Moon Musings: How the Full Moon in Pisces (September 14, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How the Full Moon in Pisces (September 14, 2019) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Valerie Mesa on

New moons are for planting seeds; full moons are for basking in the harvest. What seeds did you plant this month? How have you embodied the essence of Virgo thus far? During the new moon phase — the beginning of the lunar cycle — Mother moon sits between the Earth and Father Sun. This creates a powerful surge of kickstart energy emerging directly from the heavens. Conjugating in the meticulous and detail-oriented sign of Virgo, this month’s new moon paved the way for an immensely fertile and transformative new beginning which will, in turn, see fruition during the full moon phase on Sept. 14. As you know, the full moon phase is a symbol of completion, clarity and closure. When la luna reaches her peak of fullness, our hidden truths, desires and power, too, become illuminated. 

How so? Well, the moon governs our inner world and shadow self, ergo our emotional body becomes heightened during the full moon phase. Sitting fearlessly across the Sun — a symbol of the ego and identity — the full moon puts a spotlight on our reality and progress. However, given the unique differences that exist between these ever-glowing luminaries, the full moon phase also serves as a call for balance and action. The sun is masculine; the moon is feminine. How can you integrate your inner world with your reality in the physical dimension? Do they agree with one another? The full moon will speak for itself. Again, with the Sun and Moon on complete opposite sides of the zodiac wheel, we — both collectively and personally — are being asked to find a balance between our inner and outer world. 

On that note, with the Sun in practical Virgo and the Moon in ethereal Pisces, there’s no denying the innate polarity that exists between both of these celestial energies. For instance, the Sun in Virgo sheds light on intricate process of fertility via earthy everyday matters, while the Moon in Pisces illuminates the magical undercurrents alive and breathing in the universal realm. See the difference? With that being said, a full moon will adorn the velvet night on Saturday, Sept. 14 in the mystical and mutable sign of Pisces. Dreaming alongside its ethereal planetary ruler Neptune, this lunation will be sitting directly across four heavenly bodies in the sign of Virgo: The sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus. That’s a whole lot of mutable earth, isn’t it? My thoughts exactly but it doesn’t end there.

Almighty Jupiter in Sagittarius — planet of abundance, expansion and opportunity — becomes the focal point in a challenging T-Square amongst a Sun-Mercury-Mars-Venus stellium (cluster of planets) in Virgo, and a visionary Moon-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Now, before I explain the intensity of this complex T-Square energy, let’s take a second to reflect on the new moon in Pisces that took place on March 6 of this year. What did you wish for? Did you fantasize about something out of this world? The energy of this mutable water sign is ethereal-like, compassionate, spiritual and incredibly fluid. Pisces is heavenly, serene and swimming in feels. When was the last time you dreamed a little dream? Have the sacrifices you’ve made been worth making? Consider this your celestial grand finale from the heavens.

Now, with four planets in earthy Virgo — squaring Jupiter and the Moon in Pisces — there is a powerful build-up that needs to be released. For the record, this is a lot of mutability so your best bet is to go with the flow. Do not resist the changes headed your way. Trust the process. Surrender. Think about it: The Sun-Mars pushes us to take action; the Moon heightens our intuition; Neptune brings the rose-colored glasses, and Jupiter expands and magnifies. Are you ready to dream up the ultimate experience? Now would be a good time to wish upon a star. Read your full moon in Pisces horoscope and reflection, according to your zodiac sign below:




Let go and let God, Aries. This powerful lunation will beam directly through your mystical 12th house of endings, dreams and all things behind-the-scenes. Believe it or not, this area of your chart has everything to do with deep secrets and spiritual revelations, as it belongs to none other than ethereal Pisces. The moon governs your intuition and this Neptune-ruled lunation will likely bring you intense clarity. Be mindful of your intuitive downloads during this time, Aries. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your orderly sixth house of due diligence and your risk-taking ninth house of philosophy — your full moon moment might very well have something to do with expanding your mental horizons. Should you stay, or should you go? Tensions will be running high, so surrender to the infinite possibilities. Think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following, Aries: How can you experience the closure you seek? Have you found peace with everything that’s been brewing beneath the surface?


