Moon Musings: How The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (Oct. 25, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (Oct. 25, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Welcome to the last eclipse season of 2022. An astrological phenomenon, notorious for ushering in life-altering changes, eclipses are divine portals that catapult the collective into higher states of consciousness. This is a powerful lunation with the exception that it occurs when one heavenly body moves into the shadow of another, (while activating the Nodes of Destiny) triggering momentous change. Speaking of which, the energy signature surrounding an eclipse series depends on the astrological axis being activated by the Nodes of Fate, which in this case has everything to do with the cycles of life of death and rebirth, brought to you by Venus-ruled Taurus and Pluto-ruled Scorpio. 

Eclipse season brings forth two eclipses that work in tandem: a new moon solar eclipse and full moon lunar eclipse. (Remember, every eclipse series has a story to tell, so it would be a good idea to check which houses belong to Taurus-Scorpio on your birth chart.) Reflect on what no longer resonates with you at a soul level. What shadow (i.e. debt, fear, obsession, entanglement) needs to be purged? These two signs represent that of ownership and exchange, as well as themes of giving and receiving. A fixed astrological axis, aiming to maintain and uphold, it also represents the rhythms of incorporation and elimination. The lunar eclipse happening in November will be a follow-up to October’s, and energetically intertwined with the eclipses that occurred back in April and May 2022. 

In the meantime, however, let’s take a closer look at the upcoming partial solar eclipse, as it will take place on October 25 at 6:49 a.m. EST via 2 degrees of Scorpio. The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar phase, suggesting that—despite it not being a good time to manifest—this solar eclipse will initiate a brand-new chapter in our lives. Keep in mind, the South Node in Scorpio represents both the gifts and karmic debts we carry with us from previous lifetimes, and anything in close proximity to the South Node means there is something being cleansed, cleared, and removed from our current reality. And though it will be in a wide orb to the upcoming solar eclipse, it’s still important to consider at this time.

The essence of mystifying Scorpio has everything to do with what’s living in the darkest depths of our psyche, emphasizing the overall depth and mystery of this solar eclipse. Conjunct Venus in Scorpio—where the planet of love, relationships, and values is in exile, given the distance from her sign of rulership, Taurus—we are being called to release Venusian attachments such as overindulgence, insecurities surrounding divine feminine energies, and/or the need for validation. And since the earlier degrees of Scorpio represent the lower expression of this fixed water sign, there is big revelatory and transformational energy at play. Venus in Scorpio is not only speaking to the desire of merging with another mind, body and soul, but also the darker attributes surrounding our relationship with money, and the people in our lives. 

What have you unconsciously absorbed from your relationships? Scorpio’s fixed water is contained, making it easier to repress and hide in plain sight. That said, take this moment to go within, and recognize the deeper process that’s taking place within you. The new moon phase is, after all, invisible to the mind’s eye, as is the spiritual rebirth you’re experiencing. Honor this moment in time as a period of deep reflection, and allow yourself to feel what is coming up for review. Are you conscious of the secrets you’ve chosen to put aside, or are they merely a subconscious attachment? Old paradigms are dying, and though the outcome of this “transition” has yet to be made clear, it’s important for us to make peace with the mystery that comes with being in-between both worlds. 

The darkness in the unknowing is part of the transformation process; allow yourself to be present in this massive shift as it is a pivotal time to be alive on the planet.

Here’s what you can expect during the new moon *partial* solar eclipse in Scorpio, according to your zodiac sign:

Disclaimer: manifesting rituals are not suggested during eclipses; therefore, instead of affirmations, we’re including eclipse reminders in honor of checking-in with yourself. 

What have you unconsciously become attached to? Are your personal and professional commitments built upon a healthy foundation? You are being called to reflect on the person you are, with and without those you've chosen to merge, and become intimate with. By that same token, this solar eclipse is encouraging you to reflect on your perception of intimacy, namely the more shadowy attributes such as fear of betrayal, death and/or a lack of control. Reminder: You are complete all by yourself, exactly as you are.

Easier said than done, but reflecting on the shadow side of your committed unions and contractual agreements is one of the main takeaways of October’s solar eclipse in Scorpio. And with your celestial ruler, Venus, in her sign of “exile,” there is heavy emphasis on whether this partnership is an influence to your desires, and sense of self-worth. Are you choosing to see the truth of your entanglements? Do you feel unconsciously indebted to a significant other? If so, why? Reminder: People meet you as far as you can meet yourself.  

