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Your New Moon Total Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius Horoscope & Mantra, According To Your Zodiac Sign
The undeniable tensions surrounding eclipse season are hardly ever subtle, but it’s important to recognize the magnitude, and general potency of this celestial phenomenon. Can you feel it? Sit with your body; acknowledge the energy within, and all around you. Your higher self is calling you towards the light, and you’re just in time for the new age. If you’re reading this in-between eclipses, (namely, the lunar eclipse in Gemini on Nov. 30 and the new moon total solar eclipse on Dec. 14) you have officially entered the eclipse gateway. This is a sacred portal, but it’s up to you to walk towards the divine vibration of the highest light. Surrender. Keep moving forward. Trust the cosmos. You are about to let go of something in order to create space for the new.
Have no fear. If you’re emotionally drained, or perhaps more lethargic than usual, take a moment to go inward and reflect. With a new moon total solar eclipse approaching on December 14, this is an opportunity for you to prepare for the new. What did you let go of during the lunar eclipse on November 30? Do you feel lighter? Is it easier to breathe? This is your chance to fill the spaces in your life with positive vibration, and higher consciousness. Solar eclipses are magnets as they attract new life, and energetic forces leading you towards your soul’s destiny. Know that the universe is guiding, and supporting you on your journey forward. Isn’t it such a blessing to know that you’re supported through and through? You are made of stars—it’s that simple.
Eclipses come in pairs, and though this is the third of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series, it’s the second eclipse occurring this season, and the last eclipse of the year. The first eclipse of this series—igniting the astrological axis of knowledge—was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5. Think back to this time of year, and reflect on the Gemini-Sagittarius themes that occurred around the same time. For more context, check which astrological houses belong to Gemini-Sagittarius in your birth chart; this is where your eclipse story is beginning to unfold, and will continue to do so all throughout 2021. Eclipses have a six-month impact, whether it be before or after. However, given the upcoming eclipse’s proximity to winter solstice, and the Great Conjunction, there’s no denying the effects of this cosmic event.
As you may remember, new moons bring new beginnings, but the new moon’s innate fertility is naturally emphasized during a solar eclipse. More importantly, and in addition to igniting the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius, December’s eclipse will be a total solar eclipse. This occurs when the new moon comes between the sun and the Earth, casting the darkest part of its shadow (the umbra) on Earth. The symbolism behind this astrological event speaks volumes, and for a number of reasons. Firstly, a total eclipse speaks to the dance between the light and the dark. Essentially, this means it’s time for us to come face-to-face with both the divine light, and the shadow, personally and collectively speaking. Happening at exactly 11:16 a.m. EST, this solar eclipse encourages you to bring meaning to your life.
If you don’t believe in reincarnation, then you won’t understand the divine frequency emanating from Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Godly and larger-than-life itself, the celestial energy of this mutable fire sign revolves around the infinite possibilities that exist within our limitless universe. Depicted by the symbol of the archer, aiming its bow and arrow towards a higher power and divine truth, Sagittarius’ unquenching thirst for wisdom reminds you to have faith in your individual freedom, and in the ebb and flow of life itself. What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of YOUR life? The upcoming solar eclipse will occur just a couple of days before Jupiter (Sagittarius’ planetary ruler) joins forces with Saturn in Aquarius for the Great Conjunction, followed by the winter solstice—the first day of Capricorn season—on December 21st.
Ironically enough, this is when we honor the ending of the darker half of the year, and the return of the light, which very much coincides with the new era we’re stepping into. Having said that, the Age of Aquarius has everything to do with collective consciousness, (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) and the upcoming eclipse is here to shed light on the wholeness that lies beyond duality, not to mention the racial and religious segregation that exists all around us. Mystical and all-encompassing, this eclipse is a wake-up call to humanity—an opportunity to come back to source. Despite the inevitable boundary between the light and the dark, it’s time to come back to where it all began. Release the need to compartmentalize. We are one with the cosmos.
