overseas, this wanderlust-filled lunation might very well give you the answers you’ve been seeking. Carpe diem. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: How have your beliefs changed? In what ways have you acquired wisdom?



The truth shall set you free, Taurus. Mother moon is shedding light over your secretive eighth house of sex, intimate unions, transformation, and shared resources, and you’re likely in the midst of experiencing a powerful breakthrough of sorts. Whether it be something related to your power struggles, vulnerabilities, or perhaps a financial agreement, this lunation will bring you some much-needed clarity. Secrets may also come to the light, so make sure to be on the lookout. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: How have you expanded sexually and financially? How have you obtained more power?



Are you in it to win it, Gemini? With la luna illuminating your partnership sector, alongside Jupiter Rx, you could be reaching somewhat of a breaking point within your committed relationships. Whether it’s because you’re finally taking it for what it is, or realizing that it’s not for you at all, Mother moon is here to gift you with some much-needed closure. So make sure to sort out your priorities, Gemini. An elusive square between Neptune and Jupiter might make things feel somewhat ambiguous, but not for long. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Have have you evolved within your professional partnerships? Are you compromising enough, or too much?



Your day-to-day surroundings are a reflection of your inner world, Cancer. Mother moon is shaking up your health-conscious sixth house of routine and due diligence, and from the looks of it, you’re ready for a much-needed lifestyle change. Whether it’s related to your physical exercise routine or day-to-day habits, this lucky lunation is here to shed light on what needs order in your life. Who knows, some of you might even start a new job or gain clarity on your next work venture. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Are you reaping the benefits of your work routine? How has your consciousness expanded?



You’re being recognized for your talents, Leo. With la luna beaming through your creative fifth house of romance, joy, and self expression, you’re feeling yourself, and there’s really no holding back. Crushing on someone? Sparks will certainly fly during this lunation, so don’t hesitate to indulge in these magical moon beams. For those of you trying to conceive, this will be a very fertile time you, both sexually and artistically speaking. So make sure to tap into your creative muse, or perhaps spice things up in your relationship! In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 6, 2018, and reflect on the following: How have you activated your creative potential? Are you gaining wisdom via your passions?


It’s OK to be in your feels, Virgo. Mother moon is beaming through your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation, and your sense of security will be top of mind during this time. Who knows, some of you might even re-locate, or change residences entirely. Although you’re not big on expressing yourself emotionally, it’s still important that you speak from the heart. An elusive square via between Jupiter and Neptune will likely touch on a committed partnership, but don’t go off an emotional tangent just yet. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: How has your sense of emotional security evolved? What about your faith?



Look around you, Libra. La luna is shaking up your chatty third house of communication, siblings, and immediate environment, and despite your inner restlessness, you’re ready to expand your horizons nonetheless. Working on a local project? Who knows, some of you might be getting ready to post something on social media. Whatever the case may be, Mother moon is reminding you to seize the day, and take a much-needed leap of faith. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Does your immediate environment support your beliefs? How have you expanded your skills?



Spending your money recklessly or hardly spending, Scorpio? Mother moon is beaming through your money-hungry second house of income and values, and you will likely experience closure in regard to your finances, and sense of security during this time. This area of your chart has everything to do with self esteem, so perhaps some of you are finally starting to own up to your self worth. Planning on making an investment? An elusive square between Neptune and Jupiter can cloud your judgement, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Are you aware of all that you have to offer? What makes you feel worthy?



This full moon has your name on it, Sag. La luna is glimmering over your sign alongside your planetary ruler Jupiter, and you’re as insatiable as ever. What can I say? You suffer from serious FOMO, and you’re constantly looking for the next best thing. But there’s a lot more to this lunation than getting lucky, Sag. For instance, what have you learned this year? What can you do with the knowledge you’ve acquired? A tricky square between your ruling planet and Neptune might make things a bit hazy in regard to your professional life, but not for long. Be patient. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Have you been living your truth? Are you seeking a different kind of experience?



Release what no longer serves you, Capricorn. Mother moon is beaming through your secretive 12th house of closure, karma, and all things behind-the-scenes, and you’re likely being gifted with some much-needed universal validation. What can you release from your psyche that’s been holding you back? You’re not one to dwell on the past, but you’re still a human being nonetheless. So feel free to take a peek at your life behind closed doors. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: How have you spiritually evolved? Have you been receiving messages via your dreams?


Parting ways with your tribe, Aquarius? Sounds like an oxymoron, considering you start a new tribe every chance you get, but there’s something related to your sense of belonging in the world that’s in the process of coming to an end. Who knows, maybe you’re trying to surround yourself with new groups of people, and that’s totally fine. Whatever you do, make sure to hold space in your heart for the opportunities you seek. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: Are any of your hopes coming to fruition? Have you found healing via your friendships?



Time for a career move, Pisces? Whether you’ve decided to launch a side gig for some extra cash, or suddenly realized that your current occupation is no longer aligned with your vision, la luna is bringing closure and clarity to your ambitious tenth house of legacy, and reputation in the world. Talk about divine timing, huh? An elusive square between your ruling planet and Jupiter might very well cloud your bucket list, and perhaps have you second-guessing yourself, but this ambiguity won’t last long. I promise. In the meantime, think back to the new moon on December 7, 2018, and reflect on the following: How have you grown professionally? Are you still afraid of the spotlight?

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