Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 17, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 17, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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As the elusive energy of autumn continues to unfold, the cosmos align in a way that is both harmonious and mystifying. For instance, although the sun is currently in graceful Libra—a sign focused on balance, relationships, and finding peace within the chaos—its ruler, Venus, is in the Underworld in Scorpio, where the love planet is considered to be in detriment. Here, the goddess of love can’t bloom like she usually would in her sign of rulership, Taurus, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t thrive in her way.

See, while in the depths of this Water sign, Venus’ magnetism and desires stem from an intense undercurrent of passion—Venus in Scorpio is soul-stirring, for better or worse. The fall season is also a time when we descend and reconnect with our shadow side, so if you are pondering, contemplating and feeling deeply introspective, you’re not alone. More importantly, as we emerge from a supercharged eclipse season, at the peak of a powerful transition, tension continues to rise as the sky isn’t settling down just yet. 

On October 17, the moon will peak via 24 degrees of fiery Aries at exactly 7:26 a.m. EST, bringing its passionate and pioneering energy to the forefront. As you may remember, the full moon phase marks a period of culmination and heightened emotions, where everything we’ve been working toward or feeling deeply becomes illuminated. Here, the energy will peak with what began during the Libra solar eclipse earlier in the month. Aggressive, emotionally triggering and more uncomfortable than we’d imagine, this full moon is not for the faint-hearted, and for more reasons than one.


Mark your calendars, friends! Our Desert Moonrise Collection launches Oct. 22nd at 10:00am PT and features a series of minimalist, dreamy wall art prints inspired by the resilient spirit of the desert, the radiant energy of the sun, and the serene glow of the moon. Available in unframed and framed options (with and without mat). 

The first sign of the zodiac—a Cardinal fire sign governed by the planet Mars—Aries’ archetype is a warrior; it is bold, direct and unafraid to charge ahead. It encourages us to take matters into our own hands, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone. However, this particular full moon is far from calm. It carries an undeniable tension, amplified by Mars (Aries’ ruling planet) being in the emotionally-driven sign of Cancer. This is a Mars energy that is receptive, guarded and temperamental, but with Cancer’s ruler (the moon) in Aries, this Mars is reactive, brash and not the most tactful. It doesn’t end there—not even close.

The (full) moon and its aggressive ruler, Mars, are in mutual reception with each other. This means while Mars in Cancer would normally opt for introspection and alone time, the moon in Aries (fueling it) is bringing all of Mars in Cancer’s repressed emotions outward. The Fire element (Aries) expresses itself, while the Water element (Cancer) feels deeply and often internalizes. It continues: Mars in Cancer is also activating a Grand Cardinal Cross, including the rest of the Cardinal signs and energies. This includes the sun in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and the full moon in Aries. 

Cardinal signs are initiators, and when they form hard aspects like these, we’re bound to feel the pressure. Mars in Cancer, already out of its element, adds an emotionally charged edge to the confrontational energy of this full moon. The opposition between the Moon and Sun highlights the tension between self and others, and Pluto’s involvement (not to mention after stationing direct) brings deep, transformative power struggles into the mix. Sincere warning: if things feel tense or chaotic, take a deep breath. We are collectively experiencing this—it’s the ending of an era and the beginning of a new one.

The change we’ve been expecting (even secretly) is here. The world we live in is changing before we know it, and just weeks before the elections. With that being said, this is a moment to harness the fire of Aries, but with the wisdom to channel it constructively rather than letting it burn out of control. Allow what’s meant to collapse and fall away to deconstruct itself. If there's a lot going on in your world, take care of yourself, but do stay in touch with friends and loved ones at this time, if you're called to.

Allow the tension to dissolve on its own, and pay attention to what the cosmos is communicating with you.

Read on for what this means for your zodiac sign, along with reflection questions.

Scorpio season is right around the corner. Grab a bottle of our Scorpio Nail Polish as a bday present for that special Scorpion in your life, or wow them with our Scorpio Nail Polish Bundle for the ultimate manicure experience. 

