Big Bang Beauty Bag: Must Have Beauty Products For Each Sign

Big Bang Beauty Bag: Must Have Beauty Products For Each Sign

Posted by Katherine Huang on


Astrology isn't just for finding a soulmate or forecasting your next career move anymore. Let's take to the universe to not only strategize for our life but to also upgrade our beauty routine! Find out how you can use your specific zodiac sign to guide to toward products that are certain to make you the prettiest little cosmic babe in the solar system this season!

Aries: Since you rule the dome, lets talk hair! Aries gals tend to overload on products and tools to maintain their ever changing hair fancies. One minute you want it sleek then voluminous, up and chic, then of course down and wavy. You're hardly indecisive, more so you're hairventurous, and like creating new looks for every event of the day. Admit it, you have perfected the sporty/sexy gym ponytail with minimal Bobbi pins and that envious bounce/swing ratio. For you, Elizabeth & James’ dry shampoo in ‘Nirvana White’ will carry you from day to night without having to run home and wash that mane of yours. Who has that kind of time anyway? Not an Aries. This product smells like a dream, and l hail anything the Olsen queens touch.

Nirvana White Dry Shampoo
By Elizabeth & James , $28

Taurus: You could use a beauty ritual that indulges in chill time. A vegan and $100% natural body scrub called “cool down” by Soul Sunday is just the attention your skin needs to exfoliate away not only your dead cells but release old news, negative thoughts, and the day’s bad juju. The peppermint oil will cool and soothe your tense muscles while almond and coconut oil do the moisturizing. You tend to hold onto things, penting up stress. now it's time to let go and take care of yourself. Think of it as a responsibility to yourself, your skin, and your blood pressure. You're a better bull when you're calm and centered.

Cool Down Sugar Scrub
By Soul Sunday, $16

Gemini: Nothing is permanent for the ever changing Gemini babe. Before you go get your next stick and poke by your friend who does a decent job, why not first play around with something a little more washable like silly Adult temporary tattoos that remind us of being a kid! Sport a collection of summer fun images like ice pops and sunglasses as an accessory to this season’s bikini . Tattly’s set is sure to show off your child like spirit, though you may have to bleed to look like a real bad ass. If youre down for a little light hearted skin art, this is the perfect non committal beauty trend.

Temporary Tattoo Tet, $15
By Tattly
@ urban

Cancer: Nostalgia is your middle name, and nothing summons a memory quite like a scent. Take the opportunity to catalog this season's best moments with a signature scent. Strange invisible has a line of zodiac perfumes (one for each sign! I know! Incredible, right?) the Cancer scent makes me wish I was a born in the early summer myself! It has light and feminine Notes of mandarin, patchouli, and lily of the valley that balance out perfectly the warmth of Tahitian vanilla, Amber, and leather. This is a soft and cozy blend perfect for your cancerian nature. Personally, I feel like my entire life gets better the minute I have a new scent. Splurge and spritz  why don't you!

Perfumes of the Zodiac- Cancer, $125
By Strange Invisible Perfumes

Leo: What's the first thing girls notice about each other? Their shoes? Yes, but equally as important-- our Brows! Luckily, the full brow is still going strong. I know you lionesses like to go wild, but here's a product to ensure your thick and bold brows have some boundaries. Glossier (everyones Magic skin care line) has come out with their phase two kit which includes ‘boy brow’ , for ultimate eye brow grooming that looks natural not drawn on. It comes in three shades: blond, brown, and black. You can buy this product separate from the phase 2 set if you're  just dabbling in Glossier for now. PS- quit dabbling. commit! We’re all jumping off the bridge for a reason!

Boy Brow, $16
By Glossier

Virgo: You are perfectionists, all of you! You seek high quality products to fix any little mishap your skin is showing. My suggestion for your fix it compulsions: a color correcting palette by a Swedish company called FACE. It offers a simple, clean, and perfected palette of lilac, mint, pink, and apricot to diminish redness, sallowness, and signs of fatigue. It's basically photoshop in one product. No more complaining about your skin. What will you do with all that free time now?

