All Planets Turn Direct (January 6, 2019)

All Planets Turn Direct (January 6, 2019)

Posted by Kyle Thomas on


A major and extremely rare blessing takes place on January 6th, 2019 when Uranus, which has been retrograding backwards through Aries, stations direct. At this very moment, all of our planets in the sky will be direct, opening an immensely powerful window in time where we can make rapid progress forward in every area of our life. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto will all be moving gracefully and in harmony forward. Some years this never occurs, and we are riddled by consistent road blocks thrown at us in the sky, but by watching the stars, we now have a green light to launch all of our most important plans forward and see immense progress take place. Use this time now, because it will only last until March 5th, 2019. We will have a brief moment after that from March 28th, 2019 to April 10th, 2019 where the stars are moving forward again, but after that, the rest of the year will be filled with some retrograde transits.



When a planet retrogrades, no matter which one it is, it is moving backwards in the sky from our viewpoint on Earth. Of course, no planet is “actually” moving backwards in its movement around the Sun, but because astrology is based on our perspective here on Earth, we do notice a unique and important change when a planet is slowing down (our plans or relationships slow down), frozen in the sky (everything in our lives comes to a halt), moves backwards (we must review our plans or revisit the past), or once again moves forward (we can advance onward once again). Retrogrades may seem to haunt us, but they are actually a blessing in disguise. They allow us to take a moment to fine-tune our plans or may even bring back a karmic lesson (or person) we must reconnect with to fully reach our highest potential.



In 2018, we had a very difficult Venus Retrograde where many of our relationships were tested. During this time, any of the problems underneath our love lives or partnerships were brought to the surface and we had to face them. Because of this, many people were actually confronted by patterns or lovers from the past. If an ex re-emerged, it means that you may have had an opportunity to reignite that flame or to set it to rest forever. Only you know how this may have occurred for you. Also, relationships that were flawed or weak were shattered altogether or forced you both to problem solve. All partnerships take work and require both individuals to step up to the plate and invest in the future. During this window in time now, Venus will be in great shape and leaving dazzling beams of light and shooting arrows like cupid to humankind below. This is an excellent time to get engaged, begin a relationship, or get back together with that ex if you both have finally matured enough for it to be healthy.



Mars is the booster rocket in the sky, ruling our energy, drive, and will to persevere. Mars also rules sexuality, too, and has ties to our relationships, particularly those of sexual chemistry and passion. With Mars lighting up the sky and dancing in forward momentum, we can be assured that this is a fantastic time to launch a business or campaign, release a new product, or start a new career. Saturn, ruling longevity and responsibility, will also happily be moving forward in the sky, as this is a planet that loves to grind into the details in order to make long-term success. Saturn will be soaring through Capricorn, promising excellent business opportunities can be made now and we will reap the fruits of our labor in time. Last, Mercury, ruling all communication, contracts, business, and technology, will also be in a divine forward movement in the sky, so all areas of our lives here can see progress and growth. If you’ve had projects that were hitting constant road blocks or obstacles the last few years (particularly the last 7 months of 2018), this would be a time to bandage the wounds and get back to the grind in order to take them to the next level. 



Jupiter, our divine planet of miracles and blessings, will be supremely happy as it sings onward along in Sagittarius, it’s favorite sign to be within. Here, Jupiter can express its luck to our lives most beautifully, so expect that you’ll see some phenomenal good news and developments in the coming months, especially dependent on where it falls in your chart (for your Rising and Sun signs – see our article on this here). Anything that launches, begins, or is signed now will be blessed and we can see long-term opportunity come to us. Last, Uranus, planet of revolution, transformation, and change, moving forward once again in Aries, will be shaking up things a final time before it enters Taurus later in 2019 permanently for many years to come. Uranus helps us evolve to our greatest levels and shakes us out of the old. It is also the planet of genius, so this is a phenomenal time to brainstorm creative ideas or think outside of the box. With the support of the other planets going directly forward, you could be onto something huge that may change the world or your life forever. Last, with Neptune, our ethereal planet of imagination, divine love, and faith, twirling through Pisces in direct movement, our creativity will also be favored. This can be a time where we look to our dreams and our long-term hopes for the world, as well as the idea of a soul mate or fantasy, and watch how it comes to life. The Universe wants us to have the life we’ve always hoped for, but it is important we build it and go out there to find it. We cannot simply sit back and pray. We must do the work to show the Universe we mean it.



Lucky for us, 2020 has a blessed time with this kind of energy, as well. Make sure to use this time in 2019 while you can to push all of your most important relationships, projects, business endeavors, and contracts forward. Once the planets start to go into a retrograde dance the rest of the year, we will not have an open road from the Universe like this until January 10th, 2020 until February 16th, 2020. Another short period will take place from March 9th, 2020 until April 25th, 2020, as well. Make a list of the things you want to achieve now in all areas of your life (finances, work, health, relationships, spiritually, etc) and see how many you can begin solidly now. Then, as the months go by, you’ll be happy you acted now while the time was ripe and the stars were smiling on you. May the stars ever be in your favor.

Kyle Thomas is an award-winning Writer, Creative Director, and Film Producer. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. Kyle is a signature voice living and creating on the cutting edge of Millennial expression. Currently, he is the resident astrologer for lifestyle brand, Love by Luna, developing episodic content for television and digital platforms, as well as writing lyrics for established pop music producers. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram: @MrKyleThomas (, Facebook (, or Twitter: @Mr_KyleThomas ( More info:


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