Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Virgo (Mar. 18, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Virgo (Mar. 18, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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The power of divine timing is always at play, and astrology will forever validate the synchronicities of the universe. Think about it: staying organized is easier said than done when the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune are transiting through numinous Pisces, simultaneously. Order, practicality, and routine, who? This celestial season is not only bringing us closer to spirit via activities such as meditation, automatic writing, and the arts, but also encouraging us to surrender and close out what’s no longer in alignment with our higher selves. Governed by elusive Neptune — the planet of dreams, illusions, compassion, and spirituality — there are no boundaries that exist between the physical and universal realm when the sun roams through Pisces… and well, this could be a blessing and a curse. This is precisely where the power of divine timing comes to play, as we are being guided to go with the flow despite all odds. However, just when you think you’re about to go down the rabbit hole, and ask Alice for tips on this psychedelic trip, the cosmos steps in with some much-needed assistance. A grounded and practical full moon in Virgo, you say? Coming right up.

Now, if you’re anything like me, then you probably can’t help but anticipate the emotional highs and lows that occur during the full moon phase. And the truth is, it’s not always going to be a walk in the park. After all, and as you may remember, the moon is symbolic of our emotional foundation and innermost feelings; hence the revelations that take place when the moon reaches its peak of fullness. This energy is emotionally climactic, similar to the high point of your favorite film, when the protagonist gains some sort of significant wisdom. Sitting directly opposite the sun, this lunar phase is also a call for balance, as there is an instinctive push and pull effect between our intuition (moon) and the ego (sun). For reference, check which astrological house belongs to 27 degrees Virgo in your birth chart; this is where you can expect a full-circle moment and/or emotional revelation. Although, if you’re interested in exploring the situation deeper, you can also think back to the new moon in Virgo that took place on Sept. 6, 2021. Did you plant seeds of intention? What was going on in your life at that time?

Glimmering brightly in the velvet night on Mar. 18 at 3:17 a.m. EST via 27 degrees Virgo, this month’s full moon is bringing forth some much-needed grounding, like I previously mentioned. Something I always find synchronistic about the full moon in Virgo is that the term “harvest” is not only symbolic of the full moon phase, but also the embodiment of Virgo’s zodiac archetype. Virgo is also associated with the goddess of the harvest Persephone in Greek mythology, but I digress. Practical, productive, and efficient, Virgo’s mutable earth thrives when it can indulge in the tedious process. Mastering a unique skill that brings tangible results — that can be analyzed, dissected, and measured — is Virgo’s celestial mission. Governed by Mercury — the planet of the mind, cognition, communication, and interpretation — Virgo is just as versatile as it is grounded. And though the foundation of Mercury revolves around communication, Virgo’s mercurial essence takes it deeper. For ex: Gemini is also governed by Mercury but it processes information and relays messages via its mutable air, mentally and logically. The magic of Virgo’s mutable earth, however, is symbolic of the synergy that takes place between the mind, body, and soul.

With all that being said, there is plenty of energy for us to work with under this mindful and mercurial full moon… but we will have to make a conscious effort. For instance, if there’s a full moon in a Mercury-ruled sign, the energy of this lunation will inevitably depend on Mercury, right? Well, if you’re wondering what the messenger planet is up to… take a wild guess. Swimming through perplexing Pisces — AKA its sign of detriment, because Mercury doesn’t feel comfortable in Pisces — there are still some uncertainties lingering with regards to next steps. Example: let’s say you had an intuitive download about something you need to start working on or organizing in your day-to-day life — which is totally up Virgo’s alley — the essence of Mercury in Pisces will still dance around the facts, and more than likely keep you guessing. However, this is precisely where we’re being called to trust our intuition and inner wisdom, despite the ambiguity of it all. Granted, the last thing Mercury in Pisces resonates with is Virgo’s analytical precision, but it’s up to us to work with the energy we have available. If things don’t feel in order, don’t despair.

Focus on what needs work in your physical reality, whether it be with regards to your work routine or perhaps even health habits. Honor your daily rituals, and create room for mindfulness and productivity. On a brighter note, this lunation will ignite a supportive Grand Earth trine together with Pluto in Capricorn and the North Node in Taurus. This continues to hint at the changes that need to occur in our lives, especially those we’ve unconsciously manifested for ourselves or perhaps even anticipated for quite some time now. Something significant is being integrated into our lives, and though seeing the light at the end of the tunnel might’ve seemed challenging at first, the energy of this lunation is supercharging us with the confidence, clarity, and inspiration we need to move forward, namely when it comes to our everyday life. Whatever lacks practicality and productivity is being illuminated at this time. And if you’re wondering where the mysticism of Mercury in Pisces comes to play, it’s the voice inside of you that’s guiding you towards something greater. Also, with Mars-Venus experimenting in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius, there’s more than enough room for socializing and community affairs. Squaring Uranus, there could be some abrupt changes in your finances and/or unexpected reunions. Something's making its way towards you as we speak.

