Fabulous Fish: Pisces Style Icons

Fabulous Fish: Pisces Style Icons

Posted by Katherine Huang on

Pisces are known to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others instinctively, so it’s no surprise that they wear their inspiration on their sleeves! While they may be the last sign of the zodiac, they are certainly leaders of their own beaten path, and they prove this with their otherworldly essence and ever-changing style. The symbol for Pisces depicts two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the duality and receptivity of Piscean nature. It’s no wonder then that Piscean celebrity style can’t be pinned down to just a single trend!  Some examples of prominent Pisces fashion game-changers include Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Liz Taylor, and the late Kurt Cobain.  Let’s dive deeper into the legendary wardrobes of these water-sign celebrities and get a glimpse of their style evolution.  

As Pisces swims through life, they develop a reservoir of knowledge and wisdom from each person they meet. Their heightened level of understanding of the many facets of the human soul allow them to empathize with others, seeing each individual as one of the many reflections of their own self.  Because Pisces are so sensitive to their surroundings, their style is an amalgamation and wild ride of people, places, and cultures that have influenced them.  


Justin Bieber is wildly successful millennial Pisces (born March 1st, 1994) who was “discovered” at a very young age and rose to superstar status within just a few years. While his earlier looks reflected the innocent and noticeably softer/sweeter side of his adolescence, his later style adopted a much tougher, defined personality.  Below we can see that the young icon started off with more reserved looks that were mostly casual paired with a dressy accessory or two (peep the tie)  -- and while it may not have us doing anything close to a double take, just remember what you wore when you were 16 years old...doesn’t seem quite as bad now, does it?! It’s important to note that Pisces can take some time to grow into themselves, and the process can be a long one if they are particularly indecisive. That being said, we think it’s safe to assume that Justin’s teen style was a first step in testing the waters of the fashion world.  

Although the Canadian heartthrob is a pop star, he has clearly drawn inspiration from hip-hop, rock, and grunge influences. Just a few years after his smash hit “Baby” came out in 2010 (and many tattoos later), we can really see Justin’s fearless “laid-back skater meets urban streetwear” aesthetic take form in early 2013.  During this time, Justin’s wardrobe had a predominantly urban flair, rocking baggy harem pants, thick chains, and long tees.  Pisces are known to reflect their environment, so perhaps this urban tilt can be credited to Usher, who first discovered him, or a number of hip-hop artists who the pop icon quickly became friends with/collaborated with (i.e. Ludacris, Nicki Minaj).

In more recent years it’s apparent that Justin has fearlessly expanded his style while refining it at the same time.  His bleached, beach-tossed hair has paired well with the incorporation of ripped blue jeans, bold graphic tees, and a seemingly endless array of flannels.  This relaxed version of west-coast grunge combined with Justin’s luxury street style has certainly created his signature look, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!


Rihanna followed a nearly identical route in developing her own personal style. Gaining notoriety from a young age, the world has had an eye on this girl and her wardrobe from early on. Back in 2005 during her first album, “Music of the Sun” Rihanna wore lots of bright and cheery colors paired with body chains, and plenty of loose denim inspired by the dance scene of her homeland. We can clearly see the mix of both Western/American and Barbados/island influences by examining these super casual red carpet looks.

After her first album and an infamously dark relationship with rapper Chris Brown, Rihanna ditched the lowriders and the girl-next-door smile for some extremely daring, tough as nails outfits that mirrored her musical shift, expressed perfectly in her songs “Hard” and “Rockstar 101”. We imagine how during this difficult time Rihanna would have wanted to put up a barrier or shield between herself and the world as everyone seemed to have something negative to say about the singer’s relationship troubles and Pisces can easily become overwhelmed by their surroundings.. She may have also wanted to prove her strength and fearlessness with these over the top, dark and dangerous looks.

However, Rihanna knows how to turn it out for a big event with a truly artistic selection of head turning evening gowns crafted by designer elites such as this Swarovski crystal mesh dress by Adam Selman. She constantly makes the top of fashion’s best dressed lists and has proven that a Pisces can pull off just about anything!

The latter two style icons are surely more “toned down” or refined, but nonetheless eccentric and impactful.


While burnout sweaters, skater shoes, and tartan prints may seem modest in terms of fashion “expression" at the time, Kurt Cobain’s off beat, grunge anti-fashion statements resonated with the youth culture of the 90’s, paving the way for many of today’s trends in alternative Rock n’ Roll fashion.

After his parent’s divorce, Cobain was transient for many years, staying with either relatives or friends, until he moved to Olympia and formed the band Nirvana in his early twenties. Nirvana’s sudden success became difficult for the shy and sensitive Seattle native to deal with. He rejected the bombardment of Hollywood influencers with the incorporation of destroyed denim and sweaters torn at the seams.

Because Pisces are hypersensitive creatures, the overwhelming gifts of their extrasensory abilities can often trigger escapist tendencies, making them more susceptible to drug/alcohol abuse as a way to cope with whatever dismal realities they may face. Cobain struggled with heroin addiction, chronic health problems, and depression.  Sadly, he passed away far too early, overdosing on heroin at the age of 27. 


Another prominent Pisces style icon of the Old Hollywood era was Liz Taylor, who passed on the popular peroxide trend sweeping the nation in favor of her natural dark brown locks. Liz Taylor also tried to “escape” from the hectic Hollywood scene by retiring at an early age and doing whatever she damn well pleased, i.e. marrying 8 times to 7 different men, traveling all over the world, and amassing one of the most expensive private jewelry collections on the planet!

Liz’s most glamorous looks are clearly inspired by the exotic foreign places she travelled to and the people she met along the way by incorporating ornate and elegant pieces like these head coverings inspired by the women of the Middle East.

Fashion is an excellent way to express ourselves without having to say a word, and Pisces have certainly mastered the art of nonverbal communication through their expressive and innovative wardrobes. If you’re finding it difficult to “understand” the statement behind these wise, mystical fish’s fashion choices then perhaps you’ll have to wait around a few decades and see who truly made the style of their time! Chances are you’ll find a few incredible Pisces at the forefront, blazing a trail behind them on the runway or the red carpet.

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