Saturn Turns Direct : September 6, 2018

Saturn Turns Direct : September 6, 2018

Posted by Kyle Thomas on

SATURN TURNS DIRECT: September 6th, 2018


On September 6th, 2018, Saturn will go direct. It has been retrograde in Capricorn since April 17th, 2018. Now that it has “woken up,” we will notice the lessons of Saturn becoming more of a focus in our lives. Saturn will affect all signs significantly, but of all the signs – Capricorn and Cancer will feel its lessons most. 


Saturn entered Capricorn on December 19th, 2017 and will remain in this sign until December 17th, 2020. Saturn rules karma, responsibility, hardship and oppression in order to mature and evolve, as well as long term foundations. 


Saturn is the taskmaster. It wants you to learn to dig in your heels and push up your sleeves to become the best person you can be. But it does not make things easy. While it can be known for painful experiences and situations, it wants you to prove to the Universe that you deserve your hopes and dreams. Those who are lazy will be punished. Those who sacrifice and learn its lessons will be lifted up.



We will notice that we must evolve in a certain area of our lives. Right now, each sign will be spending until December 2020 learning about, seeing growth, and fighting an uphill battle in relation to this specific area of your life:


ARIES: Your career.

TAURUS: Media, publicity, academics, travel.

GEMINI: Money, debts, sexuality.

CANCER: Partnerships (please read last section of this article for further insight).

LEO: Work, health.

VIRGO: Love, art, children.

LIBRA: Home, domestic interests, family.

SCORPIO: Communication of all sorts.

SAGITTARIUS: Money, possessions.

CAPRICORN: Your whole life, independence (please read last section of this article for further insight).

AQUARIUS: Healing, growth.

PISCES: Friendships, community, your long-term goals.


Once Saturn goes direct, there are several gorgeous blessings the Universe has bestowed upon us. Right away, Saturn’s energy reaches out across the sky to sync up with both Mercury (in Virgo) and Uranus (in Taurus). This means that for the coming months we will notice we have learned lessons and we are finally ready for transformation. We are ready to transition into the next chapter of our lives. This is a great time to make long-term commitments and plans. You may also experience heightened awareness or detail-oriented analysis that takes your work or life in a positive direction. The Universe is telling you to put conscious effort into action and that enormous and endless potential exists. Now take a moment. Think about where you are. Now think about where you want to be. Be grateful. Now go make it happen. The Universe – and I – believe in you.



Anyone with a Capricorn or Cancer Sun Sign or Rising Sign will experience the most obstacles during this transit because the Universe is teaching you to work harder to get the things you want. Only through road blocks do we learn how to climb. Capricorns will notice that life will seem “heavy” and “serious” since Saturn entered their sign, but this is an opportunity to lay down serious roots: once you push yourself to the brink of your strength, you may finally be ready to take the next big leap or build that lasting relationship. Cancers, however, will notice significant difficulty in relation to getting what they want: in all areas of one-on-one partnerships, with authority, or possibly being attacked by enemies or ill health. Any weak relationships will shatter in order for you to build ones that can last a lifetime. I do not mean to scare anyone because of these statements – they are not simply predictions. I am simply here to tell you that the Universe promises better things on the other side.

Kyle Thomas is a writer, producer, and lyricist living in Los Angeles. Astrology has always inspired him and he is a great believer in using the Universe to manifest the life you've always dreamt of. Follow Kyle Thomas on Instagram (@MrKyleThomas), Facebook (, or Twitter (@Mr_KyleThomas). More info:


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