Moon Musings: How the New Moon in Libra (September 28, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How the New Moon in Libra (September 28, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Valerie Mesa on

Mother nature is so beautifully vivid, it's kind of hard not to intuitively sense her moods shifting all around us. Can you feel that? The Autumnal Equinox — which took place on Sept. 23 — marks the beginning of fall and the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Interestingly enough, the equinox takes place on the first day of Libra season, which is the one time a year when we experience equal amounts of daylight and darkness. Sound familiar, eh? There’s nothing justice-seeking Libra loves more than equality, but you already know that. What can I say? Nothing’s coincidence, especially when it revolves around the cosmos. The fall is a season of fruition but it’s also a representation of time, and limitations. Have you resisted to flow with the seasons prior? Have you set the necessary boundaries? Now that Virgo season came to an end, your sense of individuality is complete; hence you are now able to share those unique parts of you with another spiritual being.

On that note, and  in the midst of a whimsical season of the scales, a deeply healing and refreshing new moon will disappear into the velvet night on Saturday, September 28 at exactly 2:26 p.m. ET. As you know, the new moon phase marks the beginning of the lunar cycle; this occurs when la luna sits between the earth and the sun. All the while, the sun sheds its light on the dark side of the moon — which is the side we never get to see from Earth — so the moon appears as though it is invisible. However, what most people don’t know is, la luna is renewing herself during the new moon phase, and it is our celestial duty to do the same. Please note: Whatever you do, please do not feel obligated to partake in any lunar ceremonies or rituals during this time. During the dark moon phase, the majority of us typically feel more exhausted than usual, so make sure to listen to your body.

Each of the moon phases represent something completely different, and the same goes for the four seasons. In the words of Aquarius queen Yoko Ono, “Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence; summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance; autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence; winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.” There really is a time and a place for everything, so mote it be. Meanwhile, in the name of love and equality, this month’s new moon in Libra will pave the way for a powerful new beginning. However, before we discuss the aspects of this Venus-ruled lunation, let’s take a closer look at the essence of Libra. What is Libra? Well, aside from being in love with love, the essence of Libra revolves around sharing, and the genuine act of compromise. Hint: What’s Libra’s polar opposite sign? Sitting opposite of self-centered Aries, Libra inspires us to look outside of ourselves, in order to experience fulfillment. What makes you similar to the people around you? 

Speaking of Aries, this new moon will oppose Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aries and square (create friction) Saturn and the South Node (karma; what needs to be released) in Capricorn. Remember, Saturn is Capricorn’s planetary ruler; Capricorn is a symbol of authority, foundation, structures and hierarchies. With that said, how can we integrate the essence of Libra with all of these Saturnian feels? For starters, the influence of Chiron — which also happens to be Saturn’s son in mythology — has everything to do with deep spiritual wounds. Venus-ruled Libra, on the other hand, revolves around diplomacy and companionship. How can you heal via your 1:1 relationships? Libra’s all about meeting others halfway, and this lunation is here to help you create that bridge between your soul’s truth and another person’s happiness. How can you share your values with someone, without the fear of being vulnerable? Rest assured, this square to Saturn could very well cause friction, but it’s up to you to take one for the team.

Just so you know, I mean that in every sense of the word. Speak your peace; stand up for the things you believe in. You’re allowed to ask for support. Despite how beautiful your solitude is, it always takes two to tango. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; your vulnerability can also help someone who’s too afraid to seek a helping hand. This is your chance to meet another person half way. See your new moon in Libra horoscopes and mantra below:



This lunation will be especially potent for you, Aries. In the meantime, reflect on the following: Do your one-on-one partnerships lack authenticity from your side? Are you struggling with the idea of doing certain things on your own as of late? Libra is your polar opposite, which means this astrological season is nothing short of challenging for you. However, all polarities aside, this is an opportunity for you to collaborate with someone, and perhaps create a meeting point between the both of you, whether it be personal or professionally speaking. Despite your ride-or-die independence and ultra-assertive nature, it’s time to put that guard down once and for all. New moon mantra: The harmony I create within my relationships is an extension of my warrior spirit.


