Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Leo (Aug 18, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The New Moon in Leo (Aug 18, 2020) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

artwork by: @illumin8trix

Your New Moon in Leo Horoscope & Mantra, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Despite its dark mystique and enigmatic essence, the divine fertility of the new moon phase is essential to the core foundation of your greatest accomplishments. How can you cultivate its magic and integrate it into your personal life? There’s always a beginning and an end, and this is because everything in our journey to spirit via the human experience is cyclical. The beginning of the lunar cycle, the new moon phase is symbolic of rebirth, renewal, and new beginnings. Every month, this numinous moon phase bestows us with the hope and blessings of a beautiful tomorrow. This takes place the moment the moon, the sun, and Earth align via the same longitude line, which results in La Luna’s lack of visibility from the Earth. Astrologically, this occurs when Mother moon joins forces with Father Sun, in the exact same degree of a particular zodiac sign. However, given that the sun moves a degree per day and the moon changes degrees every two hours, this lunar phase is, essentially, a team effort, which only makes the effects that much more potent.

Think about it: The moon is a symbol of your unconscious; she governs your intuitive mind, inner world, emotional foundation, sense of comfort, and divine feminine presence. The sun is your ego, physical identity, divine light, soul purpose, and sacred masculine energy. Having both of these ever-glowing luminaries working side-by-side via the same zodiac sign is nothing short of extraordinary, especially when in a sign like majestic Leo which just so happens to be the sun’s sign of rulership. Are you ready for a well deserved new beginning? In addition to the magic of the new moon’s fertility, the fact that she and Father Sun are in the midst of igniting Leo’s fixed fires, immediately emphasizes the magnitude and general significance of this new moon. Courageous, majestic, and swirling with divine frequencies, this year’s new moon in expressive Leo will vanish into the night on Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 10:42 p.m. ET. Now, before we discuss the aspects taking place during this lunation, it’s important that we recognize the significance of Leo’s archetype, and how it shows up in our lives.

Leo is a symbol of the inner child; it’s authenticity, creativity, celebration, courage, romance, passion, happiness, self-expression, and self-love. It’s no wonder Leo is governed by the Sun, as it emanates royalty, leadership, and authority. As always, there’s always a shadow side and for Leo, this is where the drama, extravagance, pride, and ego trips come in, but not if you’re being conscious of its potential. Now, this new moon will be especially significant, and more a number of reasons. First, the sun and moon with conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication and resourcefulness. This mercurial influence will create a connection between your heart (Leo) and the mind, which has everything to do with Mercury. So as you’re stepping into this fabulous new beginning, it’s important to ask yourself: What makes me happy? How can I integrate my creative gifts with my goals? Am I being productive with my long-term goals and plans? Remember, the Sun is the greatest source of energy and center of the universe; which is one of the many reasons why Leo vibrates at such a high frequency. 

Having said that, this heart-centered lunation — conjunct Mercury in Leo — will create a divine synergy between your soul’s truth, and unique self-expression. Sitting in a harmonious trine with red-hot Mars, just one month before stationing retrograde, the fertility of this new moon will not only align with your inner intuition, but also with the supercharged direction of go-getter Mars. Ready, set, go! To say the element fire is present here, would be an understatement. After all, Mars is in Aries and the sun, moon, and Mercury are in Leo, and the element fire is equivalent to fertility and creation. This is a plethora of energy, passion, enthusiasm, and carnal instincts, but it doesn’t end there. In addition to knowing Mars will retrograde sooner than later, the planet of action is also sitting in a square to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto Rx in Capricorn. As always, there’s a catch to all of this incredible momentum, starting with this triple conjunction in structured Capricorn that continues to highlight your previously-set systems and traditions, but Mars in Aries wants nothing to do with the past. 

On the contrary, it’s crucial that we keep an open mind during this time, in order to welcome the brilliant possibilities waiting on the other side of the horizon. Becoming fixated on the idea of what could, would, and/or should be will only stifle your personal growth. Step outside of yourself and get familiar with the new dimension you’re stepping into, both personally and collectively. There’s a lot to learn and explore during this time and with the God of war on our side, it’s about time we start using his warrior-like energy wisely. Be brave and stand firm. Change has arrived.

