Moon Musings: How Venus in Aquarius (March 1, 2019) Affects Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How Venus in Aquarius (March 1, 2019) Affects Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Valerie Mesa on

Your Venus In Aquarius Horoscope, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Enchanting Venus, queen of the cosmos, and the only celestial body named after a female deity, is the second-closest planet to the sun, after mischievous Mercury. It’s no wonder she was named after the goddess Aphrodite, as she is the brightest in the solar system, besides mother moon. Similar to la luna, however, lady Venus depicts a number of feminine attributes, as she is the planet of love and beauty. Her sultry positioning determines one’s perception of pleasure, relationships, and qualities of affection. However, despite her irresistible charms, and connection to the divine feminine, this sensual planet is much better at receiving than giving. Truth is, the goddess Aphrodite can be incredibly vain and selfish, especially when she doesn’t get what she wants; hence she represents the things we value, and treasure.

On Mar. 1, the planet of love will conclude her month-long honeymoon through the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, and slide into freedom-loving Aquarius until Mar. 26. One thing’s for sure: we will feel definitely the shift. The energy of Capricorn is realistic and oh-so-serious; hence those who are born under this sign typically come across as cold and authoritative. While traveling through this cardinal earth sign, Venus’ femininity was expressed in an ambitious, disciplined, and conservative manner. Remember, Capricorn is strictly business, and Venus in Capricorn is the same with relationships and values. During this transit, Venus invested her time in long-term relationships, and activities that were worthwhile, as Capricorn desires a firm foundation before anything else. In the end, Venus in Capricorn reminded us to think responsibly and realistically before investing in a relationship, whether it be romantically or platonically speaking.

Venus in Aquarius, on the other hand, is anything but traditional. *Hint: Aquarius is ruled by electric Uranus, planet of chaos, spontaneity, and unexpected change, ergo its progressive mind, and unconventional approach.* In Aquarius, the goddess of love is rebellious, eccentric, and open-minded with her desires, values, and relationships. She is independent, freedom-loving, and at times, out of this world, in every sense of the word. Where’s your will to be weird? When Venus is in Aquarius, we, the collective, are naturally prone to detaching from our emotions, and instead surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals, and intellectually-stimulating partners. Impromptu attractions, “friends with benefits,” and all forms of free love, are welcome. Single and ready to mingle? You’re in luck, as this groovy transit feels like a breath of fresh air.

For those of you coupled, or perhaps not looking for love, not to worry. Venus’ divine-feminine magic governs everything related to aesthetics, beauty, fashion, creativity, music, and money, money, money! Meaning, this is your chance to march to the beat of your own drum. Electric Uranus (Aquarius’ planetary ruler) is notorious for being disruptive, rebellious, and revolutionary, and Venus in Aquarius prefers to think outside the box, so don’t disregard any sudden light-bulb moments! Instead, speak your truth, no matter how contradictory or bizarre, and channel your inner humanitarian. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and the world needs each and every one of you. In the meantime, take a moment to reflect on your Venus sign, and its overall significance in your life.

Nevertheless, here’s how Venus in Aquarius’ stellar vibes might affect you, according to your zodiac sign:


Mingle your little heart out, Aries. With the goddess of oh la la charming your humanitarian-like eleventh house of teams, tribes, groups, and friendships, you’ll likely be in the mood to detach from the heavy personal stuff, and spend more time with your fave crew. Who knows, you might decide to do something out of the ordinary, and make new friends along the way. One thing’s for sure: you will thrive in group settings during this time. Single? I doubt you’ll be looking for anything serious, although, you could suddenly meet a charming prospect through a mutual friend. Hint: the more open minded you are during this transit, the better. All you need is love, Aries.


Ready for that promotion, Taurus? With your ruling planet Venus putting in the work in your ambitious tenth house of authority, career, and reputation in the world, you’ll be sparkling in the workplace, and charming your superiors. In other words, this is a great time for business, presentations, and public relations in general. Also, don’t hesitate to post that gorgeous selfie, as this harmonious energy will affect how you’re being perceived in the public eye. Looking for love? You might come across an intellectually-stimulating entrepreneur, outspoken politician, or a CEO hottie at your next work happy hour. Hint: Someone who’s career-driven with a good reputation is always a plus, right? Change is good, Taurus.


Taking a walk on the wild side, Gemini? With the queen of the cosmos wandering through your adventurous ninth house of travel, higher learning, and personal philosophy, you’ll likely be in the mood for a little thrill. Granted, you’ve always been a thrill-seeker at heart, but with the planet of love frolicking through this area of your chart, you very well may come across an opportunity to expand your horizons. Are you into astrology? This harmonious energy is ideal for acquiring knowledge, studying abroad, and experiencing new cultures. Hint: Those of you looking for love could fall for someone who lives overseas, or someone who speaks an exotic language. Don’t be afraid to take a risk, Gemini.