Read your full moon in Virgo horoscope and reflection, according to your sun and rising sign below: 

You’re being called to find grounding and healing in your day-to-day life, Aries. Beaming over your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, this Mercury-ruled lunation is a culmination of the seeds you’ve been diligently planting these last six months. And with the messenger planet sitting close to Jupiter in  Pisces via your twelfth house of closure, surrender, and forgiveness,, this isn’t only an opportunity for you to cultivate a divine balance between your mind, body, and soul, but also a chance to reconnect with spirit. Remember, your well being depends on the boundaries you’re willing to set for your highest good at the end of the day. Fortunately, with your planetary ruler, Mars sitting alongside Venus in Aquarius via your eleventh house of associations, community, and individual freedom, you’re becoming more familiar with the people you can trust and depend on. Full Moon Reflection: Do you lean on your community for support and inspiration? How can you make more time for yourself in your daily routine?

When you do something from the heart it shows, Taurus. Not to worry, if you’ve been secretly longing for inspiration, you’re just in time to start over as the full moon in Virgo will bring grounding and harvest to your expressive fifth house of creativity, infatuation, love, musings, passion, and pleasure. Whether personally or professionally, this is an opportunity for you to experiment, especially with the moon’s ruler, Mercury, sitting close to Jupiter in Pisces via your 11th house of associations, community, and future visions. So many opportunities, so little time? Your luscious planetary ruler, Venus, will also be dazzling your prestigious 10th house of boss moves, and alongside her divine counterpart, Mars. Meaning: there’s plenty of room for you to express yourself, and potentially integrate more of your humanitarian energy with the people you work with, and with regards to your reputation in the world.  Full Moon Reflection: How can you cultivate more of your talents and skills for the good of mankind? What needs to change in your world?

It’s all a work in progress, Gemini. And despite whether you feel comfortable doing so, this may require you to venture outside of your comfort zone. Whether it revolves around an outdated belief system, or a study you’re interested in exploring, this is all going to help you reconnect with your soul’s truth and more importantly, come back home to yourself. That being said, this year’s resourceful full moon will touch down on your intuitive fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional stability, bringing closure and clarity to your inner world. In the meantime, Mercury — both your celestial ruler and that of the full moon — will be transiting through your 10th house of authority and boss moves, all while sitting closely to Jupiter in dreamy Pisces, but there’s more. Mars-Venus in Aquarius will continue to dazzle your expansive ninth house adventure, entrepreneurial ventures, and unknown territory, bringing inspiring  opportunities to your doorstep. Full Moon Reflection: Does your current occupation genuinely align with your soul’s truth? What brings you emotional fulfillment? 

Connect, engage, and use your voice for the good of mankind, Cancer. This year’s full moon in Virgo will activate your intellectually savvy third house of siblings, neighbors, and local networks, bringing themes surrounding everything from your communication style and/or immediate exchanges to fruition. When was the last time you engaged with your peers, or brainstormed on a new project? Keep in mind,  Mercury — the moon’s planetary ruler — will be sitting close to lucky Jupiter in Pisces via your expansive ninth house of adventure, higher learning, and entrepreneurial ventures, which means there’s more than enough room for you to express yourself, and relay your message to the masses. Given dynamic duo Mars-Venus’ desire to experiment in Aquarius, and your intimate eighth house of sex, mergers, and shared resources, this may require a certain amount of compromise and loyalty, but it’s all leading you on an exciting new path. Full Moon Reflection: What’s the main driver behind your investments? Is your latest biz strategy bringing the results you seek?

Your sense of security is under the spotlight of this lunation, Leo. Both when it comes to your individual earnings, as well as your ability to depend and place your trust in others. Glimmering over your stability-seeking second house of comfort, money, and value systems, you are being encouraged to take a closer look at the foundation of your bonds, whether personally, financially or spiritually speaking. This is especially true when considering Mercury and Jupiter’s transit through Pisces, and your eighth house of intimate unions, energetic exchanges, and shared investments. So, in addition to highlighting the “health” of your connection, this also brings emphasis to the details of you and your partner’s contribution. Meanwhile, with Mars and Venus dazzling through freedom-loving Aquarius, and your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, there is room for innovation and progress with regards to your one-on-one partnerships. Full Moon Reflection: How have you been nurturing your connections? Are there equal amounts of reciprocity?

This one’s got your name on it, Virgo. Happy full moon! If you think back to September 2021 with regards to your objectives and seeds of intention, this month’s full moon is bringing some of these hopes and dreams full circle. Congratulations! This could require some inner work, it’s nothing you haven’t experienced before. Moreover, with your celestial ruler, Mercury, sitting close to Jupiter in Pisces — via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others — chances are your full moon moment revolves around the foundation of your one-on-one connections, namely with regards to the people you can trust and depend on. How can you continue meeting your significant other(s) half-way, whether personally or professionally speaking? What are they contributing to your world? With Mars and Venus transiting through experimental Aquarius, and your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, there could also be some exciting developments when it comes to your day-to-day routine, lifestyle, and well being. Full Moon Reflection: What’s coming to fruition in your personal life? Where should you continue to invest your time and energy?

