Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Capricorn (July 21, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon in Capricorn (July 21, 2024) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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There’s a full moon underway, and though we experience this lunar phase once every month, there’s something that makes this lunation especially mystical significant. On July 21, Luna will reach its peak in the sign of Capricorn and for a second time after June’s full moon in the same sign. This rare occurrence emphasizes Capricorn (Saturnian) themes, inviting us to delve deeper into the energies it brings.

Governed by taskmaster Saturn, this Earth Sign is known for its integrity, discipline and relentless pursuit of self-mastery. For instance, take a moment to check which astrological house belongs to Capricorn in your birth chart. Believe it or not, this is an area of life where you're more likely to take on a structured and ambitious approach, perhaps even stick to tradition instead of coloring outside of the lines, but I digress.

During the full moon phase, the sun makes a direct opposition to the moon, illuminating the night sky while highlighting the dynamic interplay between the energies of the two opposing signs. As you may remember, this is a call for balance; with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, this opposition emphasizes the balance (or lack thereof) between our emotional needs and our practical ambitions.

Bring your goals to fruition this full moon with our freshly restocked Manifest Moon Selenite Palmstone. This is the last time we will be restocking this item, so if you missed out on our last batch, now's your chance! 

exactly 29 degrees of Capricorn — the very last degree (which is considered critical in astrology) this lunation will not only highlight Saturnian themes (Father, foundations, hierarchies, traditions, previously set systems) but also bring focus to what we’re no longer committed to, or willing to work hard to obtain. Something has officially reached its expiration date, and the moon’s close proximity to Pluto confirms it.

Sitting just a few degrees from Pluto retrograde in Aquarius — representing transformation, upheaval, and a catharsis of sorts — this could suggest the ending of a significant chapter or hardship in your personal and/or professional life. For reference, the moon is peaking approximately in the same area where the South Node was back in January 2020. Look back to this time of your life for more clues on what could be coming to an official close.

Moreover, the Moon will harmonize with Uranus in Taurus, adding an element of chaos and disruption to this full moon energy. Uranus — the planet of chaos and unexpected breakthroughs — brings a refreshing twist to the disciplined and traditional energy of Capricorn. This suggests that while releasing old structures and outdated commitments, we are also opening ourselves up to new, unconventional ways of achieving our goals.

Additionally, with Mercury squaring Uranus, we can anticipate unexpected news or intel. Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, in a tense aspect with Uranus, known for its erratic and revolutionary energy, can bring about sudden changes in thought patterns or how we communicate. This square challenges us to think outside the box and embrace new ideas, even if they initially seem unsettling.

Read on for what the full moon in Capricorn means for your zodiac sign:

Want to keep track of your intentions and dreams during the new moon and full moon? Check out these limited edition Magic of I Vegan Leather Journals. Only a few in stock so order yours today! 


Re-evaluate your goals and dreams, Aries. Activating your 10th house of notoriety and your sense of authority, this lunation may bring significant accomplishments or milestones in your professional life to light. You may receive recognition for your hard work and dedication or finally see the results of long-term projects and efforts. It’s a time to celebrate your successes and reflect on how far you’ve come, while also noting what is ready to be surrendered for your highest good.
Full moon reflection: Are you on the right trajectory? Are there adjustments needed to align more closely with your long-term vision?

Reflect on your core principles, Taurus. Igniting your expansive ninth house of self-discovery, Luna is presenting you with an opportunity to align your beliefs with your personal growth and aspirations. This is a powerful time to focus on expanding your horizons and exploring new avenues while staying open to unexpected insights and changes that can enrich your journey. Aspects to Uranus in your sign bring sudden shifts in perspective, urging you to remain flexible and open-minded. Full moon reflection: Are your current views and ideologies serving you well? How has your outlook transformed?

Let go of old patterns and relationships that no longer serve your personal growth, Gemini. Touching down on your eighth house of transformation, intimate unions, and energetic exchanges, Luna is shedding light on issues that must be addressed, specifically those related to debts, shared assets, and commitments. If a significant relationship happens to be at the top of your mind, consider this an opportunity for open and honest communication as you simultaneously explore your fears, desires, and motivations. Full moon reflection: What chapter of your life is ready to come to a close? How can you break these karmic patterns for good?


Take a closer look at the foundation of your relationships, Cancer. Whether romantic, business, or close friendships, it’s a time to evaluate the health and balance of these connections. Activating your seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others, Luna is bringing these areas of your life into focus, providing an opportunity for growth and transformation. You may find yourself considering the long-term viability of these connections, as it is a good time to discuss and reaffirm commitments and set boundaries. Full moon reflection: Are your partnerships mutually supportive and fulfilling? What lessons are you ready to integrate moving forward?