There’s more beneath the surface, Cancer. With the planet of love making sultry moves through your sexy eighth house of intimate unions and transformation, you’ll likely be feeling more secretive than usual during this time. As a matter of fact, some of you could be greeted with smoldering new prospects, or a new love interest with a penetrating gaze. Do you like to read? Perhaps you might enjoy a sleek mystery novel with a glass of red wine after dark. The goddess Aphrodite morphs into a seductive siren when in this area of your chart, as she is looking to merge with another mind, body, and soul. Hint: Release your inhibitions, and submit to your divine feminine desires. Embrace your sensuality, Cancer.



It takes two to tango, Leo darling. With the goddess of love dancing through your harmonious seventh house of marriage and committed partnerships, you’ll be as charming as ever, and more willing to compromise. Lady Venus rules this area of your chart, which means your relationships could certainly thrive during this time. Bow chicka wow wow! Single lionesses could finally meet their potential mate, or perhaps make things official with their current relationship. For those of you coupled, chances are, you’ll be in the mood for some one-on-one time. Hint: Do something out of the ordinary with your SO. Single? Don’t be afraid to approach someone who isn’t your type. Being more open-minded might actually be a good thing after all, Leo.



Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, Virgo? With lady Venus critiquing your responsible sixth house of health and daily routine, you’ll likely be craving something new, or perhaps entertaining the idea of getting more organized in your day-to-day life. Remember, Aquarius rules technology, so why not sign up for a virtual exercise program, or download a new wellness app on your smartphone? (i.e. Headspace and Sleep Cycle were amongst 11 of the best wellness apps for 2019) The planet of love and beauty is here to help you create a harmonious routine. Single Virgos might start crushing on a witty co-worker, or decide to fully commit to their current schedule. Hint: How can you make your daily regimen more exciting? Go splurge on some groovy stationary, Virgo. You deserve it.


Love is in the air, Libra doll. Aside from the fact that Venus rules your sign, the goddess of love is also shaking her tail feather in your expressive fifth house of romance, creativity, and authenticity. What makes you unique from everyone else? Feel free to tap into your inner rebel, and humanitarian during this time. You’ll likely find pleasure in activities that involve technology, or perhaps social-minded causes. Hint: Expect the unexpected, Libra. This harmonious energy could certainly spark a spontaneous new romance. For those of you coupled, however, this stellar energy might be everything you need to change things up a bit.


Home is where the heart is, Scorpio. WIth the cosmos’ very own Regina George dancing through your domestic fourth house of family, sense of security, and soul foundation, you’re likely brainstorming on a stellar new aesthetic for your humble abode. Need to recharge your batteries? The goddess of love is here to help you detach, space out, and find your cozy. Everyone needs personal space, Scorpio...especially you. Single Scorpios could make spontaneous new connects via virtual dating apps, or perhaps fall in love with a contemporary interior design for their pad. Hint: This darling energy is here to remind that it’s OK to be exactly who you are. Who knows, you might even invest on that pricey cosmic tapestry.



Looking towards the future, Sagittarius? With the goddess of love of whispering sweet nothings through your third house of communication and local community, you’ll likely be in the mood to shmooze, gossip, and pick someone’s brain. For those of you looking for that special someone, this charming buzz is ideal for collaborating with your local community. In fact, some of you might even run into a new prospect through a sibling, or perhaps your immediate circle. Don’t hold back from double-tapping your sexy neighbor’s post on social media, Sagittarius. Hint: This area of your chart also rules transportation, so you might very well splurge on a new ride.



You’ve got your mind on your money, and your money on your mind, Capricorn. With the goddess of love, grace, and irresistible charms sipping champagne through your second house of values, possessions, and self-worth, you’ll likely be in the mood to splurge, and well deserved. Besides, Venus rules this area of your chart, and this harmonious energy thrives when it taps into the five senses. In other words, don’t hesitate to bask in your sensual delights, or perhaps invest in something totally stellar, and unusual. Hint: Single Caps could find love while spending money, or while dealing with a financial advisor of sorts. Venus is in the bank...I mean building.



New look, Aquarius? Don’t get me wrong, you’re perfect just the way you are, but with the goddess of love and beauty sprinkling her irresistible charms right over your head, you’ll be as adorable, and charismatic as ever. Also, there’s nothing Venus loves more than a stunning makeover, so why not experiment with a fresh new look? Everything related to your physical appearance, personality, and first impression, will be pre-dipped in Aphrodite's honey from the heavens. Single *and coupled* water bearers might be feeling more cooperative, and willing to compromise. Hint: When was the last time you splurged on something you love? Lady Venus is here, and your comfort is priority. Peace and love, Aquarius.



Got a secret, Pisces? With lady Venus wandering through your sleepy 12th house of closure, karma, and behind-the-scenes work, you could suddenly run into someone from a past life, or perhaps begin a secret love affair. This energy is magical and mystifying. However, the queen of the cosmos prefers to do things low key when in this area of your chart, so you’ll likely be in the mood to rest, retreat, and recharge your batteries. Hint: Activities such as daydreaming, writing poetry, and looking up at the cosmos, could bring you harmony, and spiritual fulfillment during this time. After all, this is your mystical house of rulership, Pisces, and well...your love is out of this world anyway.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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