How The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept. 17, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept. 17, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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The last eclipse series of the year has arrived, as the cosmos hosts a captivating lunar eclipse in the enchanting sign of Pisces on September 17. This is the first lunar eclipse we've had in this Mutable water sign since September 2016 and the beginning of an eclipse story that will continue throughout 2025 and 2027. Reaching its peak at exactly 25 degrees of Pisces (at 10:34 p.m. ET), this celestial event encourages reflection, release, and renewal as we close out another year. Check which astrological house belongs to 25 degrees of Pisces in your birth chart, as something significant is beginning to close out in this area of your life.

Eclipses are the wild cards of astrology, powerful agents of change and transformation since ancient times. The energy of a lunar eclipse, in particular, is known to bring powerful endings. More importantly, lunar eclipses beckon us to explore the depths of our emotions and confront what lies beneath the surface. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth casts its shadow over the moon, creating an intriguing spectacle that represents the illumination of hidden truths. This shadow, which often takes on a reddish hue due to the scattering of sunlight through the Earth’s atmosphere, serves as a reminder of what we choose to keep in the dark—our fears, insecurities, and unspoken desires.

The essence of Pisces is profound and multifaceted; its mutable modality can explain everything from its versatility and adaptable nature to its innate connection to spirit. Governed by Neptune—the planet of dreams, spirituality, illusions and subconscious realms—Pisces is the bridge between the physical dimension and the mystical realm, inviting us to explore the depths of our intuition and creativity. Like the butterflies fluttering in your stomach when listening to your favorite song or falling in love, Pisces epitomizes the meaning of transcendence and connection. Intuitive and supernatural, Pisces encourages us to surrender to our feelings and let them guide us. 

Often referred to as the axis of heaven and earth, the Pisces-Virgo axis exemplifies the relationship between our dreams and the actions we take to realize them. This dynamic is reflected not only in the signs themselves but also in the astrological houses in our birth charts that they govern, influencing various areas of our lives. Pisces, with its mystical qualities, invites us to dream and explore the spiritual depths of our unconscious, while Virgo grounds those dreams, encouraging us to take practical steps toward their realization.


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During the lunar eclipse in Pisces, the sun in Virgo will create a direct opposition with the moon, emphasizing this astrological axis. This celestial event will serve as a powerful and revelatory moment, where our emotions may feel especially heightened, and our dreams may surface with greater clarity. The eclipse represents a culmination—a time to confront what we’ve been avoiding and to shed light on the areas of our lives that need attention. As the moon is cloaked in shadow, this eclipse invites us to reflect on the complexities of our emotional landscape.

Sitting in a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, this lunar eclipse is also shedding light on the conscious and unconscious energies we’re ready to let go of. The influence of Neptune, vast and all-encompassing, suggests that big endings are on the way. That being said, it’s important for us to get clear with ourselves and honor what we’ve completed and worked so hard to heal. Reflect on what no longer resonates with you at a soul level, as we will more than likely receive intuitive downloads as we approach and during the eclipse.

Fortunately, while conjunct the North Node in Aries, the cosmos is specifically guiding us toward our destiny and what we’re meant to step into at this time. The sun and Mercury in Virgo are also highlighting what we’ve worked so hard for, and what is practical moving forward. This is likely to create a tug-of-war between our intuitive feelings and what our practical mind has logically processed. In any event, one thing’s for sure: A chapter of life is slowly but surely coming to a close, and this eclipse reminds us to trust that everything is happening in divine timing and falling into place as it should.

On the dark side, if there’s an area of life where you’ve been deceiving yourself or perhaps choosing to disregard out of fear, this eclipse will bring awareness to this “secret” and/or “unconscious knowing,” regardless of whether it’s deliberate acts or your own self-sabotage. Pisces (with its duality) can also symbolize deception, so not all that comes to light will be dreamy and whimsical. 

In the meantime, read on for what September's lunar eclipse in Pisces means for your zodiac sign, along with a lunar eclipse reflection.

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The lunar eclipse in Pisces awakens your inner dreamer, inviting you to explore the hidden realms of your subconscious. As emotions rise to the surface, take this opportunity to reflect on any fears or doubts that have been holding you back. This is a powerful moment to release old patterns and let go of what no longer serves you. Allow the magic of this eclipse to inspire a fresh vision for your future. Embrace your intuitive insights, and trust that they will guide you toward new adventures. With courage in your heart, step boldly into the unknown, knowing that the universe supports your journey toward self-discovery and personal growth. Lunar eclipse reflection: What old patterns or fears are you ready to release in order to embrace the new possibilities that await you? 

The eclipse shines a light on your social circles, urging you to reassess the friendships and connections that nourish your soul. This is a moment for reflection; consider which relationships inspire you and which may be draining your energy. It’s time to release any connections that no longer resonate with your values. Embrace the magic of this lunar energy to foster deeper bonds with those who uplift you. Trust that as you let go, new and enriching friendships will emerge, guiding you toward a supportive network. Allow this transformative period to inspire you to reach out, collaborate, and build connections that align with your dreams and aspirations. Lunar eclipse reflection: Which friendships or connections in your life no longer align with your values, and how can you create space for new, uplifting ones?

A magical light shines on your career and ambitions during this lunar eclipse. As you navigate the complexities of your professional life, take a moment to evaluate what truly fulfills you. Reflect on your current path and identify any outdated aspirations that no longer align with your true self. This is a powerful time for release, allowing you to let go of what has been holding you back. Embrace the transformative energy of this lunar eclipse to open doors to new opportunities. Trust that the universe will guide you toward your true calling. As you embrace change, remember that your multifaceted nature is your greatest asset, enabling you to thrive in any situation. Lunar eclipse reflection: What professional paths are you ready to surrender in order to pursue your true passions and find greater fulfillment?

