How The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra (Oct. 2, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How The Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra (Oct. 2, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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As the charming hues of autumn start to settle in, Libra season greets us with a gentle reminder of the magic that comes with cultivating balance. The air is crisp, and the energy is reflective as we fully transition into a brand-new season. With the sun journeying through justice-seeking Libra, we’re invited to realign with our inner scales to bring our lives into equilibrium. However, this Libra season is anything but subtle as it carries extra oomph, marking the last eclipse in Libra for this particular eclipse series. Moreover, with Libra’s celestial ruler, Venus, in the smoldering sign of Scorpio, the season is cloaked in mystery and a sense of renewal. 

On Oct. 2, at exactly 2:49 p.m. ET, the skies will unveil an annular solar eclipse at 10 degrees of Libra, setting the stage for an energetically potent new moon that beckons us to consider profound changes and resets in our lives. As you may remember, eclipses usher in sudden shifts and energetic releases that could take months to unravel. Lunar eclipses (a super potent full moon) are known to bring powerful endings, while solar eclipses (a super potent new moon) bring new beginnings. Whether lunar or solar, eclipses are powerful points of energetic release—think back to October 2005 (almost 20 years ago), as this was the last time we had an eclipse in Libra activate this degree (10) point.

Are you in balance with yourself and with your authenticity? In what areas of life have you been overly compromising of yourself and your personal needs? While all eclipses bring their magic—as portals of energy and transformation—this solar eclipse will be especially significant as it will join Mercury and the South Node of Destiny. The South Node symbolizes what needs to be released for our highest good, suggesting that while this is a brand-new beginning, there is a sense of completion and karmic release surrounding this solar eclipse. Consider this an opportunity to reflect on the past and what you’re ready to let go of before stepping into this new chapter.

When regarding your relationships, what choices have served you, and which ones need to be left behind to move forward? It is an ideal time to reevaluate your connections and commitments. This Venus-ruled sign’s quest for balance is not only about fairness to others—it’s about being fair to yourself. (Are you?) As you reflect on what changed for you nearly two decades ago, the South Node's influence reveals where you have outgrown certain aspects of your life, encouraging you to release them and make space for new growth.

Adding to the intensity, Venus has her gaze fixed on what lies beneath the surface in Scorpio, a zodiac sign that has everything to do with investigation, power dynamics and emotional depth. Under the influence of Pluto-ruled Scorpio, Venus asks us to look into the parts of ourselves we’ve been afraid to confront, to explore relationship patterns, and to examine our core values. What parts of your past are you ready to release to love yourself more fully? Venus in Scorpio dares to ask the uncomfortable questions, seeking truth and authenticity at all costs.

Venus will also dance with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, forming an intuitive Grand Water trine contributing to the emotional flow and mystical essence of the Water element. For instance, the influence of Saturn carries the wisdom of our past experiences while guiding us through the emotional clearing needed for this reset to occur. Mars is also stirring up family dynamics while in the sign of Cancer, triggering old wounds and emotions while highlighting the landscape of our inner worlds. The importance of inner work is as significant as ever, as it holds the key to the balance we seek, personally and as a collective.

The energy of this solar eclipse is both cathartic and transformative, offering a chance to reset, upgrade, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose. As Venus (in Scorpio) clears away the emotional imprints from the past, she teaches us that true balance begins with self-love and the willingness to embrace our inner truth.

In the meantime, read on for what October's solar eclipse in Libra means for your zodiac sign, along with a solar eclipse affirmation.

The solar eclipse in Libra is supercharging your committed seventh house of partnerships, prompting you to reflect on your relationships. Whether personal, professional, or in terms of friendship, this eclipse is asking you to reassess the balance (or lack thereof) within these connections. Have you been giving more than you're receiving? The South Node’s influence encourages you to release patterns of codependency or over-commitment. New energy is entering your partnership sector, offering a chance for renewal, but only if you're willing to let go of what no longer serves you. This is also a moment to reflect on your role in these dynamics. Are you showing up fully as yourself? A reset in your approach to love and partnerships awaits. Solar eclipse affirmation: I honor my individuality while embracing the balance in my partnerships. I deserve relationships that reflect my truth.

October's solar eclipse brings focus to your dutiful sixth house of daily routines, health, and acts of service, inspiring you to make significant changes in your day-to-day life. How have your habits supported your well-being, or have you been sacrificing too much for others? This is a time to reevaluate your work-life balance and let go of unhealthy patterns that don't serve you. The South Node encourages the release of routines and habits, in order to make space for a healthier and more productive lifestyle. Consider how you can better prioritize self-care and improve your work environment for a fresh start. Solar eclipse affirmation: I create harmony in my daily routines when I prioritize my well-being. I let go of habits that no longer serve me.

Are you allowing yourself enough time for fun and passion, Gemini? The solar eclipse in Libra highlights your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and self-expression. This eclipse may push you to reassess the way you express joy and creativity in your life. More importantly, the influence of the South Node encourages you to release fears around your self-expression and creativity. There’s a strong call to reconnect with the things that bring you genuine happiness, whether through art, romance, or play. As the eclipse energy unfolds, you’ll be inspired to reset your approach to personal expression, allowing more spontaneity and joy into your life. Solar eclipse affirmation: My creativity flows freely, and I embrace joy without hesitation. I trust my self-expression to guide me toward fulfillment.