Surround yourself with people who lift your spirits, Taurus. September’s full moon will illuminate your socially-conscious 11th house of friendships, groups and extended network. This area of your chart governs all things related to your hopes, wishes and dreams, along with your sense of belonging in the world. What kind of role do you play in the lives of others, Taurus? Rebellious and unconventional, this astrological house brings you closer to the community and society as a whole. However, activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your expressive fifth house of authenticity and sultry eighth house of intimate unions — this Neptune-ruled lunation could have you second-guessing whether or not you should become a member of a particular crew. Be sure to follow your intuition during this time, Taurus. In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: Have you set the necessary boundaries within your friendship circles? Have you completed an art project or achieved any of your long-term goals?


Reach for the stars, Gemini. With la luna shaking up your career-driven tenth house of legacy, authority figures and reputation in the world, a professional opportunity you’ve been working towards could finally see fruition. This area of your chart has everything to do with your self-mastery and perseverance, as it is ruled by structured Saturn. However, sitting alongside dreamy Neptune, this lunation could also shed light on the areas within your professional life that lack boundaries. Let’s face it, whether it be via the relationship you have with your superiors in the workplace or perhaps with your own parents, something’s gotta give, Gemini. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your domestic fourth house of emotional intelligence and your seventh house of relationships — your full moon moment will likely revolve around an important decision regarding your sense of leadership, and legacy in the world. Think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: What have you been selflessly working towards? How have you integrated your brilliant imagination with your professional life?


Speak your truth, Cancer. This powerful lunation will beam directly through your expansive ninth house of education, travel, higher learning and the bigger picture. Although, did you know the ninth house also revolves around entrepreneurship, publishing and opportunities that require you to take a leap of faith? Pack your bags, Cancer! Full moons typically come with a surprise or two and in your ninth house, this could very well consist of some unexpected traveling. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your sixth house of daily due diligence and third house of communication — your full moon moment will require you to tackle the tasks at hand with a clear head. The truth will set you free, Cancer. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s something that will make your life easier. Trust me, all of these mutable feels could easily cloud your judgement, so stay grounded. In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: How have you evolved mentally and spiritually? Have you thought about your next adventure?


You get what you give, Leo. September’s full moon will illuminate your sultry eighth house of sex, death, intimate unions, and other people’s money. This area of your chart governs all things related to inheritance, mysteries and merged energies. Are you afraid of your vulnerabilities, Leo? Karmic and deeply intimate, this astrological house can bring you closer to your partners at a spiritual level. However, activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your second house of values and expressive fifth house of authenticity — this Neptune-ruled lunation could have you second-guessing your worth, despite the fact that you’re so money and you don’t even know it. Remember who you are, and don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments, Leo darling. Whether you decide to tie the knot with your S.O, or make something permanent during this time, make sure to listen to your intuition. In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: What makes you feel empowered ? Are you willing to put your fears aside  to make your dreams a reality?


To commit, or not to commit, that is the question, Virgo. With la luna shaking up your cooperative seventh house of one-on-one connects and committed relationships, an important partnership could finally see fruition. This area of your chart has everything to do with negotiations, compromise and general agreements. Single Virgos could decide to make things official with their long-time beau, while those of you who are coupled might just call it a night in and bask under the magical moonlight. Neptune dissolves all boundaries and in this codependent area of your chart, themes related to over-sacrificing within your current partnerships — or vice versa — could come up for review during this time. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your first house of self and domestic fourth house of emotional intelligence — your full moon moment will likely revolve around having faith in yourself, and in the universe. Think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: How do the people in your life show up for you? Do you have faith in the people you’re negotiating with?


Have more compassion for yourself and your well being, Libra. This powerful lunation will beam directly through your conscious sixth house of health, due diligence and day-to-day routine. It’s no wonder this area of your chart belongs to responsible Virgo, as it governs all the tedious tasks you come across in your day. Are you low on fuel? Neptune’s fog could feel as though you’ve been depleting your energy, despite it actually being the case for some of you. Take a second to double and triple check your calendar, Libra. Where have you been investing your time? Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your third house of communication and 12th house of solitude and sacrifice — this lunation will have you reflecting on what it is you’ve been working so hard for. Why so serious, Libra? Have you lost yourself in the process? In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: What have you sacrificed to become more efficient? Are you giving up too much, or not enough?


