How The New Moon In Leo (July. 28, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How The New Moon In Leo (July. 28, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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There is something unique about every celestial occurrence, and the upcoming new moon in Leo is no exception. Although, after quite an emotionally charged Cancer season — with the South Node in Scorpio giving us no choice but to confront our shadow side — it’s safe to say, we’re ready for some wholesome new beginnings. Granted, with change-maker Uranus approaching its conjunction to the North Node, the cataclysmic changes underway are becoming more evident each day. Also known as the “Great Awakener,” Uranus is notorious for bringing chaos, disruption, and unexpected breakthroughs. And since it began transiting through Taurus in 2018, everything from our value systems to our relationship with Mother Earth has experienced its own revolution. Nevertheless, if you’re feeling tensions rising, it’s not a coincidence. Not that there ever was such a thing, but the North Node is symbolic of where we’re “consciously” headed, and we are in the midst of shifting into a higher state of consciousness. Oxymoron? Perhaps, but this is why you’re experiencing restlessness and unexplainable anxiety. 

Uranus is, after all, representing the higher mind, which means your thoughts could be further ahead than what you’re accustomed to, creating confusion between what’s ahead vs. what is happening currently. I digress. Leo season is now in session. It’s here to help us bridge the gap between our hearts, and unique passion projects. Playful and glowing with effervescence, Leo’s famous archetype is equally as expressive as it is warm, and genuine. This fire sign’s fixed modality speaks to the ever-burning fire in our hearts, but don’t get it twisted. The shadow always points away from the Sun, but even Leo has a dark side. At a low vibration, this fixed fire sign could be arrogant, egotistical and angered if dismissed. Steer away from pettiness, and be mindful of this when consciously working with its colorful energy throughout the season. On a brighter note, this is an excellent time to experiment with your creative musings, and step into your most authentic self. For reference, check which astrological house belongs to Leo in your birth chart.

On July 28, at exactly 1:55 p.m. EST, the moon will vanish into the sky at 6 degrees Leo. This means the moon is renewing itself, as can you. In the meantime, reflect on the following: Where have you been inhibiting your authenticity? How can you continue stepping into your unique light? Is there something you’re passionate about accomplishing? Are you true to your self-expression? Sitting in a trine with Jupiter retrograde, the new moon is presenting us with a clean slate, where we are cosmically supported by the Greater Benefic planet. In addition to feeling inspired and motivated, we are in the process of discovering the magic living beneath the layers of our societal programming. Who are you when no one is watching? Your natural instincts hold the key to your unique talents and abilities. Now, despite whether you feel comfortable expressing yourself, embodying your truest essence will always require a certain amount of courage. But, truth be told, there’s no better time than now to tap into your sparkling potential.

Moreover, after facing off with Mars on July 26, Mercury the messenger will square innovative Uranus, which is equally as enlightening as it is next-level with regards to shock value. Whether you look at it in terms of perspective, or the surprising news you’re suddenly greeted with, something’s about to change in a very big way. Mercury in Leo wants attention and validation, but Uranus has bigger and better plans. Hint: reflect on your core values.

Remember who you are, Aries. You are the entire package, and all of the planets (your red-hot planetary ruler, Mars, included) conjugating in Taurus — via your stability-seeking second house of values, money and sense of security — are here to show you firsthand. On another note, July’s new moon will ignite your fifth house of love, creativity and self-expression, bringing new beginnings to matters surrounding the relationship (or lack thereof) you share with your inner child. If you’re suddenly triggered and/or insecure about something, it’s likely thanks to Mercury in Leo’s square to erratic Uranus in Taurus. On a brighter note, this will break through the one-sided dimensions of your confidence and truest expression. A new version of you is coming to a theater near you. New Moon Affirmation: I thrive when I pursue my passions without abandon; I embody the spirit of creativity. 