Read your new moon horoscope and mantra below:

photo by: Ray Grau


Bathe in the elixir of love, Aries. This year’s new moon in Leo will bestow you with an incredible amount of inspiration and catapult you towards that which ignites the fire in your heart. Vanishing behind the curtain of your theatrical fifth house of love, creativity, and self-expression, the next six months will not only be about cultivating a relationship with your inner child, but also an opportunity to integrate your one-0f-a-kind frequency with your professional life, and public persona. So whether you’re entertaining the idea of launching your own brand or perhaps falling for someone who’s been tugging on your heartstrings, don’t hesitate to spoil yourself rotten. Self-love is the best love. New Moon Mantra: My unique truth and passionate spirit are a reflection of my vivacious heart.


You're a royal icon all on your own, Taurus. A new moon in cinematic Leo will fire up your cozy fourth house of home, family, ancestors, roots, emotional foundation, and sense of stability this month, bringing a powerful new chapter to the forefront. Courageous, celebratory, and influential, this lunation will evoke something from within you with regard to your family members, and your inner sanctuary. Rest and recharge as much as possible during this time, as aggressive Mars will likely lose momentum via your sleepy 12th house of spirituality, closure, karma, and all things behind the scenes. Themes revolving around your authority figures verses your personal philosophy could also come up for review during this lunation. Think about your legacy but more importantly, follow your heart. New Moon Mantra: The fire in my soul shines brightest when I nurture the things I love, and practice self-care.


Having your undivided attention is the best seat in the house, Gemini. This year’s new moon in Leo will ignite your local third house of rulership, which has everything to do with communication, skills, siblings, thought process, immediate exchanges, and general problem-solving. A magical trine to red-hot Mars via your 11th house of teams, tribes, hopes, wishes, friendship groups, and extended community will invigorate you with a powerful surge of inspiration, and desire to collaborate with like-minded groups of individuals. Connection is your jam, Gemini. You’re an expert and connecting the dots so make sure to tap into this energy wisely, as it will definitely work in your favor. More importantly, don’t forget to make time for your besties. They need your brilliant wit, epic storytelling and hysterical sarcasm more than you know. New Moon Mantra: The sunlight in my mind illuminates my soul path, and revitalizes my environment.


Remember who you are, Cancer. A new moon in the celebratory sign of Leo brings forth an opportunity for you to slip into your favorite party dress and indulge in the royal treatment, amidst the chaos. Vanishing into the plush closet of your boujee second house — of finances, money, pleasure, and wealth — this lunation will be the celestial gift that keeps on giving, and you earned it. You’re a daughter of the moon with a heart of gold and you’re finally fighting for your incomparable worth. Sitting in harmony with red-hot Mars via your prestigious tenth house of career, legacy, and public persona, there will be a momentous rush of adrenaline working in your favor so don’t be afraid to get up and fight for what you deserve. New Moon Mantra: When I follow the light in my heart and indulge in my passions, I become one with the cosmos. 


The spotlight’s always on you, but there’s more for you out there, Leo. You only get one new moon per year and the good news is, this year’s will be nothing short of spectacular. Joining forces with your majestic planetary ruler, Father Sun, the new moon will activate your first house of appearance, personal identity, and sense of self. This will not only energize and revitalize you, but also bestow you with an opportunity to reach for the stars. Sitting alongside Mercury the messenger, amidst forming a harmonious trine with Mars in your expansive ninth house of education, travel, wisdom, and long-term goals, the next six months will be all about expanding your personal horizons. It’s time to venture into unknown territory and take a leap of faith, in order to do something you really love. New Moon Mantra: The sky's the limit when I follow my heart; I am becoming what I deserve to be.


Take a step back whenever you can, Virgo. Not because you shouldn’t put yourself out there, but because you need to nourish your relationship with spirit. A new moon in majestic Leo will vanish into the mystifying abyss of your unconscious 12th house — secrets, closure, karma, privacy, spirituality, and forgiveness — bringing new beginnings to your life behind closed doors. Themes revolving around forgiveness, surrender, and self-undoing will be top of mind in the next six months, so don’t be afraid to take a hiatus whenever you feel the need to. Sitting in a trine with Mars via your domestic fourth house of home, family, and your inner sanctuary, this lunation will bestow you with the confidence and clarity to take a much-needed break. Listen to your body and put yourself first; your soul needs it. New Moon Mantra: The divine light within me is an infinite source of love, and knows what’s best for me.


Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t show your soul tribe a little love, Libra. A courageous new moon in the majestic sign of Leo will shake up your socially conscious and futuristic 11th house of teams, colleagues, visionaries, and extended networks, shedding light on your sense of belonging in the world. There’s no such thing as an individual without a community of people behind it, and this is precisely where your glorious new beginning comes in. So whether you’re looking for ways to network or perhaps surround yourself with a new group of friends, now is the time. In harmony with aggressive Mars via your committed seventh house of relationships and significant partnerships, this lunation will bring forth the opportunity to build passionate new connections, whether it be professionally or romantically speaking. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. New Moon Mantra: When I am confident in myself and unapologetically authentic, I’m one step closer to finding my soul tribe.


You are a force to be reckoned with, Scorpio. This couldn’t be more apparent these days, especially with the sun, moon, and Mercury beaming through your ambitious career zone. How are things going in your professional life? What kind of boss moves have you been making as of late? This year’s new moon in the majestic sign of Leo will vanish into the spotlight of your superstar tenth house of authority, legacy, public persona, and reputation in the world, bringing new beginnings and (well-deserved) validation when it comes to your accomplishments. Brace yourself; you’re about to step into a pivotal chapter in your professional life and it’s up to you to make the most of this heroic vibration. Courage and stamina will be important and with go-getter Mars igniting your orderly sixth house of due diligence, you’ll have enough energy to hit a home run. New Moon Mantra: The vitality of my success is a product of my powerful mind and my day-to-day lifestyle.


Walk towards the light that turns you on, Sagittarius. A new moon in the theatrical sign of Leo will vanish into the infinite possibilities of your expansive ninth house — of knowledge, wisdom, travel, and opportunity — bringing new beginnings to your personal vistas, entrepreneurial ventures, and philosophical POVs. Though this area of your chart belongs to your bountiful planetary ruler, Jupiter, this lunation will activate your sister fire sign, Leo. Either way, there will be an incredible amount of fertility at your disposal during this time, so don’t think twice about using it to your benefit. Sitting in a harmonious trine go-getter Mars via your expressive fifth house of fun, romance, creativity, and unique authenticity, La Luna will bestow you with a supercharged boost of confidence and desire to explore, in order to push you into an exciting path. It’s time for you to take on the leadership role you’ve always dreamt of. Stop being a procrastinator. New Moon Mantra: I am confident in the possibilities of my artistic passions, and I will do whatever it takes to feel the joy it brings.


An investment is a promise, Capricorn. This year’s new moon in Leo will vanish into the underworld via your spell-binding eighth house of sex, debt, death, transformation, shared resources, and intimate unions, bringing new beginnings to your soul contracts. Despite being as creative as it is childlike, this Leo moon will very much revolve around your relationship with “the others.” Other people’s money and energy will be top of mind for the next six months and whether you’re a fan of closeness or not, this is an opportunity to become more confident in the idea of merging with another mind, body, and soul. There are mutual gains on the horizon, so don’t resist the connections taking place. New Moon Mantra: My soul will instantly recognize the light in the person who’s destined to walk with me on my journey to spirit.


It’s never too late to fall in love, Aquarius. Leo season has you feeling as smitten as ever, and the upcoming lunation will bestow with an opportunity you will never forget. This year’s new moon in Leo will ignite your committed seventh house of relationships, significant partnerships, and other people, bringing new beginnings to your idea of compromise, and fidelity. The next six months will shed light on your relationship dynamics, as well as your ability to be authentic via your one-on-one partnerships. Sitting in a lovely trine to red-hot Mars via your chatty third house of communication, your throat chakra will be hella activated during this time. In addition to giving you a chance to express yourself, fearless and unapologetically, this will inspire you to speak your truth in every way. Let’s face it, Aquarius. Honesty is the best policy and the people in your life deserve the royal treatment, just as much as you do. New Moon Mantra: The more I partake in my heart-to-heart conversations, the more my relationships will thrive.


Your routine is as exciting as you want it to be, Pisces. This year’s new moon in Leo will kick off an enthusiastic ritual via your orderly sixth house of health, wellness, day-to-day lifestyle, due diligence, and acts of service. Are you ready to reap what you’ve sown? Everything from your levels of productivity to the connection you have with your mind, body, and soul will be top of mind for the next six months. Leo is a superstar and in this area of your chart, a habit you can be proud of. Sitting in a harmonious trine with aggressive Mars via your second house of values, finances, self-esteem, and sense of security, this lunation will focus on the pleasure you seek as much as the work you put in, and you’re overdue a well-deserved treat. The choice is yours. New Moon Mantra: The things I cherish, celebrate, and value are a product of my daily performance.

Valerie is an astrologer, writer, and third-generation witch. Her favorite things to write about are mysticism and sex; the Moon is her muse. For more of her work and cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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