This full moon is deeply personal, as it illuminates your first house of self, identity, and autonomy, Aries. You’ve been navigating a journey of self-discovery, and now it’s time for a major release. A Grand Cardinal Cross urges you to confront emotional tensions between your personal needs and relationships, especially with Mars in Cancer fueling family dynamics or unresolved issues at home. The pressure is on to find a balance between your desires and the expectations of those around you. You may feel pulled between asserting your independence and maintaining peace with loved ones. Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth house pushes you to transform your career or long-term goals, while the Sun in Libra reminds you to consider your partnerships. With all these forces at play, you’re challenged to embrace your inner warrior, but also to approach conflicts with diplomacy. How can you honor your personal ambitions while maintaining harmony in you relationships? What areas of life need to be transformed?

This full moon lights up your twelfth house of endings, healing and the subconscious, pushing you to release deep-seated fears or emotional baggage, Taurus. A Grand Cardinal Cross stirs tensions in your inner world, particularly between your desire for privacy and the demands of your daily life. Mars in Cancer in your third house may bring emotionally charged conversations or unexpected revelations, urging you to express what’s been buried beneath the surface. Pluto in Capricorn continues to push you to transform your belief systems and expand your horizons, while the Sun in Libra highlights your sixth house of daily routines, asking you to find balance between self-care and productivity. The pressure may feel intense, but this is a moment for profound healing and letting go of what no longer serves you. What subconscious patterns or fears are you ready to purge? How can you find balance between your need for solitude and the demands of your responsibilities?

This full moon activates your 11th house of friendships, community, and long-term goals, bringing emotions and clarity around your social connections, Gemini. The Grand Cardinal Cross highlights the tension between your desire for freedom and working harmoniously with others. Mars in Cancer in your second house may raise concerns about financial security or self-worth. At the same time, Pluto in Capricorn pushes you to confront power dynamics or shared resources in intimate relationships. The Sun in Libra encourages you to consider how partnerships can enhance your creative pursuits, but the opposition to the moon in Aries may make you feel like you’re standing alone. Use this full moon to assess your friendships and networks and decide who is supportive of your long-term goals and dreams. How can you balance your independence with your desire to collaborate? What relationships or group dynamics are no longer serving your future visions?

This full moon in Aries illuminates your 10th house of career, ambitions, and public image, bringing professional matters to a head, Cancer. The Grand Cardinal Cross is especially potent for you, as Mars in your sign heightens your emotional sensitivity and reactivity. You may feel torn between your personal needs and the demands of your career or professional life. Pluto in Capricorn in your seventh house of partnerships adds pressure to transform your closest connections, while the Sun in Libra asks you to keep the keep back home. The tension between personal and professional spheres is palpable, but this full moon gives you the opportunity to step into leadership while honoring your emotional needs. It’s a call to balance your inner world with your outer responsibilities. How can you assert yourself without compromising your emotional well-being? What relationships need to evolve to support your growth?


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This full moon energizes your ninth house of higher learning, travel, and expansion, urging you to seek out new experiences and explore new philosophies, Leo. The Grand Cardinal Cross creates tension between your desire for adventure and the practical realities of your day-to-day life. Mars in Cancer in your 12th house may stir up hidden fears or unresolved emotional issues that need to be addressed before you can fully embrace the changes you seek. Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house continues to transform your work habits and health routines, pushing you to eliminate what no longer serves you. The Sun in Libra highlights your third house of communication, encouraging you to find the balance between exploration and staying grounded in your immediate environment. This is a moment to push past limitations, but while staying tuned into your inner world. How can you balance your desire for expansion with the emotional work that needs to be done? What daily habits or routines are holding you back from embracing new opportunities?

This full moon in Aries activates your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation, bringing deeply emotional matters to the surface, Virgo. The Grand Cardinal Cross creates tension between your personal desires and the expectations of others, particularly in matters of money, power, or deep emotional bonds. Mars in Cancer in your 11th house may stir up issues in friendships or group dynamics, while Pluto in Capricorn in your fifth house pushes you to transform your creative expression or romantic relationships. The Sun in Libra also shines a light on your second house of values and finances, asking you to reassess what you truly value. This full moon may feel like a pressure cooker, but it’s a transformative moment to confront fears around vulnerability and power. What fears or emotional patterns are preventing you from embracing deeper intimacy? How can you align your personal values with your relationships?