It’s showtime, Taurus. In addition to the mere fact that Leo governs your fourth house of home, family matters and emotional foundations, you’re also ruled by none other than the goddess of love and beauty. The metamorphosis at play doesn’t have to be unpleasant, but if you’re suddenly craving more space and freedom in your humble abode, or perhaps within yourself, take a moment to reflect and regroup. In addition to having Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in your sign, the new moon is bringing you inward so you can make yourself feel more at-home, literally. You could also feel as if you’re becoming more and more acclimated with the new you, as each day progresses. And if your values aren’t coinciding with those of your loved ones, don’t let it discourage you. New Moon Affirmation: I let my happiness be visible to others; it’s safe to be myself.

Every new beginning requires an ending, even if it’s something as simple as making peace with the past, Gemini. This is especially true with Mars, Uranus and the North Node conjugating in Taurus, via your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions and unconscious patterns at this time. In the meantime, the new moon will bring fertility and emotional emphasis to your third house of communication style and immediate networks, all while harmonizing with Jupiter in the process. Whether it be a new group of friends, or a network of co-workers, you are likely gaining insight with regards to a particular situation. After all, it’s not everyday your celestial ruler, Mercury, squares off with Uranus and the North Node, so expect the unexpected. Definitely. New Moon Affirmation: I see how my energy is connected with my life experiences; I create with purpose.

Nostalgia isn’t always productive, so no need to hang onto the past, Cancer. Nothing is supposed to stay the same, and your values and morals are no exception. Your spirit is ever-evolving, and with Mars-Uranus-North Node transiting through your 11th house of friends, society, community affairs and individual freedom, many of you are taking a closer look at everything from your visions of the future to the dynamic of your social networks. You’re being called to prioritize your idea of fulfillment, as opposed to keeping yourself stagnant. And with the new moon shaking up your stability-seeking second house, you’re likely as inspired as ever to capitalize on your talent, and monetize your unique abilities. Don’t let these musings become stifled by the status quo. New Moon Affirmation: I give what I wish to receive and in this way, I am living creatively. 

Happy new moon, Leo. It’s your solar season, and the sun is shining just for you. The sun conjunct the moon in your sign, however, is presenting you with a blank canvas, where only you have access to the magic paintbrush. Harmonizing with lucky Jupiter, the Greater Benefic is here to help you amplify, expand and magnify your blessings. Are you comfortable sharing your unique qualities and talents with the rest of the world? Keep in mind, Mars, Uranus and the North Node are conjugating in Taurus, via your public 10th house of authority, reputation and legacy in the world, suggesting the possibility of shocking and unexpected changes with regards to your professional path, and sense of authority. Steer away from ego trips and power plays, especially while Mercury in your sign faces off with erratic Uranus. On another note, surprising news and developments are likely. New Moon Affirmation: I am a conscious participant in my manifestations; I honor my intuition.

Let it all go, and start again, Virgo. You’re steering away from toxicity, and reprogramming your mind. And with the new moon in Leo bringing fertility and new beginnings to your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions and all things behind the scenes, chances are you’re being intuitively called to let go of something that’s no longer serving you. You could also gain insight on something that's been hidden from your conscious mind. Moreover, when considering Mars, Uranus and the North Node transiting through Taurus, and your expansive ninth house of belief systems, many of you are seeing a situation from a totally different perspective. Reflect on your core values, and whether they align with your current reality. Don’t let your past hold you back from taking this leap of faith. New Moon Affirmation: New pathways open because I am receptive to new possibilities in all my relationships and experiences.

Nothing can define you when you’re already an individual all by yourself, Libra. That is, unless a past relationship and/or connection continues to weigh on you, and your self-confidence. If this is the case, this new moon’s got your name on it. Harness its magic wisely, as this is an opportunity for you to turn the page. Socially conscious and self-aware, July's new moon in Leo will touch down on your 11th house of associations, community affairs, social networks and individual freedom, bringing new beginnings to themes surrounding your hopes, dreams and future visions. But with Mars-Uranus-North Node in Taurus, you could be feeling torn between your social status vs. your prior commitments. Don’t succumb to partnerships that dim your light; the way you connect, commit and relate to others is changing in a big way. Honor your truth, and stand firm. New Moon Affirmation: I will speak with confidence and self-assurance; the commitment I have myself is unbreakable.

