How The New Moon in Leo (August 16, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How The New Moon in Leo (August 16, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Mother Nature can do no wrong, and if you pay attention to the energy shifts that come with each season, you’ll know exactly what I mean. After all, it’s no wonder the peak of summer takes place after Cancer’s emotional waves wash away our fears, and nourish our hearts. This is when the warm sunshine makes our days brighter, and everyone’s inner child comes out to play. Having said that,  if you or your loved ones have Leo prominently placed, then you’re no stranger to their sunny presence. This is Leo’s magic, and eternal trademark. (Although, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have personal placements in Leo. Believe it or not, we all have Leo somewhere, so be sure to check which astrological house belongs to this fixed fire sign in your chart. Hint: This is the area of life where you’re most likely to take the lead, and express yourself without hesitation. Whether artistically, creatively, or perhaps in a playful way, this is where you will unapologetically follow your heart’s desires.) Leo is governed by the sun, the center of our solar system and our greatest source of energy. As for its zodiac archetype, the lion is often seen as a life-giving spirit. Ruler of the heart, it is the center of all creation and the pinnacle of energy flow.

Speaking of which, the sun is currently blazing through its sign of rulership, and there’s a high-vibing new moon on the way. As you may remember, the moon renews itself every 28 days or so, which marks the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle. More specifically, a new moon occurs when the sun joins forces with the moon via the exact same degree of a zodiac sign. If the sun is symbolic of the ego and our physical reality, and the moon represents our emotional foundation and innermost feelings, the merging of these two ever-glowing luminaries is more potent than we realize. The irony of this is that the moon is invisible during the new moon phase, but don’t let its lack of visibility fool you for a second. Although the sky seems darker than ever and all is quiet, this is a time to plant your seeds of intention, as you have the fertility and potential to manifest within the next six months. On that note, if you’re contemplating the type of intentions you wish to set, reflect on the zodiac sign Luna is renewing itself in. In the case of expressive Leo, think about your heart’s desires, your creative outlets, and your unique talents and abilities. For more reference, check where 23 degrees of Leo is located on your birth chart. 

Renewing itself on August 16 at 5:31 a.m. EST, this is an opportunity for you to reflect on what energizes, motivates and excites you. Something else that makes this lunation all the more interesting is that Venus retrograde will be at 18 degrees of Leo, which is just a few degrees behind the sun and moon. Now, in addition to incorporating the essence of Venus retrograde in Leo — reevaluating, reflecting, reassessing finances and relationships — it’s important to note that Venus is sort of incognito at this time. Think about it, she’s already moving slowly due to the retrograde, but the fact that she’s also traveling behind the sun and moon speaks for itself. For instance, when looking at this energy from a personal perspective, it almost feels as though there’s something we’re either choosing to keep to ourselves, or work on behind the scenes at this time. This could be a creative endeavor or a rebranding of some sort, to each their own. But it’s not a coincidence that the planet of money, values and relationships is being overshadowed by the sun and the moon. If you feel the need to guard something close to your heart at this time, trust your intuition. Speaking of which, Venus will harmonize with the wounded healer, Chiron, which highlights the power of trusting one’s individual process. 

Venus retrograde is also in an ongoing square with expansive Jupiter, and both of the Benefics are moving slowly as Jupiter will soon station retrograde in Taurus. This is a battle of wills, and tug-of-war between our desire to act upon our desires vs. the need to trust the timing of it all. Easier said than done with Venus igniting a passionate sign like Leo, but Jupiter in Taurus is simultaneously encouraging us to plant our seeds in earth that is solid, and fruitful. There’s a time and place for everything, right? In other news… and I dare say, the most important aspect of this (the sun and moon) lunation, the new moon will be squaring off with change-maker Uranus, which is where things get interesting, to say the least. For instance, if the new moon is vibing high in a fixed fire sign like Leo, the influence of disruptive Uranus will definitely come in to stir the pot, but there’s more. Shocking and volatile, this will more than likely bring some unexpected change of plans. Granted, if we look on the bright side of things, this aspect could come with surprising new developments when in regards to something we wholeheartedly desire. Either way, you’re gonna wanna befriend the chaos, and stay as open minded as possible. 

On a brighter note, Uranus will be in harmony with Mars and Mercury in Virgo, which is quite beneficial amidst the disarray. In other words, similar to the way Virgos come into critique, polish and streamline, this aspect will support us when deciding on next steps. This is where we will have the energy, focus and problem-solving skills to make this process more efficient. 

