Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Leo (Feb. 5, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Leo (Feb. 5, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Traditional astrology believes the sun to be in its detriment when transiting through the socially conscious sign of Aquarius. Perhaps it’s a combination of the fact that it sits directly across from sun-ruled Leo, as well as this fixed air sign’s intellect overpowering the ever-glowing luminary’s sunny disposition. Remarkably clever and logically inclined, Aquarius’ fixed air is more cerebral than anything, which is why the sun’s warmth and vitality melts away, whilst transiting through this icy air sign. Governed by rebellious Uranus—the planet of disruption, rebellion, and unexpected breakthroughs—this astrological season is equally as chaotic as it is socially conscious, so don’t be afraid to experiment. This is significant to consider with Mars, Mercury and Uranus (Aquarius celestial ruler) already moving in direct motion, but the momentum will continue to pick up throughout the month of February. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, especially with a full moon in the regal sign of Leo headed our way. 

Speaking of which, are you ready for your close-up? Adorning the velvet night via 16 degrees of this fixed fire sign on February 5 at exactly 1:28 p.m. EST, it’s safe to say this isn’t just an ordinary full moon, as it is also sitting approximately 90 degrees apart from November’s total lunar eclipse in Taurus, and May’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio. In simpler terms, this lunation marks a halfway point since last eclipse season, and the one happening in the springtime. Leo is, after all, a fixed sign just like Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, so those of you with prominent fixed placements in your birth chart (namely between 10 and 15 degrees) are in the midst of profound change, but I digress. As you know, whenever the moon reaches its peak of fullness, it sits directly across from the sun, which is a call for balance and harmony between our divine feminine and sacred masculine energies. This lunation, however, will activate the axis of Leo and Aquarius, symbolic of the individual and the community.

Where does this axis live in your birth chart? I know I always say this, but there’s no such thing as an individual without a community. The whole really is greater than the sum of its parts, and if each and everyone of us were courageous enough to bask in our eccentricities, and remain true to our authentic expression, our divine instruments and talents would turn into a collective orchestra. Themes of collaboration, experimentation, philanthropy, social causes and one’s sense of belonging in the world are brought to the forefront throughout this astrological season, but where would the essence of Leo come to play? With the moon reaching its peak of fullness in this sign, something that’s been hidden from our conscious minds will more than likely be illuminated. In Leo, the moon is both sensitive and proud, but amidst its playful and expressive persona, it remains true to its heart’s desires. Having said that, this is where your full moon, full-circle moment nudges you with clarity, and perspective. 

For more reference on the energy of this full moon, think back to the new moon in Leo that took place on July 28, 2022. When looking back at this time last year, what comes to mind with regards to your authenticity, creative pursuits, and individual freedom? Electric and disruptive, Uranus (Aquarius’ planetary ruler) will be the focal point of a triggering T-Square amongst the sun and moon. So, while the cerebral essence of Aquarius continues to bring us clarity and progress, the influence of erratic Uranus could catch us off guard with a brand-new plan we weren’t expecting. Fortunately, with Taurus’ celestial ruler, Venus, transiting through its sign of exaltation (Pisces), we are more empathic and intuitively connected when in regards to our  relationships and artistic expression, but it doesn’t end there. Venus will be squaring off  Mars in Gemini, which is where relationship dynamics and immediate group settings could go from pristine to petty, and quick.

Here’s what to expect during the full moon in Cancer according to your zodiac sign:

You’re finding yourself all over again, and you never looked better, Aries. The moon will reach its peak of fullness via the expressive sign of Leo—touching down on your fifth house of creativity, passion projects and unique talents—which gives you all the more reason to celebrate. The catch? Don’t mix business with pleasure but, by that same token, don’t be afraid to experiment with the wisdom you’ve accumulated thus far. Full moon reflection: Have your confidence levels evolved in the past six months? How can you continue to cultivate your unique talents and abilities? 

The truth shall set you free, Taurus. After all, it's not everyday disruptive Uranus (in your sign) takes the lead in a T-Square between the full moon in your fourth house of home and emotional foundations, and the sun in your 10th house of authority. Is there a community of individuals you feel the need to appease? Your celestial ruler, Venus, will also go head-to-head with Mars, creating friction between your boundaries and desires. Full moon reflection: Are you compromising your truth for the sake of your reputation? Is your personal life in alignment with the professional you're becoming? 

Your exchanges are under the light of this lunation, Gemini. But despite the influence stemming from your communication sector, and ninth house of belief systems, this full moon is led by a Uranus-ruled T-square, amidst the change-maker planet's journey through your 12th house of secrets and unconscious patterns. Something unexpected could be brought to your attention, and with Venus squaring Mars in your sign, you're being encouraged to discern between your strategy, and the relationships you wish to uphold. Full moon reflection: Are you speaking from the heart, or the ego? Is your inner dialogue empowering you?

