How The Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 3, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How The Full Moon in Sagittarius (June 3, 2023) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Count your blessings, stargazers! June’s full moon will adorn the night sky via the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius which, in turn, brings greater emphasis to themes of growth, truth and self-discovery. For instance, when considering the divine order of the zodiac, it’s no wonder this mutable fire sign comes to life after we confront our shadow selves, and the darker parts of our psyche via the smoldering sign of Scorpio. As always, the cycle of death and rebirth is part of the journey, but Sagittarius presents us with a new outlook. 

The word “Sagittarius” derives from the Latin word “Sagitta” which means arrow. Essentially, this represents the centaur’s overarching perspective, after being blessed with a second chance at life. So, despite the intensity and transformation surrounding Scorpio—or perhaps, when considering the last eclipse we had in this fixed water sign—Sagittarius reminds us to not lose hope, because there is something wonderful waiting for us on the other side of the horizon. This is similar to surrendering the parts of ourselves that no longer resonate with our soul’s truth… but as always, the only way out is through. 

Godly and larger-than-life itself, Sagittarius’ zodiac archetype speaks to the infinite possibilities that exist within our limitless universe. Do you ever wonder what your future looks like? Or what you’re truly capable of achieving in this lifetime? Zealous and freedom-loving, the archer aims a majestic arrow straight towards infinity, and the same goes for your path to self-discovery. Although, before we can fully embark on this mystical quest, we must first be willing to take the necessary risks that come with it.

Lucky Jupiter — the planet of abundance, expansion, prosperity, and spiritual wisdom — governs this mutable fire sign, which means that this planet’s positioning in the sky is essential when determining the full moon’s energy. And with Jupiter now transiting through the sensually driven and stability-seeking sign of Taurus, we’re not only craving something long lasting and lucrative, but also prone to taking our sweet time in the process. For the record, the “blessing” surrounding this lunation might be difficult to make out at first, but it will make itself known in due time.

Happening on June 3 at exactly 11:42 PM EST, it’s also important to note that while the moon reaches its peak of fullness in Sagittarius, it will sit directly across from the sun in Mercury-ruled Gemini. Mutable, versatile and slightly chaotic, though this may be a time of release and emotional climax, it’s best to keep an open mind… you know, in case there’s a sudden change of plans. For instance, Mercury will be sitting in a tight conjunction with change-maker Uranus (literally) which, in turn, increases the likelihood of there being spontaneous and/or unexpected conversation.

On a more uplifting note, this full moon will be making a harmonious trine to Mars in Leo, which is equally as energizing as it is rewarding, specifically when in regards to cultivating your unique talents, and stepping into your most vivacious and authentic expression. There is excitement ahead, and we have the confidence and stamina to move forward with our heads held high.

In the meantime, read on for what June’s full moon in Sagittarius means for your sun and rising sign:

Life looks different when you hold space for your values, and most precious heirlooms. This, of course, includes everything from your beloved memorabilia to the sweet sanctuary that is your living space. You're approaching the idea of growth and expansion from a more seasoned perspective, and the way you're making it all work even catches *you* off guard. Trusting the process is easier said than done, but your heart will lead the way. Full moon reflection: What are you most grateful for these days? What leap of faith led you down this path?

The grass is greener where you water it. But if there’s one thing you’ve learned since the new moon in Sagittarius, it’s the growth that comes with being present. That in itself brings awareness to the areas of life and intimate exchanges you’ve outgrown… and well, the truth will always set you free. This lunation could nudge you with a eureka moment, or present you with an unexpected opportunity to speak your surprising truth. Full moon reflection: How have you personally evolved in the last six months? Where have you been investing your time and energy?

In typical mercurial fashion, you need to collect all the raw evidence firsthand, so you can eventually come to your own conclusion. Whether of sentimental value, or perhaps stemming from an outdated family tradition, you are coming to terms with the unconscious ideologies and narrative(s) you unknowingly subscribed to once upon a time. The more honest you are with yourself and your significant other(s), the more liberated you will become. Full moon reflection: Have you been spending quality time with someone you cherish? What has this relationship taught you about your partnership dynamics?

Your sense of belonging in the workplace is being highlighted, but this could also come with a lucky break. In the meantime, reflect on your social contributions and commitments in friendship; where do you feel valued and adored? What is no longer resonating with the person you aspire to become? Whether in terms of health and/or your work routine(s)—if it's not built upon a solid and fruitful foundation, the truth will be made crystal clear under this lunation. Full moon reflection: Are your daily duties in alignment with the lifestyle you desire? Are you wholeheartedly committed to your current endeavors?