It’s time for a mini timeout, Libra. The full moon Virgo will glimmer through your secretive twelfth house of closure, dreams, karma, hidden agendas, and all things behind the scenes, bringing themes surrounding your solitude and spiritual well being to fruition. Although, with Mercury — the moon’s ruler — sitting close to Jupiter in Pisces via your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service, this could have something to do with your sacrifices, especially those of you who have been unconsciously neglecting your needs. Meanwhile, with your planetary ruler Venus sitting alongside its divine counterpart Mars in Aquarius via your expressive fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression, your decision to retreat is more than likely driven by your individual freedom and desire for experimentation. Remember, Virgo is detail oriented and on the dark side, overcritical. So, check in with yourself and find time to decompress before adding unnecessary pressure. Full Moon Reflection: Are your coping mechanisms healthy? Are your day-to-day rituals benefiting you mentally, physically, and spiritually?

Your community needs you more than you know, Scorpio. Whether personally or professionally, the full moon in Virgo is bringing something with regards to your individual freedom and sense of belonging in the world full circle, but there’s more. Amidst the full moon glimmering through your 11th house of associations, community affairs, and social networks, its celestial ruler, Mercury, will sit close to Jupiter in Pisces via your flamboyant fifth house of love, passion projects, creative expression, and unique authenticity. How can you integrate more of your talents and skills with your community affairs? It’s time to cultivate a healthy equilibrium between your soul’s truth and your relationship with the masses. However, with your traditional ruler, Mars, sitting alongside Venus in Aquarius — via your domestic fourth house of family, emotional foundations, and home sweet home — there could be some past energy lingering that needs healing. Your boundaries and social life are putting a spotlight on some of the deep-seated patterns that need more of your attention. Full Moon Reflection: How have you been nurturing your social connections? Does your community feel like home?

There is grace, magic, and healing behind your words, Sagittarius. And though the full moon in Virgo will touch down on your ambitious tenth house of authority, career, legacy, and reputation in the world, there are a series of astrological aspects to consider simultaneously. For instance, the moon’s ruler, Mercury, will be sitting close to your celestial ruler, Jupiter, via your domestic fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional foundations, highlighting the balance between your personal vs. professional life at this time. Fortunately, with the help of Mars and Venus in Aquarius, dazzling your curious third house of communication, local community, and immediate exchanges, there are opportunities for you to think outside the box, especially when it comes to your self-care rituals and professional support systems. Remember, you have a community of individuals you can lean on for both the support and inspiration you seek. Nevertheless, something in your professional life could come full circle. Full Moon Reflection: How have you recently progressed in your professional life? Are you showing up for yourself, too?

There’s a world of possibilities for you to explore, Capricorn. This is especially true when considering this month’s resourceful full moon in Virgo, as it will ignite your expansive ninth house of adventure, experience, wisdom, and unknown territory. This could, in turn, bring something to fruition with regards to your individual belief system, as well as the long-term goals you’ve been working diligently towards. Remember, Virgo rules the mind so many of you could be strategizing on next steps when it comes to publishing, entrepreneurial ventures, and more at this time. Keep in mind, with Mars-Venus in Aquarius sizzling through your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, there are opportunities for an increase in income and from the looks of it, a variety of options to choose from. By all means, lean on your associates, community, and peers for support; the results might surprise you. Full Moon Reflection: How can you improve and polish the strategy of your long-term goals? Do you have any investments in mind?

Take a closer look at the foundation of your collaborations, Aquarius. Whether personally or professionally, the full moon in Virgo will shed light on your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, sexual chemistry, and mutual gain, bringing clarity and closure to something that could’ve been possibly hidden from your conscious mind. And with the moon’s ruler, Mercury, sitting close to Jupiter in Pisces — via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems — it’s important to reflect on whether there are equal amounts of reciprocity in this connection. On another note, this is an opportunity to reflect on the areas where you’ve been feeling limited or restricted, as it could very well be an illusion. There will be no room with “lack mentality,” especially not where you’re headed. Fortunately, with the help of Mars and Venus dazzling through your sign, you have more than enough confidence and sparkling charisma to make an impression. Full Moon Reflection: What’s stopping you from capitalizing on your own talents and abilities? Are you owning up to your self-worth?

Use your discernment when it comes to your relationships and collaborations, Pisces. There will be a meticulous full moon in Virgo igniting your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, putting a magnifying glass on themes surrounding everything from the foundation of a significant union to your ability to meet your partner half-way. Luckily, with the moon’s ruler, Mercury, sitting close to your traditional ruler, Jupiter, in your sign, there’s plenty of room for you to hog the spotlight, and take the lead. However, there is some inner work for you to do, especially with Mars and Venus transiting through freedom-loving Aquarius, and your unconscious 12th house of closure, dreams, hidden agendas, and surrender. Having said that, this is an opportunity for you to rest, retreat, and heal, even if that means taking a well-deserved break away from the crowd. Reflect on how your inner word reflects onto your connections. Full Moon Reflection: How can you dedicate more time for yourself without neglecting your partnerships? How has your approach to others evolved?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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