Moon Musings: How the New Moon in Gemini (June 3, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How the New Moon in Gemini (June 3, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Valerie Mesa on

featured image: Cristina Benescu



June is here, which means the summer is right around the corner. And while the sun's ever-burning fire is a symbol of creation, fertility, and passion, the majority of us are still in the midst of some serious brainstorming, all thanks Gemini’s mutable air, of course. It’s safe to say, the season of the mischievous Mercury twins is as alive as ever, but in the end, it’s up to us whether or not we decide to fully revel in this mercurial madness. Curious Gemini is a symbol of our communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges. This is precisely why our minds tend to work faster than usual during this astrological season. Ruled by clever Mercury, a trusted messenger to the Gods, and the only deity with the ability to travel in and out of the underworld, it’s no wonder Gemini’s mental agility is brilliant beyond words. And its season is here to help open our minds, and quench our curiosities. Are you mentally stimulated yet?


With that said, a new moon will disappear into the heavens on Monday, June 3, and in the sign of curious Gemini. Fickle and mercurial, Gemini is the social chameleon of the zodiac, as it can easily shift its communication style, accordingly. And while there isn’t a topic this Mercury-ruled sign could ever shy away from, its essence encourages us to speak with an open mind, and with no strings attached. Brainstorm. Connect. Engage. Nothing more, and nothing less. You are an intellectually-stimulating conversation all on your own, and the world deserves to know. How can you make the most of your immediate environment, and engage with your local community? Your exchanges matter, and the mind is one of your greatest tools throughout this human experience. Remember, new moons are a symbol of new beginnings, and Mother moon is blessing our inner world with a fresh new perspective, along with a clean slate from the heavens.


Given that la luna is completely invisible during the new moon phase, its darkness serves as a symbol of spiritual renewal, as we are doing the very same thing. But with savvy Mercury on our side, this lunation is bringing us one step closer to our success. An opposition to expansive Jupiter Rx, planet of luck and abundance, this lunation is helping each and every one of us tap into our inner wisdom, as Jupiter is a great teacher of the cosmos. On the darkside, however, la luna will also form a complex T-square among Jupiter Rx, and elusive Neptune, which can put a bit of a damper in our new moon rituals. So make sure to keep a positive mindset, and more importantly, stay grounded. Neptune is dreamy and mystical, but it's ocean-like fog can easily cloud our judgement. Listen to your intuition, and do what feels right. Mercury is incredibly swift, but it can also be a shady trickster, so make sure  you don’t mislead, and are not mislead, during this time.


On a brighter note, a powerful trine between luscious Venus and lusty Pluto can be a celestial game changer throughout this new moon phase, and I’ll explain why. With Venus indulging in sensual pleasures via its home sign Taurus, and power-hungry Pluto breaking barriers, alongside Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn, la luna’s new moon kickstart energy is featuring something much more compelling than usual. For instance, Venus governs all things related to art, beauty, charms, love, and pleasure; Pluto can take us where no one’s gone before, in regard to its intensity, and level of transformation. So what can we do with this irresistible elixir of intoxicating energy? In Capricorn, Pluto wants to destroy previously-set foundations, and rebuild something with profound depth; In Taurus, Venus wants to revel in the pleasures of life, and create something solid. So why not use this energy to make something beautiful, and of value, to share with the world? To each is own, and the energy is all yours to work with.



Your words matter, Aries. With la luna illuminating your third house of communication, thought process, and local community, alongside its mischievous ruler Mercury, you’re as chatty as ever, but a bit on the defensive side, too. Take a deep breath. If you’re feeling more emotional than usual, it could be thanks to your ruling planet Mars, as it is currently swimming through sensitive Cancer, via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundation. Have you been communicating from the heart? Is there an important matter to be discussed with a relative, or sibling? May this new moon bless you with the necessary strength to speak your truth, Aries. *New Moon Mantra: I speak from the heart, and I will defend my POV.*



Ask and you shall receive, Taurus. Mother moon is activating your second house of financial income, possessions, values, and self esteem, alongside its savvy ruler Mercury, and you’re likely thinking of exciting new ways to earn a living. What are you stressing about? With your irresistible ruling planet dazzling through your sign, and forming a sexy trine with Pluto via your expansive ninth house of personal philosophy, you might very well be gifted with a life-changing adventure during this time. Wanderlust-ing much? Your entire outlook on life has changed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t embark on yet another journey, right? May this lunation bring you the spiritual clarity you crave, and the stability you think about every single day,  Taurus. *New Moon Mantra: My words are precious, and I communicate with confidence.*



You’ve got plenty of options, Gemini. Aside from gifting you with an enormous amount of opportunity, la luna is sitting across from lucky Jupiter Rx, via your partnership sector, which means you could suddenly be presented with an exciting partnership, or perhaps some much-needed clarity in regard to a relationship of sorts, during this time. Fool you once, shame on them; fool you twice, shame on you, Gemini. You’ve learned a thing or two about your interpersonal connects since Jupiter entered Sagittarius last year, and you’re finally learning how to set the necessary boundaries. And while you typically know everything that’s going on, this lunation could very well surprise you with some juicy receipts you never knew you needed. May la luna bring you the clarity you deserve, and the inner peace you deeply crave, Gemini. *New Moon Mantra: I am a versatile being, and I embrace the beauty in variety.*



Let it go, Cancer. La luna is igniting your secretive 12th house of closure, dreams, karma, and all things behind the scenes, and despite your ambiguous mood swings, you’re feeling the need to shed that which no longer serves you… and as you should. When was the last time you felt like you had a friend you can trust? A gorgeous trine between Venus and Pluto is here to save the day, as it will activate your friendship sector, and your one-on-one connections. No new friends? You’d be surprised, Cancer. And with Mars swimming through your sign, you’re feeling as courageous as ever. So how about you put your burdens, and ancient grudges, aside and start living the life you deserve? *New Moon Mantra: I can obtain infinite amounts of closure within my exchanges.*