Nothing wrong with taking a pause, but this is essential when it pertains to your mental, physical and spiritual well being. What are the more shadowy attributes surrounding your self-image, and health habits? Have you been nurturing your peace of mind, or unconsciously neglecting your needs for the sake of keeping up with a daily routine? While sitting alongside Venus, this eclipse is equivalent to a spiritual reset when it comes to your financial security, physical body and pleasure-seeking habits. Reminder: Your mindfulness and daily rituals are sacred. 

Everything from the relationship you have with your inner child to the musings behind your passion projects is being brought to the forefront of your conscious mind. What is your idea of recognition, and what kind of validation have you become attached to? Themes of sexuality and seduction could also be of greater prominence under this solar eclipse, and the shadowy attributes of your lusty desires are no exception. There’s a fine line between love and hate, but only your heart knows what makes it skip a beat. Reminder: Nothing is worth inhibiting your self expression, nor neglecting yourself from receiving love.

Your inner foundation, and the more primal energies surrounding your emotional world are being renewed under October’s solar eclipse in Scorpio. This includes your perception of home, family and stability… but while conjunct Venus, this eclipse will simultaneously help you purge and destroy karmic patterns that have haunted your ancestral lineage. This could be with regards to the intimate unions that make up your family tree, as well as the foundation of those personal and/or financial attachments. Reminder: History tends to repeat itself, unless we consciously put a stop to it.

Conjunct Venus, everything from the way you relate to others to your perception of “value” is being regenerated under this solar eclipse. The shadow side of your immediate relationships could also be of greater prominence, especially if the connection is built upon a toxic foundation stemming from fear, obsession and/or control. Others of you could be intrigued by a taboo-like skill and/or study, and yet repress your curiosities for the sake of fitting in. What ideology and/or mindset is no longer serving you? Reminder: Where there is a need to be overly strategic, there is a lack of authenticity. 

New beginnings are afoot when it comes to your sensual comforts, money-making abilities, value systems and sense of self-worth. This is especially significant when in regards to the shadowy attributes of your finances, as well as your perception of abundance and/or fear of scarcity. On another note, those of you who have been unconsciously suppressing your talents, skills and unique abilities are being presented with an opportunity to confront your fears and reconnect with these deeper parts of yourself. Reminder: Material possessions don’t last forever, but your emotional stability is worth the investment.

A solar eclipse under your name can only mean one thing: you’re reclaiming your sense of self. Even if it’s something you experience at an emotional level, there is a spiritual rebirth at play during this time. And with the South Node in your sign, you are being called to confront, purge and release the shadow side of your identity, as well as what you’ve been portraying to others for the mere sake of being in control. On another note, if you’ve unconsciously absorbed other energies from your past, and have been integrating these relationship “aesthetics” into your personal life, this could also be brought to your attention. Reminder: Your values, love language and sense of self are unique to you, and that’s OK.

A spiritual breakthrough is loading. Everything from your relationship with spirit to your commitment to healing is under the influence of October's solar eclipse. Conjunct Venus, energies surrounding your secret obsessions, smoldering desires, and patterns of self-sabotage are meant to be confronted, in order for them to be purged and released. The same goes for fears and toxicity surrounding relationships, and that of the divine feminine energies within and around you. Reminder: Your external reality is a reflection of your inner world.

Everything from the shadowy dynamic of your community affairs to that of your aspirations, and sense of belonging in the world is under the spotlight of this solar eclipse. The same goes for the way you relate to your extended network, and group settings in general. Conjunct Venus, you’re being called to release the unconscious attachments that have been influencing your sense of self worth and/or desire for security. Friendships as well as your sense of belonging in the world are included. Reminder: “Fitting in” may seem overrated, but this doesn’t mean your soul family doesn’t exist.

Your sense of authority and reputation in the world is under the influence of October’s solar eclipse, and while conjunct Venus there are shadowy attributes surrounding your sense of self-worth and/or desire for financial gain. Others of you are being called to go inward and reflect on that of your parental figures, as well as the outdated traditions that continue to influence your desire for authority, or lack thereof. If for whatever reason there are karmic patterns inhibiting you from striving for success, this will be brought to your attention. Reminder: Confronting the shadow side of your ambitions can be both humbling, and deeply illuminating.

Your philosophy is shifting in a profound way, and October’s solar eclipse is urging you to go inward, and reflect on everything from the foundation of your belief systems to what’s been potentially inhibiting you from venturing into the unknown. Conjunct Venus, this could revolve around your perception of relationships or that of your shared resources. This solar eclipse is unlocking a whole new portal for you to walk through, but it will require some deep introspection and/or confronting your vulnerabilities. Reminder: The journey to self-discovery isn’t for the faint of heart.

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