Don’t be afraid to indulge your passions, and express yourself unapologetically, Scorpio. The cosmos is encouraging you to take charge of your life, and cultivate your sense of authority. And July’s new moon in Leo is no exception, as it will ignite your 10th house of authority, career, public persona and reputation in the world. You’re not only being presented with a clean slate in your professional life, but also guided to be more mindful in your daily life, thanks to lucky Jupiter. Be discerning with relationship blockages, as the new moon will face off with rebellious Uranus in the seventh house of contractual agreements and significant others. If there’s an energy influencing the status of your career goals, reflect on whether it’s even worthy of your time. New Moon Affirmation: I live in a space of freedom and acceptance, where my creative expression flows with ease.

Is it worth the risk, Sagittarius? This month’s new moon in Leo will touch down on your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom and unknown territory, all the while harmonizing with your lucky planetary ruler, Jupiter. Follow your heart. Whether it be personally or professionally, doors are opening for you at this time, so it’s important to reflect on your core values, and sort out your priorities. This is especially true when considering Mars-Uranus-North Node transiting through your sixth house of daily due diligence, as you are being called to reflect on the foundation of your lifestyle and day-to-day routine. Be honest with yourself. Being productive doesn’t always bring emotional fulfillment. Do what you do best, and focus on the bigger picture. New Moon Affirmation: My potential is limitless; I choose where to spend my energy.

Your confidence is being tested, Capricorn. This is especially true when it comes to your idea of merging with another mind, body and soul. Do you and your significant other(s) share aspirations and desires? The moon will renew itself in the vivacious sign of Leo, bringing new beginnings to your intimate eighth house of sex, mergers and shared resources. This could be a financial investment, or perhaps a romantic interest you’re interested in pursuing. Either way, Luna’s trine to Jupiter is equally as inspiring as it is supportive, both intuitively and with regards to your emotions. The challenge? Mercury will square Uranus which could, in turn, bring forth some unexpected shake-ups in your personal life. This could be anything from a sudden change of heart, or a new romantic suitor who turns your world upside down. Never say never. New Moon Affirmation: I am a beautiful and unique spirit; There is no one else in the world like me.

You can’t go wrong with the truth, Aquarius. With the moon renewing itself via your committed seventh house of compromise, contractual agreements and significant others, the cosmos is presenting you with an opportunity to start again, namely with regards to your one-on-one connections and contractual agreements. Stepping into your truest essence is your superpower, and the positive energy flow that comes along with it will reflect onto your relationships. If you feel inhibited with a friend, lover and/or business partner, consider this an opportunity to move forward with your person. Remember, Mars, Uranus and the North Node are conjugating in Taurus, via your fourth house of emotional foundations. This means that something within you, or perhaps with regards to your family unit, is changing in a major way. New Moon Affirmation: My happiness overflows from me; I can use it to bring joy to others.

No need to repress your colorful spirit, Pisces. Has your work schedule been getting in the way of your happiness and/or creativity? July’s new moon in flamboyant Leo will touch down on your sixth house of daily rituals, health habits and acts of service, bringing fertility and vivacious new beginnings to themes surrounding everything from your usual routine to the joy experience on a daily basis. Also, Mars-Uranus-North Node are in the midst of revolutionizing everything from your perspective to your immediate surroundings. Easier said than done, but it’s all happening for your highest good. However, if your new beginning is at odds with your current routine, don’t be discouraged. Give it a minute, and it’ll all fall into place. Jupiter is supporting you, and empowering you, both with regards to your self-confidence and sense of security. If you need to put your foot down, don’t hesitate to do so. Set boundaries for the sake of your passion projects. New Moon Affirmation: I empower myself to pursue my visions of greatness; I am free to be me.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer & third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for and weekly horoscopes for PopSugar; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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