With the solar eclipse in Libra activating your fourth house of home and family, there’s a deep emotional shift occurring around your roots and sense of belonging. This is a powerful time to reflect on your home life—what needs to change to bring more balance and peace into your world? Whether it’s a literal home environment or family dynamics, this solar eclipse encourages a reset in your emotional foundation. Moreover, the influence of the South Node supports you as you release old emotional baggage or family patterns that have kept you stuck. This is an ideal time for clearing out anything that no longer aligns with the nurturing environment you desire. Solar eclipse affirmation: I nurture my emotional foundation, releasing past patterns that no longer support my growth. My home is my sanctuary.

October's solar eclipse will touch down on your thought-provoking third house of communication, learning, and immediate environment. This eclipse invites you to rethink how you express yourself and share your ideas with the world. Are your words reflecting your truth, or have you been holding back to keep the peace? The South Node’s influence is also urging you to release outdated ways of thinking or communicating that no longer serve you. All in all, this is an excellent opportunity to reevaluate your connections with siblings or close neighbors. As you reset, consider how you can bring more balance and authenticity to your interactions, learning, and day-to-day mindset. Solar eclipse affirmation: My words reflect my truth, when I communicate with clarity and authenticity. There is balance in my ability to listen and communicate.

Have you been compromising your values for the sake of financial security, Virgo? October's solar eclipse activates your second house of values, finances, and self-worth, asking you to reflect on your relationship with money and material resources. Are you ready to let go of limiting beliefs around abundance? The influence of the South Node encourages a financial reset, as it invites you to release old habits around money and security that no longer serve you. This is an opportunity to reassess what truly matters and create a more balanced approach to earning and spending. As the eclipse unfolds, new opportunities may arise that align with your true values and self-worth. Solar eclipse affirmation: I trust in my worth and release outdated beliefs around money and security. My values align with abundance and self-respect.

The eclipse is eclipsing! This solar eclipse marks a pivotal moment in your life, and it's because it has your name on it, Libra. The last eclipse in your sign before kicking off a brand-new eclipse series, you’re being asked to take a closer look at how you present yourself to the world. Are you living authentically, or have you compromised your individuality to please others? With the South Node in your sign, it’s also time to let go of any tendencies to over-accommodate or prioritize others over yourself. This eclipse is an invitation to reset your personal narrative and step into your power. As you embrace a new version of yourself, you’ll find that relationships naturally adjust to reflect this transformation. Solar eclipse affirmation: I will honor my personal needs without compromising my individual freedom. Every day I step into my power more and more.

October's solar eclipse activates your twelfth house of subconscious patterns, healing, and spiritual growth. This is a powerful time for deep introspection, as the eclipse shines a light on hidden aspects of your psyche that need to be addressed. The South Node’s influence encourages you to release any limiting beliefs or emotional baggage that could've been holding you back. This reset is about letting go of what no longer serves your highest good, especially in terms of subconscious fears or self-sabotaging behaviors. As you clear these old patterns, you’ll find yourself more aligned with your spiritual path and inner peace. Solar eclipse affirmation: I release past fears and relationship burdens; I choose to embrace the transformative power of healing.

Is it time to release social dynamics that no longer resonate with you, Sagittarius? With the solar eclipse in Libra activating your eleventh house of community, friendships, and future visions, this is a time to reflect on your social connections and aspirations. Have your friendships and social circles been supporting your growth? The influence of the South Node encourages you to let go of outdated group affiliations and/or goals that no longer align with your evolving self. This eclipse is about finding balance between personal freedom and community involvement, allowing you to reset your vision for the future with more clarity and purpose. Solar eclipse: I find balance between my personal freedom and my community. My goals align with my evolving self, and I trust the path ahead.

With the solar eclipse activating your 10th house of career, notoriety and reputation, you can expect significant shifts in your professional life. For instance, have you been compromising your personal values for the sake of success? Would you be willing to make a career move that aligns with your true self? With the South Node also in Libra, this professional reset invites you to release outdated career goals or dynamics with authority figures that no longer serve you. This is a powerful time to reassess your long-term ambitions and the way you’re perceived in the public eye. As you move forward, you’ll find more balance between personal fulfillment and professional success. Solar eclipse affirmation: I let go of outdated ambitions and embrace a career that reflects my truth. I balance success with personal fulfillment.


Have your belief systems been limiting your personal growth, Aquarius? October's solar eclipse will activate your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and self-discovery, prompting you to rethink your worldview and current outlook on relationships. The influence of the South Node is encouraging you to release outdated ideologies, but this eclipse is also offering you a reset in your approach to learning and exploring new horizons, whether through travel, study, or spiritual growth. As you move forward, you’ll find yourself embracing new experiences and ideas that bring greater balance and wisdom into your life. Solar eclipse affirmation: I release limiting beliefs and open myself to new perspectives. I trust in the wisdom that comes with growth and expansion.

October's solar eclipse is glimmering through your eighth house of transformation, shared resources, and intimate affairs, marking a time of deep reflection, specifically when considering your emotional bonds and financial entanglements. The South Node in Libra is also encouraging you to release power dynamics and/or control issues within relationships in order for there to be a more balanced and equitable exchange. This eclipse offers a reset in how you handle intimacy and shared resources, whether emotionally or financially. As you let go of past patterns, you’ll find yourself more empowered in your investments, ready to embrace deeper connections with trust. Solar eclipse affirmation: I trust in my ability to create deep, meaningful connections. I embrace vulnerability and release the need to be in control.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PEOPLE, PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily, among others. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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