You are your own muse, Scorpio. September’s full moon will illuminate your expressive fifth house of joy, talent and romance, and you’re probably already glowing with Neptunian bliss. Have you been indulging in your passions? This area of your chart has everything to do with your inner child and sparkling authenticity. And while everyone knows your seduction skills are out of this world amazing, there’s plenty more where that came from right, Scorpio? Although, with ambiguous Neptune in the mix, you could also be entertaining yourself via escapism, or become inspired by deception. Follow your intuition, Scorpio. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your second house of values and 11th house of teams and friendship groups — this lunation will likely bring you deep clarity in regard to your sense of belonging, and individual value system. In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: How has your creativity impacted your surroundings? What makes you feel confident?



Take care of you, Sagittarius. With la luna beaming directly through your cozy fourth house of home, family and inner world, you could experience deep clarity in regard to your emotional needs, and general sense of security. Remember, this area of your chart has everything to do with your core foundation, family members and living space. Have you been feeling ambiguous about something as of late? The moon is a symbol of the divine feminine, so themes related to your female relatives are more than likely. Who knows, some of you might even decide to move to a new location altogether. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your first house of self and tenth house of career and authority figures — you could be feeling a bit wishy washy about your priorities during this time. This will be an incredibly intuitive time for you, Sag. So if you’re wondering whether or not you should relocate for that new job opportunity, or suddenly feel the need to stand your ground with your family members, this potent lunation will be your guide.  In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: Have you been over-sacrificing your needs for your work and/or family? Are there boundaries that need to be set?


You’re not one to procrastinate, but things are starting to catch up to you, Capricorn. This powerful lunation will illuminate your chatty third house of communication, thought process, immediate community, social media and petty details. What have you been up to as of late, Capricorn? If you’re feeling more energetically drained than usual, it’s not you. Granted, I know how pragmatic you are but whenever Neptune shows face, he can’t help but make things seem a bit fuzzy. Foggy and elusive, it’s no wonder the planet of dreams rules mystical Pisces and while in your third house of communication, you unconsciously see the world through rose-colored glasses. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your ninth house of opportunity and 12th house of sacrifice — you could be feeling more overwhelmed than usual during this time. Don’t be afraid to take a step back and clear your head, Capricorn. In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: What have you accomplished thus far? Is there something you need to get off your chest?


Remember who you are, Aquarius. September’s full moon will beam directly through your comfort-seeking second house of money, pleasure, values and self-worth, and you will more than likely experience a moment of intense clarity during this time. Eureka! Don’t think twice about working on your budget, Aquarius. Make yourself a priority. In fact, you might be given no choice but to work on those wishy-washy spending habits of yours. Neptune tends to make things a bit hazy, so don’t hesitate to ask for another pair of eyes… especially if you have to  write a check! Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your eighth house of intimate unions and your 11th house of social atmospheres — you could feel tension between your committed partnerships and friendship circles during this time. How much is too much, Aquarius? Do you need more of a social life, or have you been slacking in the sheets? After all, your freedom makes you happy, right? In the meantime, think back to the new moon in Pisces on March 6 and reflect on the following: What parts of you have you been forced to sacrifice as of late? Are you happy?


Happy full moon, Pisces. This one’s got your name on it, and the whole cosmic gang is tagging along for the ride. Oh, and this calls for a celestial celebration, too. I don’t wanna hear it, Pisces. You’re constantly making sacrifices for everyone around you, and it’s time for you to plant your feet firmly on the ground and put yourself first. Themes related to me vs. we are inevitable during this time but beyond that, this Neptune-ruled lunation is asking you to set boundaries. Are you doing everything it takes to make YOUR dreams a reality? No guilt trips included, Pisces. Activated by a highly mutable T-Square — via your seventh house of partnerships and tenth house of career — the way you take charge will likely be tested throughout the month of September, especially in regard to your relationships. Whether it be because your relationships are getting in the way of your professional life, or because you’re investing too much time in that which no longer serves you, it’s time to sort out your priorities, Pisces. Think back to the new moon in your sign on March 6 and reflect on the following: How can you have compassion for others if you don’t have compassion for yourself? How have you taken charge of your life since?


image by Carole Chevalier


Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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