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Welcome to eclipse season, a time when transformation reigns and the cosmos nudges us toward powerful change. As we say goodbye to winter and begin to feel the stirrings of spring, we also step into a period swirling with intensity. Eclipses hold immense energy, often signaling endings and powerful new beginnings. Despite their ability to guide us through significant turning points, they’ve been considered powerful omens since ancient times.
The sudden darkness caused by a lunar or solar eclipse was often interpreted as a sign of the gods' displeasure or a harbinger of disaster. The eerie shift in the sky would make entire societies panic, with people believing that the sun or moon was being consumed or dying. Today, we understand that eclipses occur four to six times a year, but their intensity still carries a weight that pushes us to take a hard look at what’s no longer working in our lives.
Every eclipse tells a story, one that reflects the cycles of change and transformation in our lives. Whether it's a solar or lunar eclipse, these stellar events mark pivotal moments where something is illuminated, revealed, or brought to an end. Each eclipse offers us an opportunity to reflect on where we've been, where we are, and where we need to go. The story of an eclipse unfolds in the celestial themes it activates, guiding us toward growth, release, and new beginnings.
On March 14, the first eclipse of 2025 arrives — a total lunar eclipse at 23 degrees of Virgo, reaching its peak at 2:54 a.m. ET. Consider Virgo’s zodiac archetype, a mutable earth sign representing everything from our lifestyle and “system” to the process of purification. Governed by Mercury, Virgo highlights the synergy between our mind, body and soul — the logistics of our day-to-day, whether in terms of routine or our well-being.
That said, this eclipse is presenting us with the opportunity to make significant changes, corrections and improvements, whether that’s releasing emotional baggage or simply making necessary adjustments in our lives. Lunar eclipses mark significant endings, but in this particular case, regarding the astrological axis of Virgo and Pisces. For the first time since 2006-2007, the North Node (what we’re embracing) is in Pisces, and the South Node (what we’re releasing) is in Virgo.
Which astrological house belongs to Pisces in your birth chart? This is the area of life where we are in the process of experiencing profound endings, dissolution and transcendence, almost as if the universe was clearing the space for something new. You could feel a big sweep of energy clearing away what's no longer relevant to you at a soul level. More importantly, reflect on your Neptune in Pisces journey (since 2011) as it officially enters Aries on March 30. What is dissolving in your life?
This is all important to consider as the sun, Saturn, Neptune and North Node wander through dreamy Pisces. During a full moon, the sun opposes the moon, illuminating what needs to come into balance. In Pisces, the sun is bringing to light areas within your consciousness that need attention and change. The subconscious mind often works behind the scenes, subtly influencing our actions and decisions. That said, this eclipse invites you to take a closer look at what’s lingering in your subconscious that may be blocking your path forward.
For example, if you desire something deeply but haven't fully committed to the process or responsibilities required to achieve it, this is a moment to examine your subconscious patterns. Are you working for your goals, or are you inadvertently sabotaging your own progress? This eclipse asks us to confront what needs to change within ourselves to manifest the results we truly want.
Fortunately, the influence of Virgo is sharp, intelligent and practical, with a deep connection to mind and body. It's a time to ask: What in your life no longer serves your higher purpose, and what needs to be corrected or improved? There’s a strong push to close out what doesn’t serve you and clarify how to make the necessary improvements. Pay attention to what comes up, as Luna will join the South Node a few hours after the eclipse, highlighting what is no longer working in your life.
This makes things clear and undeniable. Trust the process.
In the meantime, read on for your total lunar eclipse horoscope and reflection according to your zodiac sign.
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This total lunar eclipse in Virgo calls you to take a hard look at your daily routines, work habits, and health. It's time to release patterns that no longer support your well-being or personal growth. With the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces, alongside the North Node, there’s a deep invitation to reflect on your spiritual goals, subconscious mind, and the bigger picture of your life behind the scenes. Lunar eclipse reflection: Where in your health or productivity are you unconsciously sabotaging your own progress, and how can you shift that pattern?
The total lunar eclipse in Virgo highlights your creative expression, passions, and romantic pursuits. Something in your personal life or regarding your self-expression may come to a close, or perhaps even full circle, creating space for new opportunities. The Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in Pisces urge you to focus on your social life, friendships, and community affairs. Reflect on how these connections either support or hinder your growth. Lunar eclipse reflection: What creative projects or passions need to be reevaluated or let go of to make space for something new?
This eclipse brings attention to your home life, emotional foundations, and family dynamics, Gemini. It’s time to let go of outdated beliefs or behaviors that no longer support your sense of security and emotional stability. With the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in Pisces shining a light on your career, reputation, and public persona, you’re being called to reflect on whether your personal life supports your professional aspirations or vice versa. Lunar eclipse reflection: What emotional attachments or family dynamics are you still carrying that are preventing you from feeling truly grounded?