This vibrant lunation is asking us to integrate both collective and individual dualities, with all that is. Remember who you are, and where you came from. Open your heart to the beauty and unconditional love that exists in interconnectedness. Come back to the place where there’s no such thing as race, gender, or religion—the foundation of who we are is greater than you can possibly imagine. Honor your truth and your divinity. Sitting in a conjunction with Mercury and the South Node in Sagittarius, this solar eclipse invites you to let go of the thoughts forging your individual truth—it’s transcending feelings of uncertainty and ambivalence. Hold space for the truth behind negative thoughts; only you get to decide what you believe is true.
Neptune’s square to the sun, moon, and lunar nodes, will help dissolve and transcend beliefs revolving around separation, and compartmentalization. It will inspire us to step into our mystical powers and cosmic roots, individually and collectively. What if I told you that the negative fog hovering over your mind is just an illusion? You’re the only thing standing in the way of your power; don’t allow yourself to become consumed by your analytical mindset. The new beginning followed by this total solar eclipse will reunite you with your higher self. Your deepest truth, living at the very core of your being, is the only validation you’ll ever need. Trust it.
Read your new moon total solar eclipse horoscope and mantra below:

You've unlocked a divine portal, Aries. Follow the path that speaks to your soul's essence. Look beyond familiar territory, and venture into the unknown with confidence and clarity. This new moon solar eclipse will touch down on your philosophical ninth house of discovery, all the while facing off with Neptune in your twelfth house of spirit. The doors of perception are now open, and you're going places you never imagined possible. All you have to do is follow the light. New Moon Mantra: I can unquestionably trust my inner compass—this is my true North.
You're cleansing and clearing, Taurus. Life is a journey, and you'd be surprised at the amount of wisdom waiting for you beyond the road less traveled. It's time to transcend your fear of transformation, and willingly confront everything hidden beneath the surface of your reality. This new moon solar eclipse will ignite your mysterious eighth house of intimacy, mergers, energetic exchanges, and death of the ego, while its square to Neptune dissolves your beliefs around community, and connection. New Moon Mantra: When I transmute my fears, I acknowledge the essence of my soul power.
Your innate curiosity is a reflection of your desire to explore, and connect with others. Acknowledge the duality in confronting other people's beliefs—your perception is no different. Transcend your ideas of validity, despite whether or not you have the facts. This new moon solar eclipse will bring powerful new beginnings to your harmony-seeking seventh house of relationships, compromise, and significant others, all while squaring off with elusive Neptune in your tenth house of authority. Your version of the truth isn't quite clear. New Moon Mantra: When I honor the sacred equilibrium within me, I create space for my twin flame.
There is something undeniably sacred about your daily rituals, Cancer. Choosing to acknowledge the divinity of your day goes a long way, and you're seeing this firsthand. Cultivating a mindful routine is essential to your personal and professional success, and this new moon solar eclipse will ignite your responsible sixth house of health, due diligence, and divine duties. Its square to elusive Neptune in your expansive ninth house of faith, and unknown territory, invites you to dream bigger than you're comfortable with. New Moon Mantra: The foundation of my self-mastery is a reflection of my rituals, and belief systems.
When you seize the day, you go beyond carpe diem, Leo. The ability to unapologetically surrender to your heart's desires, and bask in what makes you unique, is where you expand. Open your heart; your fear of rejection is simply an illusion. This new moon solar eclipse will touch down on your childlike fifth house of fame, happiness, creativity, romance, passion projects, and your inner child, all the while facing off with Neptune in your eighth house of transformation. There will be no room for ego where you're going, so quite while you're a head. New Moon Mantra: My soul's truth, and vivacious authenticity, is the only validation I need.