The full moon in Aries brings significant focus to your seventh house of relationships, illuminating your partnerships and one-on-one connections, Libra. A Grand Cardinal Cross creates powerful tension between your need for freedom and your desire for harmony in your relationships. Mars in Cancer in your 10th house may stir up frustrations at work or around career matters, while Pluto in Capricorn continues to transform your home life or family dynamics. With the Sun in your sign, you’re also seeking balance between your personal desires and the expectations of those closest to you. This full moon challenges you to find equilibrium, even as emotions run high. It’s a moment to assert yourself while maintaining fairness and respect in your relationships. How can you maintain a sense of independence while honoring your relationships? What compromises are needed to create harmony between your personal and professional life?

This full moon in Aries energizes your sixth house of work, health, and daily routines, bringing attention to your well-being and responsibilities, Scorpio. The Grand Cardinal Cross adds tension between your desire for personal freedom and the structure of your day-to-day life. Mars in Cancer in your ninth house may push you to explore new philosophical or spiritual ideas, but there’s a tension between expanding your horizons and managing your day-to-day tasks. Pluto in Capricorn, in your third house of communication, asks you to transform the way you express yourself, while the Sun in Libra highlights your 12th house of secrets and unconscious patterns. This full moon challenges you to balance work and rest while also finding deeper meaning in the minutia of your daily life. How can you balance your desire for expansion with the demands of your daily routine? What habits or routines need to be transformed to support your overall well-being?


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The full moon in Aries lights up your fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression, encouraging you to take bold steps in pursuing your passions, Virgo. A Grand Cardinal Cross, however, creates tension between your personal desires and the responsibilities you have toward others. Mars in Cancer in your eighth house of shared resources may bring up emotional or financial concerns, while Pluto in Capricorn in your second house challenges you to reassess your values and resources. The Sun in Libra also shines a light on your 11th house of friendships and community, asking you to find balance between your personal passions and your sense of belonging in the world. This full moon may push you to take risks, but it’s important to consider how your actions may affect others. How can you pursue your creative passions while committed to your responsibilities? What financial or emotional issues need to be addressed?

This full moon in Aries highlights your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, bringing deeply personal matters to the forefront, Capricorn. A Grand Cardinal Cross creates tension between your public and private life, as Mars in Cancer in your seventh house stirs up relationship dynamics and Pluto in your sign continues to transform your sense of self. The Sun in Libra shines a light on your 10th house of career, asking you to find balance between your professional ambitions and your emotional needs at home. This full moon may feel like a turning point, especially as you confront the tension between what you want for yourself and what others expect of you. How can you balance your personal needs with the demands of your career and relationships? What changes need to be made in your home or family for your emotional well-being?

The full moon in Aries activates your third house of communication, learning, and community, bringing clarity around how you express yourself and connect with those around you, Aquarius. The Grand Cardinal Cross creates tension between your need for intellectual freedom and the demands of your personal or professional life. Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer in your sixth house may stir up frustrations around work or health, while Pluto in Capricorn in your 12th house asks you to confront deep-seated fears or subconscious desires. The Sun in Libra also shines light on your ninth house of higher learning, pushing you to balance your quest for adventure with the need to take care of practical matters. This full moon encourages you to speak your truth but while staying mindful of the way your words have the power to affect others. How can you communicate more authentically while considering the needs of those around you? Are there fears or patterns holding you back from fully expressing yourself?

This full moon in Aries lights up your second house of finances, values, and self-worth, urging you to take a closer look at how you manage your resources and what you truly value, Pisces. A Grand Cardinal Cross creates intense tension between your personal desires and external demands, particularly in your financial and emotional realms. Mars in Cancer in your fifth house also stirs up creative or romantic frustrations, while Pluto in Capricorn in your 11th house challenges your place within a group or community. The Sun in Libra also shines a light on your eighth house of shared resources, highlighting issues related to power, control, and deeper emotional connections. This full moon asks you to assert your independence while navigating complex emotional and financial entanglements. Be mindful of impulsive decisions, especially when it comes to your money and relationships. How can you assert your independence while maintaining healthy emotional and financial connections? What steps can you take to feel in alignment?


Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PEOPLE, PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily, among others. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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