Stop overthinking what you know to be true — speak your truth, Cancer. The lunar eclipse in Virgo focuses on how you communicate, learn and express your truth. This is a powerful time to close chapters around old mental patterns, outdated beliefs, or communication blocks. The Sun, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces, with the North Node, illuminate your higher education, long-term goals, and spirituality. There’s a strong call to release any mental patterns holding you back from expanding your mind and dreams. Lunar eclipse reflection: What limiting beliefs or thought patterns influence your communication with others, and where do they stem from?
The total lunar eclipse shines a brilliant light on your financial world, your values, and your relationship with abundance, Leo. This is a time to release anything that no longer serves your sense of worth or the material aspects of your life that have been holding you captive. Ask yourself where you may have allowed fear of scarcity to control your actions, or where you’ve attached to possessions and money to define your sense of security. With the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces illuminating your either house of mergers, you're called to explore how the energy you put into your relationships supports or hinders you. Lunar eclipse reflection: Are you fully giving yourself the room to merge with others without the confines of self-imposed insecurities?
Happy eclipse season — this one's got your name on it, Virgo. This super potent full moon is deeply personal for you, highlighting all the ways you’ve been holding onto outdated versions of yourself. The call to release these versions—beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve who you’re becoming—is now stronger than ever. You are on the precipice of shedding old skin to reveal a more authentic and empowered self. As the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node dance through Pisces, they pull your attention to your relationships, where the energy you invest may need to be rebalanced. Lunar eclipse reflection: How can you release self-imposed limitations to embrace a fuller, more authentic expression of your true essence?
The only way out is through, Libra. The total lunar eclipse in Virgo is a call to the deepest, most hidden realms of your subconscious, where fears, old wounds, and unspoken truths may still linger, holding you back from the clarity and peace you seek. It is in the release of these buried patterns that your spiritual transformation can truly take root. The Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in Pisces are lighting up your work, health, and day-to-day life, inviting you to harmonize your spiritual journey with your daily actions. Lunar eclipse reflection: What subconscious fears or old wounds are you still carrying that prevent you from feeling at peace and fully present?
Are you genuinely committed to these goals and contributions, Scorpio? The total lunar eclipse in Virgo brings your social life and friendships into the spotlight, asking you to evaluate which connections are enriching your soul and which ones are holding you back. What relationships need to be released to make room for more authentic, soul-aligned connections? As the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node activate your creative expression and romantic life, there’s a powerful call to realign your heart’s deepest desires with the groups and friendships you surround yourself with. Lunar eclipse reflection: How can you open yourself to more love, creativity, and joy by cultivating connections that reflect your true self?
What's hindering you from owning up to your sense of authority, Sagittarius? The total lunar eclipse in Virgo is focusing on your professional life, career ambitions, and public identity. It’s time to reevaluate and release any professional roles, ambitions, or personal projections that are no longer aligned with your soul’s true calling. As the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node illuminate your home life and emotional foundations, you are being asked to create a deeper sense of emotional security that will support your long-term goals. This eclipse marks a time of transformation that asks you to bring greater emotional and spiritual harmony to your work life. Lunar eclipse reflection: What professional roles or career ambitions no longer reflect your soul’s true calling, and how can you release them?
The rules have changed — take a closer look, Capricorn. As this eclipse series highlights your mind and belief systems, it invites you to release (South Node in Virgo) any mental patterns, beliefs, or rigid structures that are keeping you from (North Node in Pisces) expanding your horizons. This particular eclipse illuminates the philosophies and ideologies hindering your spiritual wisdom and intuition. The Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in Pisces are asking you to embrace a new way of thinking that aligns with your spiritual growth and inner truth. You're being called to let go of anything that restricts your sense of adventure, learning, and exploration. Lunar eclipse reflection: What rigid beliefs are holding you back from embracing a larger perspective?
You can't surrender fully to an experience if you're constantly analyzing it, Aquarius. The total lunar eclipse draws your attention to deep emotional intimacy, shared resources, and the areas of your life where you merge with others. It’s a powerful time to release unhealthy patterns in your relationships, particularly when it comes to emotional or financial attachments that no longer serve your highest good. The Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in Pisces are highlighting your values, self-worth, and financial matters, urging you to assess how your personal resources support or hinder your deeper connections. Lunar eclipse reflection: What emotional or financial patterns in your intimate life need to be released?
What can you improve in your relationship dynamics, and approach to others, Pisces? The total lunar eclipse in Virgo brings focus to your personal and professional partnerships and asks you to release any relationships or patterns of relating that no longer align with your soul’s true desires. As the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node in your sign illuminate your identity and life path, you are being called to evaluate how your relationships reflect your higher self. This is an opportunity to let go of any connections that do not support your highest growth and step into a new, more authentic expression of who you are. Lunar eclipse reflection: How can you embrace more authentic partnerships that support your soul’s journey?
Valerie is an astrologer, writer & visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PEOPLE, PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily, among others. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.