This lunar eclipse encourages you to explore the depths of your beliefs and philosophies. It invites you to reflect on what inspires you and brings meaning to your life. Use this moment to let go of limiting beliefs that may be hindering your growth and exploration. As you confront your fears, embrace the spiritual journey that awaits you. The energy of Pisces opens the door to deeper intuition and connection with your higher self. Allow your heart to guide you toward new horizons, fostering a sense of adventure and curiosity. Trust that the universe is nudging you to expand your horizons and explore new spiritual pathways. Lunar eclipse reflection: What limiting beliefs or fears are holding you back from fully embracing your spiritual growth and expanding your horizons? 

The energies of transformation are strong during this eclipse, urging you to confront the complexities of intimacy and shared resources. It’s a time to assess the relationships in your life, both personal and professional. Reflect on your emotional connections and identify what needs to change. Release any fears surrounding vulnerability and trust in the power of deeper connections. The magic of this lunar eclipse invites you to embrace transformation, leading to a more profound sense of security in your relationships. Allow yourself to be open to change, knowing that as you release the old, you create space for deeper intimacy and emotional fulfillment in your life. Lunar eclipse reflection: What emotional barriers or fears are you ready to let go of in order to have more intimacy in your connections?

This lunar eclipse shines a light on your partnerships, encouraging you to reflect on the dynamics of your one-on-one relationships. Are they nurturing your spirit, or do they require reevaluation? Take time to assess where you stand and what needs attention. This lunar eclipse provides an opportunity for healing and honest communication. Embrace the energy of release, letting go of patterns that no longer serve you. Trust that by confronting any lingering issues, you can cultivate deeper connections and more meaningful interactions. As you navigate this transformative period, remember that open dialogue and vulnerability can strengthen your bonds, allowing love and understanding to flourish. Lunar eclipse reflection: What relationship dynamics are no longer serving you? How can you create space for healthier, more fulfilling connections?


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The lunar eclipse invites you to reassess your daily routines and self-care practices. Are you honoring your well-being? This is a powerful moment for reflection, prompting you to let go of habits that drain your energy. Embrace the energy of this eclipse to create space for nurturing practices that align with your values. As you release what no longer serves you, consider incorporating new rituals that support your physical and emotional health. The magic of Pisces encourages you to listen to your intuition and prioritize self-care. Trust that by taking care of yourself, you are better equipped to share your light and love with others. Lunar eclipse reflection: What unhealthy habits and/or routines are you prepared to release to embrace a more balanced and nurturing lifestyle?

This lunar eclipse illuminates your fifth house of creative expression and romantic pursuits, inviting you to explore your passions with renewed vigor and an open heart. Reflect on what ignites your spirit and let go of any fears that have held you back from fully embracing your authentic desires. This is a time to release outdated notions of love and creativity that no longer resonate with you. The mystical essence of Pisces encourages you to dive deep into your musings and surrender inhibitions hindering your artistic expression. Allow your intuition to guide you as you embrace new opportunities for creativity and connection. Trust that as you open up, you will attract experiences that bring joy and fulfillment into your life. Lunar eclipse reflection: What creative blocks or fears surrounding self-expression are you ready to release in order to fully embrace your heart’s desires?


The numinous energies of the lunar eclipse encourage you to reflect on your home and family dynamics. This is a moment to assess your emotional foundations and release what’s been potentially hindering your emotional stability. As you navigate the complexities of your personal life, consider what truly brings you comfort and security. The magic of this eclipse invites you to create a nurturing environment that supports your personal and professional aspirations. Embrace the opportunity to let go of what no longer aligns with your values, allowing new beginnings to flourish. Lunar eclipse reflection: What emotional ties are you prepared to let go of, in order to create a more supportive and stable environment?

The lunar eclipse puts a spotlight on your communication style, thought processes and immediate surroundings, urging you to reflect on how you express yourself and perceive the messages around you. Are you comfortable speaking your truth, or do you hold back? This is a powerful moment to let go of self-doubt and embrace more clarity in your interactions. The energy of mystical Pisces encourages you to tap into your higher self and welcome the messages you’re ready to receive, both at an intuitive and intellectual level. As you navigate this lunar eclipse, consider the impact of words and thoughts. Lunar eclipse reflection: What outdated thought patterns or communication styles are you ready to surrender in order to express yourself more authentically?

The lunar eclipse illuminates your second house of values and financial matters, prompting you to assess your relationship with abundance and gratitude. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and security, as this is a powerful time to release outdated beliefs about money and self-worth that may be holding you back from your fullest potential. Embrace the energy of Pisces to align your values with your actions, allowing you to create a more fulfilling future, emotionally and financially. Trust that your intuition will guide you toward new opportunities that resonate with your truth. Remember, true abundance comes from living in alignment with your authentic self. Luna eclipse reflection: What limiting beliefs regarding your self-worth or finances are you prepared to let go of to attract greater abundance into your life?


The lunar eclipse marks a pivotal moment for you, dear Pisces. As the lunar eclipse casts a light over your sign, it invites you to explore the intricate layers of your personality and allow yourself to surrender the aspects of yourself that no longer resonate with the individual you’re blossoming into. This is a time for emotional healing and spiritual renewal. Embrace the transformative energy of this eclipse as a way to let go of limiting beliefs and self-doubt. Allow your intuition to guide you as you step into your authenticity and soul’s truth. Lunar eclipse reflection: What inhibitions and belief systems are you ready to surrender regarding your sense of self?


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Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily and more. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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