Thanks to Mars sizzling through your sign, your full-circle moment will be equally as rewarding as it is authentic to you in spirit. However, given that the ruler of this lunation recently activated your career sector, this could be an opportunity to level up in your professional life, and/or take an intuitive risk because... well, it's now or never! If there's something you're consciously choosing to leave behind, make peace with it. Full moon reflection: How has your self expression evolved in the last six months? Have you been working on something special for yourself behind the scenes?

Your sense of security is expanding, as is your philosophy around home and family. Governed by Jupiter in Taurus via your ninth house of self-discovery, there is abundance and enlightenment in your ability to venture into the unknown and explore other horizons. Whether it be with regards to an ancestral belief system or a stubborn outlook that's kept you stagnant, you are being encouraged to lean on your soul family for direction and support. An unexpected decision and awakening is also likely, given your celestial ruler's (Mercury) close proximity to electric Uranus. Full moon reflection: Has there been a change in your worldview? Are you entertaining the thought of possibly relocating?

The stability (or lack thereof) within your immediate environment is being highlighted under this lunation. Ruled by Jupiter in Taurus via your eighth house of "give and take"—while Venus journeys through your 10th house of authority, career and reputation—many of you could be reflecting on the value of your commitments, or perhaps gaining insight on how to approach a new endeavor. Savvy Mercury will also be joining forces with erratic Uranus, which can bring news that is equally as enlightening as it is shocking. Full moon reflection: Are you expecting a significant message surrounding a contractual agreement? How has the dynamic between you and a close relative evolved in the past year?

June's full moon will touch down on your stability-seeking second house of money and creature comforts, and all while its ruler wanders your committed seventh house of significant others. When reflecting on the foundation of your partnerships and contractual agreements, are these connections in alignment with your soul's calling? Whether it be with regards to the idea of starting your own family some day or the legacy you wish to leave behind, there's greater emphasis on your perception of security, and wealth. There is also an opportunity to gain wisdom and insight around a significant union, perhaps unexpectedly so. Full moon reflection: Has there been an equal amount of give and take in your relationships? What is no longer stable in your personal and/or professional life?

Happy full moon, Sagittarius! The moon is glimmering brightly in your name, and your lucky planetary ruler (Jupiter) is blessing your day-to-day lifestyle (namely, your sixth house of health habits, due diligence and acts of service) with abundance, expansion and cosmic wisdom. Moreover, Luna will be make a harmonious and fiery trine to go-getter Mars in Leo, amidst its journey through your ninth house of adventure and self-discovery. Whether it be a new study you're currently looking into pursuing, or a business venture you're considering in the workplace, this lunation is motivating you and encouraging you to reach for the stars. Full moon reflection: How can you continue to maximize your days? What's different about your personal goals and aspirations?

Growing pains are real, and it happens to the best of us. Although, when considering the positioning of this lunation—namely, via your 12th house of closure, surrender and unconscious patterns—your full circle moment could consist of you leaving a part of yourself behind, perhaps an identity you're starting to outgrow. As it is, this lunation will be in harmony with Mars in Leo, adding a fiery and competitive layer to your intimate unions and energetic exchanges. In the meantime, this is an opportunity to reflect on the areas where you've unconsciously neglected your authenticity, and childlike expression. You're reconnecting with these parts of yourself. Full moon reflection: Are your personal and professional commitments emotionally fulfilling? What have you recently discovered about your unique talents and abilities?

When reflecting on your social circles, do they still feel like home? Whether it be with regards to your friendship groups, future visions and/or your general efforts, this lunation is bringing emphasis to the foundation of your aspirations, and community affairs. Keep in mind, the moon will be in harmony with Mars in your relationship sector, which can be both energizing and motivating. However, the ruler of this lunation (Jupiter) is currently transiting your fourth house of home, family and innermost feelings, which means you may be in the process of exploring your options, or perhaps entertaining the thought of moving in with a significant other. Full moon reflection: Are there areas you consider more suitable to reside in? What have you recently discovered about your personal value systems?

You learn something new everyday, especially when you make it a point to maximize your immediate resources. This is especially significant to consider under this lunation, as it will ignite your 10th house of public persona and reputation in the world, but all while its ruler (Jupiter) hunkers down on your third house of neighbors, inner circles and local community. In addition to profitable opportunities that surround you, you're recognizing the plethora of possibility that can come from you venturing into the unknown. That being said, you could be feeling an intuitive nudge towards a new creative endeavor, and this could come with a surprise epiphany. Full moon reflection: How can you continue to expand your professional horizons? Do you find comfort in the thought of leaning on your peers for support?

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