Looking for a second opinion, Leo? With la luna activating your humanitarian-like 11th house of groups, friendships, teamwork, and extended network, you’re acknowledging your place within social quadrants, while comparing your perspective to the rest of society’s. There’s nothing wrong with being the black sheep every now and then, you know. If anything, this should serve as proof of your individuality, and unique presence in society. So don’t be afraid to start a revolution, Leo. A powerful trine between Venus and Pluto will ignite your career, and day-to-day routine, sector, bringing prosperous opportunities to your professional life. May la luna bless you with the rewards, and recognition, you’ve worked so hard for, Leo. *New Moon Mantra: My spirit thrives when I connect with like-minded individuals. *



Say those goals aloud, Virgo. That is if you haven’t written them down by now, of course. With la luna shaking up your ambitious tenth house of career, reputation, and destiny in the world, you’re looking towards the future, but you’re likely developing an entirely different business plan in the process. A sensual trine between Pluto and Venus will activate your creativity sector, and your expansive ninth house of personal philosophy. This could in turn gift you with the necessary courage, and unique expression, to take a much-needed leap of faith. And with Jupiter Rx hovering over your tenth house of public persona, you’re reflecting on the professional experiences that led you here in the first place. May la luna bring you the successful career, and public reputation, you’ve been working towards, Virgo. *New Moon Mantra: My intelligence and humanitarian mindset will be acknowledged.*



Let your spirit take the lead, Libra. Mother moon is illuminating your expansive ninth house of education, higher learning, and personal philosophy, and you’re likely as restless as ever. What kind of experiences are you craving lately? Thinking of going back to school? A trine between powerful Pluto and luscious Venus will activate your domestic fourth house of home, and eighth house of surrender. And while some of you might very well inherit a financial heirloom of sorts, others could suddenly recognize the strength that lives within their ancestry line. One thing’s for sure: this is a spiritually rich time for you. So it’s important to keep an open mind, and acquire as much knowledge as possible. May la luna gift you with enough faith to take necessary risks, Libra. *New Moon Mantra:  My desire for recognition stems from my mental expansion.*



Who are you sharing your mind and body with, Scorpio? La luna is igniting your eighth house of sex, shared resources, and transformation, and you’re likely reliving the thought of a life-changing experience, or perhaps a toxic relationship you already evolved from. Luckily, an opposition to Jupiter Rx via your second house of values will remind you of your worth, and unique possessions, despite your lusty desires. History is 100 percent capable of repeating itself, so don’t let your thrill-seeking mind take you off your path. May la luna bring you the mentally-stimulating conversations you crave, along with the intimate unions that will upgrade you vibrationally, Scorpio. *New Moon Mantra: I am aware of the possibilities in fueling my desire for experience.*




You’re a killer negotiator, Sagittarius. Compromising, not so much. But the gift of gab is one of your greatest superpowers, and it’s time you use it to get the results you need. La luna is illuminating your seventh house of relationships, partnerships, and interpersonal relationships, and in turn, giving you an opportunity to see eye-to-eye with a partner, whether it be platonically, romantically, or professionally speaking. A trine between Venus and Pluto can serve as a portal leading towards financial breakthroughs, or perhaps a well-paying job that brings you joy, and pleasure. Don’t be naive, Sagittarius. Choose your business partners wisely, and listen to your intuition in the process. May la luna gift you with the wisdom you seek, and the opportunities you deserve, Sagittarius. *New Moon Mantra: I connect with others both intuitively and logically.*



Sort out your priorities, Capricorn. La luna is shaking up your practical sixth house of health, order, and day-to-day routine, and you’re likely in the mood for a tedious workout regimen, and an intricate wellness program. After all, you are a big fan of putting in the work, and you’re ready to do everything possible to achieve your goals, whether it be mentally, physically, or professionally speaking. A trine between Pluto and Venus will ignite your creative fifth house of expression, and sense of individuality, and this could be a pivotal moment in terms of your self confidence, and personal identity. What do you aspire to be? How can you upgrade your lifestyle? May la luna bring you the mental clarity needed to encourage a sense of fulfillment within your daily life, Capricorn. *New Moon Mantra: I adapt to my surroundings, but my mental health is priority.*



Your mind is so attractive, Aquarius. And with la luna igniting your flamboyant fifth house of romance, individuality, and artistic expression, you’re likely flirting your little heart out, or perhaps putting your creative visions into words. This area of your chart is passionate and artistic, and thanks to Mercury’s clever banter, you’ll have the time of your life, too. A harmonious trine between Pluto and Venus will activate your karma sector, along with your domestic fourth house of home, and you’re finally getting a glimpse of your colorful yet complex psyche. There is beauty in authenticity, and sometimes all you have to do is be yourself in order to obtain the happiness you so desperately crave. May la luna bless you with infinite amounts of self love, and inspiration, Aquarius. *New Moon Mantra:  I express myself with both my words, and actions..*



What’s your self dialogue like, Pisces? WIth la luna igniting your domestic fourth house of home, family, and soul foundation, your intuition is as loud as ever, and you’re finally understanding its universal languages. Themes related to your ancestry, family members, and sense of security will be top of mind during this time. And a trine between Venus and Pluto will activate your communication sector, and in turn influence your sense of belonging, in the process. What’s stopping you from being true to your instincts, values, and genetic programming? What part of you are you willing to share with the rest of society? May la luna bless you with the inner peace, and personal validation, to move forward, fearlessly and apologetically. *New Moon Mantra: My unique individual truth can speak for itself.*

source: tattoos n rings

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