Your health and well-being are under the spotlight of this lunation, Leo. Hovering over your sixth house of wellness, daily rituals and work routines, the full moon is shedding light upon the areas that need improvement. Also, when considering the disciplined and goal-oriented energy of Capricorn, this marks a potent moment for you to reassess your current routine and work environment. Whether personally or in terms of your surroundings, consider this an opportunity to make necessary adjustments to ensure you’re supporting your well-being in the best possible way. Full moon reflection: Are you taking good care of yourself, emotionally and physically? Do you feel valued and fulfilled in the workplace?

Showcase your artwork and celebrate your achievements, Virgo. With the moon peaking in Capricorn and your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression, this is an excellent time to complete a creative project or start a new artistic endeavor. The structured energy of your sister-sign Capricorn supports you in bringing discipline to your creative ventures, and artistic goals. If you have children, Luna may highlight matters related to them. It’s a time to nurture and support their growth and development. Full moon reflection: Are you fully utilizing your creative talents and abilities? Are there patterns you're ready to surrender in your love life?

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Tend to your inner world, Libra. Activating your fourth house of home, family matters and emotional foundations, Luna is bringing opportunities for reflection, transformation, and resolution within your living space and family dynamics. This is an excellent time to make changes that enhance your comfort and sense of security on the home front. You may even feel the urge to redecorate, move, or make improvements to your living space to better suit your needs. More importantly, it’s a time to unresolved issues, strengthen family bonds, and create a more harmonious domestic atmosphere. Full moon reflection: Are you happy with your current living situation? Are there wounds or repressed feelings that need attention?

Relay your messages with confidence and integrity, Scorpio. Touching down on your third house of communication, thought processes, and immediate surroundings, you're being called to examine your communication style, whether through speaking, writing, or other forms of expression. Consider the boundaries that need to be set, and whether you're getting your message across. This also marks a time to reflect on what you want to learn and how you can incorporate more of this into your daily routine. Full moon reflection: Are you expressing yourself clearly and effectively? Are your words in alignment with your newfound perspective?

Your values have shifted and will continue to do so in a big way, Sagittarius. Highlighting your second house of finances and stability, the full moon in Capricorn is putting a spotlight on everything from your financial well-being to your sense of self-worth. Your sources of income and earning potential are also highlighted during this lunation. Consider whether your current job or financial ventures are fulfilling and sustainable. You may find it beneficial to explore new ways to increase your income or invest in your long-term goals. Use this time to reflect on how you value yourself and your contributions. Full moon reflection: Are you managing your money effectively? Are you recognizing your worth and standing up for your needs? 

Happy full moon, Capricorn! This is the second one in a row with your name on it—I hope you don't mind the spotlight. This lunation encourages you to take a closer look at your sense of self and identity, as it provides the clarity and motivation you need to pursue your ambitions with determination. How you present yourself to the world is also highlighted. Reflect on your appearance, style, and overall demeanor. Nevertheless, while it’s important to focus on your self-development and goals, make sure you're also considering the needs and feelings of those around you. Strive for a harmonious balance between self-assertion and cooperation. Full moon reflection: Are you on the right path? Are you presenting your true self to the world?

There isn't a time limit on your healing journey, Aquarius. The full moon activates your 12th house of dreams, privacy, and unconscious patterns, shedding light on the parts of yourself that you typically keep hidden from the world. This is an excellent time to deepen your spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, or journaling. Engaging in activities that connect you with your higher self can bring profound insights and a sense of inner peace. More importantly, it's an opportunity to identify what you need to release to move forward with a liberated spirit. Full moon reflection: Are there hidden fears, anxieties, or unresolved issues that need your attention?

Your community affairs and sense of belonging in the world are of greater prominence at this time, Pisces. Hovering over your 11th house of aspirations, friendship and future visions, Luna is bringing light to what needs to be reassessed and re-evaluated in your social life. This may also revolve around your long-term goals and objectives—what exactly is your end goal? Consider this an opportunity to set boundaries and cultivate meaningful connections that contribute to your growth. Full moon reflection: Are your connections supportive and aligned with your values? Are your contributions fulfilling?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and visual storyteller. She writes horoscopes for PEOPLE, PopSugar, StyleCaster, Elite Daily and more. For more of her work, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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