Read on for your new moon in Leo horoscope and affirmation, according to your zodiac sign:

August's new moon in Leo is activating your heart chakra, Aries. Hovering over your childlike fifth house of authenticity, creativity, and self-expression, there are seeds of potential available to you, specifically when it comes to your happiness and heart's desires. Although, with Venus retrograde in this area of your chart, you you could be working on something behind the scenes, if not reflecting on the aesthetic/branding of your passion projects. (That is, unless you're re-evaluating your relationship status, of course.) This lunation will also square change-maker Uranus, adding a layer of shock and disruption to the mix, whether financially or when in regards to your comfort zone. Fortunately, with your celestial ruler, Mars, sitting alongside Mercury in Virgo, you have the mental focus and resilience needed to confidently tackle these new logistics. Follow your bliss. New Moon Affirmation: I believe in myself and I will let my light shine bright, because it's meant to.

What reminds your inner child of home, Taurus? The new moon will touch down on your cozy fourth house of family, innermost feelings and emotional foundations, bringing new beginnings to your home sweet home. Keep in mind, your celestial ruler, Venus, is currently retrograde in this area of your chart, suggesting the possibility of you re-evaluating your sense of security, if not the relationship(s) (or lack thereof) you have with loved ones. The new moon will also be at odds with rebellious Uranus in your sign, triggering disruption and/or unexpected changes in your personal life. But whether consciously or unconsciously, your perception of relationships, commitments and emotional stability is transforming—you're liberating yourself in the process. This is especially true with Uranus harmonizing with Mars-Mercury in Virgo, via your fifth house of love, happiness and self-expression. New Moon Affirmation: I choose to be kind to myself, because I deserve a loving and peaceful life. 

Does your immediate environment support and wholeheartedly fulfill you, Gemini? With the moon renewing itself in the passionate sign of Leo—via your third house of communication and local affairs—you are being presented with the opportunity to use your voice, and speak from the heart. Keep in mind, Venus is already retrograde in this area of your chart, having you re-evaluate and reconsider your approach, whether in terms of finances and/or relationships. More importantly, given the retrograde influence, some of you may have already started working on something behind the scenes, which may or may not involve travel. However, while at odds with change-maker Uranus, your new moon intentions could be interrupted by an unexpected change of plans. Don't attach yourself to an outcome, and be sure you keep an open mind. New Moon Affirmation: I choose to think like a leader, and I will achieve whatever I set my mind to.

Celebrate yourself and your uniqueness, Cancer. This is especially appropriate with the moon renewing itself in Leo, via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances. and value systems. Although, with Venus currently retrograde in this area of your chart, many of you have likely started working on a financial goal and/or business endeavor behind the scenes. Otherwise, this is an opportunity for you to re-evaluate your financial security, if not rework your budget entirely. On another note, this lunation will eventually face off with rebellious Uranus—via your 11th house of associations, community affairs and individual freedom—adding a layer of surprise and disruption, specifically when in regards to your sense of belonging in the world. Fortunately, while in harmony with Mars-Mercury in Virgo in your communication sector, you'll have plenty of solutions for this unexpected chaos. New Moon Affirmation: My self-worth is solid and unquestionable; I am worthy of praise and unconditional love.

Happy new moon, Leo! Despite the undeniable effects of Venus retrograde, there are new seeds of potential waiting to manifest in your name. Moreover, with the sun and moon joining forces in your sign, your heart chakra is being activated, and your authenticity is ready to take the stage. Naturally, with Venus retrograde in your sign, many of you could be re-evaluating, re-assessing and rediscovering your idea of happiness, as well as your personal value systems. In other words, this new beginning is something you've been working on for quite some time. Now, while at odds with disruptive Uranus in your career sector, there could be some unexpected chaos taking place in the workplace, if not when in regards to your sense of authority. There's no need to fear, as Uranus will harmonize with Mars-Mercury in Virgo, presenting you with the financial strategy needed to push through with confidence. New Moon Affirmation: I am much stronger than I give myself credit for; I choose to prioritize my personal growth.

Take a moment to gather your thoughts, and recharge your energy, Virgo. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in vivacious Leo, bringing new beginnings to your 12th house of privacy, surrender and unconscious patterns. A spiritual reset is manifesting for you, but with Venus already retrograde in this area of your chart, chances are you've been doing most of the work already. Perhaps when it comes to past relationships and/or repressed desires you've slowly began to reconnect with. Keep in mind, this lunation will face off with change-maker Uranus, adding a layer of shock and volatility, specifically when in regards to your belief systems and philosophies. However, with the help of Mars-Mercury in your sign, their harmonious alignment with the rebel planet will help ground your thoughts, and support your strategy moving forward. New Moon Affirmation: I am not defined by my past; I am eager and open to explore new avenues.