Your inner restlessness, and overwhelming desire for freedom stems from your foundations, and repressed bohemian nature. Your roots are calling you, and this new moon solar eclipse will brings new beginnings to your domestic fourth house of home, family, ancestral lineage, and sense of stability. Its square to elusive Neptune in your seventh house of relationships, and significant others, encourages you to cultivate more compassion for others, despite whether or not you need it in return. New Moon Mantra: I acknowledge my desire to explore and discover—I am the captain of my soul.
The truth shall set you free, Libra. If you're able to transcend beyond your innate duality, and genuine longing for balance, what's stopping you from embarking on your next journey? Lowering your voice, let alone keeping your valid opinions to yourself, is not the answer. On the contrary, this new moon solar eclipse is here to shake up your intellectually driven third house of communication, thought process, and perspective. Its square to Neptune in your sixth house of divine duties, and acts of kindness, highlights the areas of your life that lack boundaries. New Moon Mantra: When I honor my individual truth, and hold space for my curiosities, I expand my horizons.
Your unique charms, and prized possessions, transcend your material needs and luxuries, Scorpio. Sacred heirlooms passed down to you from your ancestors are accessible to you, and in more ways than one. This new moon solar eclipse brings new beginnings to your comfort-seeking second house of income, wealth, possessions, values, and sense of security, all the while squaring off with Neptune in your fifth house of fame, romance, passion project, and authenticity. Your happiness goes far beyond the physical realm—reflect on your relationship with money. Is that all you're working for on a regular basis? New Moon Mantra: My infinite spirit can't be contained, but this doesn't mean my values are undefined.
Your truth speaks for itself, Sagittarius. It's time to say goodbye to a part of you that no longer aligns with your soul journey. Release what you've outgrown; create space for exciting new beginnings. Your longing for adventure stems from your thrill-seeking personality, and this new moon solar eclipse in your sign is here to ignite your mutable fire. Express yourself. Its square to Neptune in your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations serves as a reminder of your autonomy, and innate fearlessness. You're ready for lift off, but boundaries need to be set. New Moon Mantra: I honor the strength in my spirit, and hold space for it to wander freely.
It's been one hell of a year but your connection to source is ever-present, Capricorn. Are you willing to dedicate the same amount of time, and energy towards matters of the self, the same way you've sacrificed yourself for your reputation, and professional life? Holding down the fort is cool, but why does it always have to be you? This new moon solar eclipse will shake up your unconscious twelfth house of secrets, karma, closure, and all things behind the scenes. Its square to Neptune in your third house of communication, encourages you to tap into your intuition more often, and release toxic mindsets and burdens, simultaneously. Cultivate compassion for yourself, your peers, and the things that truly matter. New Moon Mantra: I, willingly, release that which stifles my truth, freedom, and enthusiasm.
Rewrite your narrative, Aquarius. Revamp your place in society, and don't be afraid to explore unknown territory, especially if it's bringing you clarity on your sense of belonging in the world. This new moon solar eclipse will touch down on your socially conscious eleventh house of hopes, wishes, dreams, and friendships, all while facing off with elusive Neptune in your comfort-seeking second house of value systems, and self-confidence. You're eccentricity is part of your charm—don't confuse this with your fear of feeling excluded. Besides, where does this idea stem from anyway? You're a star, and it's about time you see this for yourself. New Moon Mantra: The more I stand in my truth, the more I stand out in a crowd, and that's a gift.
It's hard to settle, let alone dedicate your energy and life force, for the one thing you "believe" brings you ultimate success. Close your eyes, Pisces. Forget about who you are right now, and where you came from. What is your definition of self-mastery? What does the meaning of success mean to you? Your ideals need to be wholesome, especially when you're exploring other avenues in your professional life. This new moon solar eclipse will ignite your ambitious tenth house or career, prestige, and contribution in the world, all the while facing off with elusive Neptune in your sign. Just because you're a chameleon soul doesn't mean you're incapable of discovering your unique niche, and craft. New Moon Mantra: My essence knows no bounds, but this doesn't make me less of a leader—I am limitless.
Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.