Celebrate your wins, and be sure to continue investing wisely, Cancer. Festive and surprising, the full moon will ignite your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances and value systems, all while squaring off with disruptive Uranus in the process. And with the change-maker planet revolutionizing your 11th house of community affairs, this likely revolves around a work collaboration, if not a seasonal contract. The catch? Things could suddenly switch, and not go as planned. However, instead of stressing the inevitable changes, you are being encouraged to venture out of your crab shell. Full moon reflection: Are you willing to commit to your growth and self-mastery? How can you maximize your talents and potential?

Glimmering through your ever-burning fires, this lunation marks the halfway point between eclipse seasons, which means something in your personal life is reaching its climax, Leo. Uranus will also be the focal point in a T-Square with the sun, activating your relationship sector and bossy 10th house of authority. In addition to reflecting on the dynamic of your collaborations and investments—amidst the changes at play—you're being encouraged to remain true to yourself, and your significant others. Full moon reflection: Are you wholeheartedly compatible with your personal and professional partnerships? How can you continue to grow without inhibitions?

You gathered all of this wisdom first hand, Virgo. Touching down on your 12th house of unconscious patterns, February's lunation will not only oppose the sun in your responsible sixth house of day-to-day routines, but also square Uranus in your ninth house of self-discovery. That being said, if you've been keeping certain parts of yourself a secret, or perhaps feeling inhibited with your self-expression, you are being presented with the opportunity to heal, and move forward. The catch, however, could potentially stem from the unexpected changes that are at play. Full moon reflection: How can you leap forward into the unknown without losing touch with yourself? Are you unconsciously fixating on a specific outcome?

Do you feel confident in the presence of your community of peers, Libra? Whether it be in terms of friendship or with regards to your future visions, February's festive full moon in Leo is putting a spotlight on your sense of belonging in the world. Led by a Uranus-ruled T-Square—via your intimate eighth house of investments and contributions—despite having the courage to revel in your social collaborations, you could experience an unexpected epiphany, specifically when regarding the types of individuals you're choosing to exchange your energy with. Full moon reflection: How can you continue to pay it forward without over-giving? Do you feel valued and celebrated?

Electric and celebratory, this year's full moon in Leo will not only mark the midpoint between eclipse seasons, but also amidst dazzling your 10th house of authority, career and reputation in the world, Scorpio. The challenge? A T-Square, led by Uranus in your relationship sector, will square off with the sun in your fourth house of emotional foundations. If you've been experiencing friction with family members, or are perhaps on shaky territory with a loved one, you're being encouraged to maintain a healthy balance between you personal, and professional life. Full moon reflection: How can you continue to celebrate and honor your professional progress, without undermining the foundation of your commitments?

The future doesn't always go as planned, Sagittarius. However, with the moon touching down on your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, you are bound to gain some unexpected wisdom on this adventure. Luna will also sit in a triggering T-Square with Uranus—via your sixth house of responsibility, health and due diligence—along with the sun in your third house of inner circles. Spontaneous shifts and unexpected changes have been occurring in the area of your life for quite some time, but they may begin to clash with your long-term goals. Full moon reflection: Are your current strategies in alignment with your future ideals? How can you move forward confidently without losing touch with your inner circle?

Take a closer look at your investments, Capricorn. Are they built upon a genuine and solid foundation, or are you  simply holding onto an outdated version of yourself? Hunkering down via your eighth house of death, transformation, mergers and shared resources—while forming a T-Square led by Uranus via your fifth house of authenticity—if you're stubbornly holding onto a identity that no longer serves you, then this could feel like an ego death. Venus' square to Mars is also blurring the lines between your desires and the hard facts, so make sure you're being honest with yourself. Full moon reflection: Is greed and/or pride getting in the way of your investments? Are you wholeheartedly devoted to this joint venture?

If you're feeling like you're being pulled in two completely different directions, it's not unusual during this time, Aquarius. After all, despite the fact that we're well-into your solar season, this full moon will touch down on your relationship sector, amidst forming in a T-Square led by your modern ruler, Uranus. Whether in terms of your financial stability or the comfort of your living space, things at home could be in a bit of a flux which, in turn, creates friction and feelings of restlessness. Unexpected truths surrounding a significant other could come to the forefront, too. Full moon reflection: How have your personal and professional partnerships evolved in the last six months? Is there an equal amount of recognition and support?

Your time, energy, and love could never go unnoticed, Pisces.  February's full moon will ignite your sixth house of health, work routines and acts of service. This lunation will be led by a Uranus-ruled T-Square—via your third house of immediate circles—while at odds with the sun via your 12th house of all things behind the scenes. An unspoken desire to fit into a community setting could be the root of your sweet gestures, while others of you experience tension between your desire for harmony and affection vs. the petty drama happening in your personal life. Full moon reflection: Does your lifestyle fulfill your heart's desires? How can you continue prioritizing your joy without succumbing to chaos and unexpected disruptions?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily and more. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa. 

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