What about your values, Taurus? Despite your innate fascination with all things bad and boujee, it’s time you take a moment to really think about your happiness, all material things aside. Seriously, what makes you feel joy at your core? This lunation will activate your health and habits sector, which only means one thing: The harmony you seek depends on the work you put in. Now, before you panic and tell me that work is already taking over your life, take a deep breath and hear me out. Your day-to-day environment is a reflection of you, and if you don’t take care of you, who will? Consider this your cosmic kickstart reset the heavens. It’s time to create the vibe you so desperately crave, Taurus. Decorate your world, inside and out. New moon mantra: Waking up everyday means another opportunity to live my very best life.


Dazzle them with your wits, Gemini. This lunation will illuminate your flamboyant fifth house of fame, so don’t pretend you don’t love being center stage. Although, aside from shedding light on your creativity and passion projects, this new moon could also bring true love. I know what you’re thinking: Love is a big word and you’re right, but a sweet sextile between Venus and Jupiter will certainly do the trick. After all, lucky Jupiter is still traveling through your relationship sector, Gemini… Or did you forget? Romance is inevitable for you this month, but something tells me you already knew that. Nevertheless, don’t be afraid to open your heart; your vulnerability is your superpower and well, keeping all of that sparkle to yourself wouldn’t be fair anyways. New moon mantra: The love in my heart knows no bounds & there’s plenty to go around.


Your home is your eternal sanctuary, Cancer. The truth is, it goes way beyond your tough exterior and emotional interior, not to mention your adorable Mom-friend ways. Your stability stems from your ability to recharge, disconnect and nurture your well being. With that said, this Venus-ruled lunation will shed light over your emotional sphere, which also happens to be your house of rulership. When was the last time you spent the day doing absolutely nothing? Your inner peace should always be a priority, Cancer. And that’s exactly what this new moon is bringing forth. Besides, you more than anyone know that your home, family and well being deserve all the love in the world. New moon mantra: I am worthy of experiencing harmony within & all around me.


It takes two to make a thing go right, Leo. What are you afraid of? Despite your majestic courage and sparkling authenticity, you also tend to be a bit on the stubborn side. So instead of panicking at the thought of collaborating with someone in your immediate community — who you share similar values with — take a second to listen to what they have to say. On a brighter note, this Venus-ruled lunation will is shedding light over your communication sector, which also happens to be the area of transportation and short trips, thanks to its planetary ruler Mercury, of course. Needless to say, a charming getaway with a loved one could really set the tone for the season. Oh, and if you’re feeling romantic, even better! New moon mantra: I am willing to use my words & resources to meet others halfway.


Look in the mirror, Virgo. La luna is beaming through your pleasure-seeking second house (which also happens to be ruled by lady Venus) of comfort, finances and self worth. Your values are a reflection of your foundation, and you’ve always been the eloquent type, if I do say so myself. However, despite your diplomatic charms and grace, you can be incredibly self-critical, which in turn, stifles your self-esteem. With that being said, when was the last time you actually treated yourself to a delicious meal, or a little shopping for that matter? Hard workers need to be compensated for their efforts, too, you know. Besides, how else do you expect to feel inspired or motivated? On another note, this lunation could also serve as a reminder to own up to your self-worth. Just so you know, this includes the people in your life, the places you visit, and the money you spend, Virgo. New moon mantra: I recognize the value in me & in my work.


Happy new moon, you gorgeous child of Venus, you. This one’s got your name on it, which means the intentions you set should be all about you. Granted, I know how much you value your relationships and loved ones, but you only get one of these a year, and well… you know the drill. This Venus-ruled lunation is all about beauty, romance and balance, which you happen to know a thing or two about. Needless to say, with la luna shedding light over your sign — alongside the sun, Mercury and Venus — this is an excellent time to look in the mirror and make yourself a promise. What I mean by that is, set a goal for yourself and really reflect on everything it’ll take to achieve that goal. Why? Well, because you deserve it but more importantly, this intention could very well see fruition during the full moon in Libra in October 2020. Oh, and a new fashion accessory or outfit is a must, compliments of Lady Venus. New moon mantra: I will do whatever it takes to create the life I’ve always wanted & I will look beautiful doing it, too.