Step into the spotlight, and cultivate your creative gifts for the greater good, Libra. After all, it's not everyday the sun joins forces with the moon in the most socially conscious area of your chart. This is presenting you with a clean slate, and an opportunity to connect with likeminded individuals who celebrate and support you. Having said that, we can't disregard the fact that your celestial ruler, Venus, has been retrograde in this area of your chart for quite some time, suggesting the possibility of you also working on something behind the scenes, if not re-evaluating next steps when in regards to your friendships, and social circles. Moreover, this lunation will face off with rebellious Uranus which, in turn, adds a layer of surprise and disruption, specifically when it comes to your intimate affairs, and shared resources. New Moon Affirmation: I can handle any social situation, because I choose to distance myself from environments that don't serve me.

You're taking the lead, because you were born for this, Scorpio. Forget the stage fright, and tap into your Leo essence, as it comes to life via the most public point in your birth chart. And with the moon renewing itself here—via your 10th house of authority, career, public persona and reputation in the world—you are being presented with the opportunity to start again, and maximize your potential. Keep in mind, Venus has been retrograde in this area of your chart since June, and while traveling a few degrees behind this new moon, many of you are committing to a plan you've been working on behind the scenes. This could be you reassessing and reevaluating your professional relationships, as well as your sense of self-worth. Moreover, while in a volatile square with Uranus, things could unexpectedly change in a partnership. Fortunately, Mars-Mercury in Virgo are here to help you simplify things, and come up with a plan moving forward. New Moon Affirmation: I am capable of overcoming challenges; I radiate confidence and inspire others with my passion.

Your future is bright, Sagittarius. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in Leo, via your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, belief systems and unknown territory, but there's more. With Venus already retrograde in this area of your chart, many of you have likely contemplated everything from your relationship dynamics to the stability of your finances. Who knows, you might've even entertained the thought of launching an passion project and taking the entrepreneurial route. You may have worked on this behind the scenes, and may continue to do so if need be. Keep in mind, this new moon will square off with rebellious Uranus in your sixth house of day-to-day rituals, adding a layer of shock and disruption to the mix. That being said, don't be discouraged if things don't go according to plan; be sure to keep an open mind with logistics. Fortunately, with the help of Mars-Mercury in Virgo, you will have the confidence and mental stamina to take the lead. New Moon Affirmation: I am constantly evolving and becoming a better version of myself; I choose to follow my heart 'cause it knows the way.

Take a closer look at your intimate affairs and shared resources, Capricorn. After all, it's not everyday the sun joins forces with the moon in this area of your chart, let alone in the midst of Venus retrograde. Having said that, you might've been in the process of contemplating the value of your investments, or perhaps re-evaluating whether these commitments bring you the emotional fulfillment you seek. Whether personally or professionally, this is an opportunity for you to embark on a clean slate, and start again. Keep in mind, this lunation will simultaneously face off with change-maker, Uranus—via your fifth house of children, passion projects, romantic rendezvous, and creative outlets—which could come with a surprise or two, depending on the situation. If something's been hanging by a thread, chances are the hesitation will finally come to an end. This energy is liberating you, and encouraging you to open your heart in the process. Lean on Mars-Mercury in Virgo for grounding and support moving forward. New Moon Affirmation: I have the courage to make tough decisions; I am worthy of receiving abundant rewards.

You're reconsidering your commitments and one-on-one relationships under this lunation, Aquarius. This is especially true with the sun and moon joining forces in vivacious Leo, via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others. Although, with Venus already retrograde in this area of your chart, many of you are in the process of redefining and re-evaluating the foundation of your connections. Whether personally or professionally, there is definitely an opportunity for growth and renewal in this area of life, but Luna's square to your modern ruler, Uranus, adds a bit of chaos to this new beginning. For instance, if you've been contemplating whether to relocate, or simply dealing with disruptions in your humble abode, this could come up for review at this time. Fortunately, with the help of Mars-Mercury in Virgo, you are being encouraged to lean on your shared resources and/or joint ventures for support. New Moon Affirmation: I attract loving relationships with an open heart; I choose to give and receive love.

Your time and energy are equally valuable, Pisces. And with the moon renewing itself in the vivacious sign of  Leo — via your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, heath habits, due diligence — there is greater emphasis on the dynamic of your day-to-day affairs. Whether professionally or in terms of health, this is an opportunity for you to take the lead, and create the emotionally fulfilling lifestyle you deserve. With Venus retrograde already igniting this area of your chart, many of you might've already started contemplating next steps, and re-evaluating your daily routines. But the new moon will be at odds with change-maker Uranus in your communication sector, adding a layer of chaos and unexpected changes. This could be something as simple as a change of plans in your schedule, while others of you are left with no choice but to take on a brand-new skill. The good news is, with the help of Mars-Mercury in Virgo ( in your relationship sector) you have the support of your peers to help you simplify the process at hand. New Moon Affirmation: I am efficient and productive; I am capable of achieving the goals I set for myself on a daily basis. 

Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily and more. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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