Corrector Kit, $32
By FACE Stockholm

Libra: Libra, you pretty little thing. Though you're a beauty maven, i’d like for you to simplify your products. Less is more. I know you don't believe me. But it would suite you to have one color product to both address the tint on your lips and cheeks. Despite the desire to contour and highlight and pack on the powdery stuff, this spring and summer take a lighter approach with a natural stain by Fat and the Moon to cover all your bases in a subtle way. The berry/wine color will fit right into your palette but also rid you of unkind chemicals of other make up lines. This tint gets its color from alkanet and Beet root, also it has a rose geranium essential oil which aids in reducing tension and nervousness. What more do you want? Pretty AND relaxed? You're welcome.

Lip/cheek stain, $12
By Fat and the Moon

Scorpio: I'm just going to cut to the chase here. Scorpio’s best beauty product: slipping into a cleansing bath of Dragon’s Blood! What sounds more appropriate for a Scorpio than that? Now, it's not exactly as messy as it sounds. Calling all the witches and new age Water babies of this sign: pour ½ the bottle of this magic bath elixir to warm water, stir, set your intent and welcome purification, good luck, success, love, and protection! Manifesting is better than make up, and Scorpios have a deep connect to clairvoyant powers! Tap into yours while scrub a dub dubbing! You know you're curious!

Dragon’s Blood Cleansing Bath, $10
By House of Intuition

Sagittarius: For the chickadee who is always on the move, your go to product is a beauty travel kit sure to cover all ground! Once the sun comes out, you hit the road and you don't have time to pack up all of your glamour staples. Make your in flight experience as seamless as if you were right at home at your own mirror with Aesop’s Jet Set Kit! It's carry-on size ready and bound to leave delicious smells on every continent you visit! It contains their classic shampoo, conditioner, geranium leaf body cleanser, and rind concentrate body balm. Pack light, unplug, and adventure with abandon you free spirited Sagittarius knowing your beauty bag has your back!

Jet Set Kit, $37
By Aesop

Capricorn: For you practical goats, I want to encourage a product and practice that is all inclusive: Rodin olio lusso will carry your skin throughout the whole year, not only this season . Not much else is needed, so investing is worth it! I know you hate to spend money on something as frivolous as a beauty product, but just trust me, a little goes a long way. Composed of a bevy of natural oils, except hydrated skin and a luminous complexion . Most capricorns don't tend to cake on the makeup anyway, so this will enhance your natural look without goop and shmutz. PS- google image Linda Rodin, she is way cooler than most of your friends and likely your grandmother’s age. #goals

Olio Lusso, $170

Aquarius: in true fashion, you are always keen to what's coming next, Aquarius! You can practically see into the future! Well, coming out this Spring is the product we've all been waiting to cross the pond, and it's the perfect one for you: The Spray on manicure! British brand Nails Inc is coming out with polish in a can that supposedly only takes 20 seconds to apply! No more sitting and painting and smudging and blowing! You don't have time for all that business anyway, you are ready for innovation and here it is: in a can! Post spray, You wipe away the mess easily with warm water and voila! You'll be limited to two colors for now: silver and pink( of course you'll gravitate towards a galactic metallic).Be patient, there are bound to be more colors on the horizon. In the meantime, get ready for a beauty product that's about to change the game of manis and pedis! Aquarians certainly will be first in line!

Paint Can Spray, $12
By Nails Inc.

Pisces: You love a nightly routine, Pisces; a time to wind down, let go of your daily troubles, and escape into a realm of fantasy. Let 'Goodnight Dust' by Moon Juice be an aid in your nocturnal fancies. It promotes natural melatonin release and stabilizes REM. Add this natural tranquilizer to any beverage of your choice, and the next day wake up feeling renewed and refreshed! Drink up and Surrender little dreamers to beauty rest! Isn't that the oldest beauty trick in the book? Sleep!

Goodnight Dust, $55
By Moon Juice



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