Dance with your delicious fantasies, Scorpio. It’s interesting because you emanate this smoldering intensity but behind closed doors you’re incredibly indecisive, and a hopeless romantic at heart. How do I know this, exactly? Well, Venus-ruled Libra governs your 12th house of secrets, dreams and closure, which means you might act like a Libra when no one’s around. Needless to say, with la luna beaming through this area of your chart, you’re being given the opportunity to experience that unconscious harmony, as contradicting as that may sound. Given that this area of your chart governs your spiritual body, it’s important to nurture it as much as everything else, if not more. Oh, and with Lady Venus around, there will be no room for resentment and emotional grudges. On the contrary, it’s time to let all of those things go, in order for you to start again. Your soul will thank you later, trust me. New moon mantra: I will no longer hold onto fears, pain & resentment, because I am free.


It’s time to surround yourself with the right crowd, Sagittarius. By that I mean, people who share similar hopes, wishes, dreams and more importantly, values. You’re going places and you’re not going to get there unless you’re feeling inspired. With that being said, this Venus-ruled lunation is shedding light over your friendship sector — which also governs your extended network — giving you an opportunity to bring one of your Jupiterian visions to life. We all know how much you love opportunities, Sag. Besides, I’m sure this one will be larger than life itself. Interestingly enough, Venus will be in a harmonious sextile to your ruling planet Jupiter, which means these collaborative efforts could also bring financial perks. New moon mantra: My visions are that much more worthy & charming when shared.


Goals on goals, right Capricorn? Although, I have to ask whether or not you’ve been keeping a healthy work vs. home life balance. After all, this new moon will be in the sign of the scales, you know. Charming and eloquent, this Venus-ruled lunation will beam through your tenth house of career and ambitions, which could, in turn, bring powerful new beginnings to your professional life. However, there’s some tension between your planetary ruler Saturn and Venus, (The moon’s ruler) which means you could very well come to a crossroads in your career. Balance is everything, but so is your happiness, Capricorn. There’s no job title or promotion that could ever change that. Make sure you’re being fair with yourself, and with others. New moon mantra: The recognition I receive stems from my diplomacy and righteousness.


Wanderlust-ing much these days, Aquarius? With la luna shaking up your expansive ninth house of adventure, travel, education and faith, consider this a celestial green light from the heavens. Trust me, your restlessness is a reflection of your repressed desires, Aquarius. By that I mean, are you really happy? If so, what’s holding you back from reaching for the stars, and taking that leap of faith? Granted, with justice-seeking Libra front and center, keeping your balance is priority. So if you’ve got some mundane tasks to deal with, make sure to get your ducks in a row before you decide to go on an adventure of a lifetime. Although, there’s nothing Venus loves more than love itself, so if you’re feeling romantic, why not make it a getaway trip for two? Do you, Aquarius. New moon mantra: Self-love is my religion.


Invest in yourself and in the things you love most, Pisces. Your joint finances and intimate unions will be top of mind this month, and the new moon will bring charming opportunities to better your situation. Whether it be because you’re making it a point to have more one-on-one time with your significant other, or perhaps deciding whether or not to continue moving forward with a business investment or collaboration, this lunation is here to bring you deep clarity. What lacks balance in your life at the moment? Are you and your partner in harmony with one another? Who knows, maybe one of you is somehow getting the shorter end of the stick. Luckily, a fabulous sextile between Venus and your traditional ruler Jupiter could be the pick-me-up you never knew you needed. Open your heart and mind to the possibilities, Pisces. New moon mantra: My vulnerability is beautiful & I am ready to share that with another spiritual being.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.



cover image by Gabriela Esteves

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