Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Leo (Feb 16, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Moon Musings: How The Full Moon In Leo (Feb 16, 2022) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Val Mesa on

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Your Full Moon In Leo Horoscope & Reflection, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Governed by change-maker Uranus, the planet of disruption, rebellion, and unexpected breakthroughs, it’s no wonder the sun’s journey through electric Aquarius is nothing short of revolutionary. This futuristic energy, however, will usually cause some sort of disarray, but if you really think about it, you can’t create change if you’re afraid of being disruptive. Novelty will always trigger a ripple of shock (sometimes even a certain amount of doubt) to its surroundings, but every worthy experiment starts with a little bit of chaos. And in the end, it’s really up to us to be the change we seek. Fortunately, with both Mercury (communication and mindset) and Venus (money, pleasure, and romance) now in direct motion, (working at their fullest potential) we have a clearer understanding, and better sense of direction with regards to our next steps. Moreover, with the Nodes of Fate officially activating the Taurus-Scorpio axis, we are being guided — personally and collectively — towards our new reality, specifically when it comes to our overall sense of stability.

There’s no such thing as an individual (Leo) without a community (Aquarius), so be sure to step into your creatrix energy and unique authenticity, because a glimmering full moon via 28 degrees Leo will take center stage on Feb. 16 at exactly 11:56 a.m. EST. Now, it’s no secret that the full moon phase is known for bringing things to fruition, depending on where the celestial energies come to life in our birth chart. However, it’s also important to consider the opposition that occurs between the sun (a symbol of the ego, your physical identity, and sacred masculine energy) and the moon (a symbol of our inner world, emotional foundation, and divine feminine energy). A call for balance and harmony, this lunar phase presents us with an opportunity to merge both our emotional and physical reality in order to find sacred equilibrium. Similar to the way Cancer is influenced by the moon, (AKA, its planetary ruler) Leo is ruled by the sun, which is where things get interesting.

With the Leo moon opposing the sun in freedom-loving Aquarius, — a symbol of the collective and our individual freedom — it’s almost as if our soul’s truth and divine mission on the planet is being brought to our attention at this time. Having said that, the energy of this lunation is deeply personal but magical nonetheless. Before we take a closer look at the aspects of this full moon, take a moment to think back to the new moon solar eclipse that took place in August 2017; how have you evolved in your personal and professional life since? Also known as the “Great American Eclipse,” similar themes are bound to resurface (possibly bringing a significant culmination or completion of sorts) as February’s full moon will conjunct the same degree in the celebratory sign of Leo. For more reference, check which astrological house belongs to 28 degrees Leo; this is where you will experience your full moon moment. Playful and theatrical, it’s time to let your inner child be your guide.

Similar to the sun’s almighty rays, Leo’s fixed fires emanate joy, fertility, and divinity. This fire sign is symbolic of your soul’s truth, and its flamboyant essence shines the brightest when we fully embody our unique authenticity. Sounds like a cliche, but take a moment to ask yourself: What sets my soul on fire? Whether romantically or creatively, something you may have possibly repressed deep within your heart is now being illuminated. What does emotional fulfillment mean to you? This lunation is calling us back to our hearts, while simultaneously activating our solar plexus. Speaking of the chakra systems, the North Node’s shift into sensually driven Taurus is triggering a collective heart chakra awakening, as it is guiding us towards a more simplistic, valuable, and self-sufficient lifestyle. Recognizing our worth is also part of the lesson, so keep this in mind. One of the things that makes this lunation so dynamic is the fact that it will trigger a Grand Fixed Cross via the sun, moon, and the Nodes of Destiny. 

There’s a doorway opening at this time, but it’s up to you to walk through it. Remember, the fixed modality (like fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) prefers to contain, maintain, and sustain. Meaning: it’s easy for this energy to become stagnant, as it is unadaptable and unmoving. Therefore, despite the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time, we are prone to experiencing some level of discomfort, especially when it comes to taking the necessary risks. The good news is, Mars will continue to sit alongside its divine counterpart, Venus in Capricorn, bringing fertility and passion to everything from our romantic partnerships to our powers of manifestation. In harmony with mystical Neptune, this full moon will also assist the collective in reconnecting with their soul family, but even still, we will need to trust the divine in order to move forward. Something else to keep in mind is the shadow aspects of Leo energy: ego, pride, stubbornness, and vanity. If this is stifling you from living in your truth, the universe will more than likely step in.

Read your full moon in Leo horoscope and reflection, according to your zodiac sign below:

Follow the compass in your heart, Aries. February’s full moon in Leo will touch down on your flamboyant fifth house of love, passion, praise, and self-expression, so one thing’s for sure: you know what you want, and you’re not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. Despite your desire to take the traditional route with Mars-Venus dazzling your tenth house of reputation, Luna’s square to the Nodes of Fate (bringing emphasis to your second house of stability, as you release eighth house themes like death, sex, and shared resources) you’re being called to tap into your inner child, and prioritize your true happiness. Full Moon Reflection: What brings you emotional fulfillment, both in your personal and professional life? What do you daydream about?

Put your crown on, Taurus. This month’s full moon in Leo will touch down on your fourth house of home, family matters, living spaces, and emotional foundations, presenting you with the keys to your castle. Whether it be the home you’re in the process of renovating, or a group of family members who make your heart very full, you’re ready to celebrate. Given that Mars will be traveling alongside your planetary ruler, Venus — via your ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and unknown territory — your future visions are not only manifesting, but also becoming clearer everyday. Traveling home after some time abroad? Others of you might even be celebrating an entrepreneurial venture with family and friends. Full Moon Reflection: How can you feel more at home within yourself? Are you surrounding yourself with people who feel like family? 

Think about the people, places, and things that color your world, Gemini. A sparkling full moon in Leo will shake up your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, bringing closure, clarity, and celebration to this area of your life. In addition to having the courage to communicate, and the confidence to express your passions, Luna’s square to the Nodes of Destiny (bringing momentum to your sixth house of daily rituals, while helping you release the shadow side of sixth house themes like health, routine, and acts of service) is simultaneously challenging you to find balance amidst the chaos. A few of you are still learning how to say no to others, without feeling guilty afterward. Full Moon Reflection: When you speak up, do you speak from the heart? Are your exchanges based on truth or ego?

There’s no such thing as another you, Cancer. In addition to being sensitive to the phases of the moon, (your planetary ruler) this lunation will be one to remember, and for more reasons than one. Sparkling through your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, you’re being blessed with the gift of emotional fulfillment. Your soul is colorful and swirling with abundance, but with the Nodes of Fate in the mix, you’re being called to put your pride and/or insecurities aside; it’s about embracing both your light and shadow side. Whether it be a lucrative new gig, or a romantic connection that makes your heart skip a beat, many of you will be reuniting with your soul family at this time. Full Moon Reflection: Can you experience bliss without living above your means? Do you feel confident in your power?

As Lana Del Rey would say, it’s time to put your favorite party dress on, and dance under the pale moonlight, Leo. February’s full moon will bring something you likely started back in August 2017 to fruition, specifically when it comes to your physical identity and unique authenticity. Although, with Mars-Venus dazzling your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, and due diligence, this is a wonderful opportunity to work on yourself and find bliss in your everyday life. Maybe it’s a new workout routine, or a general lifestyle change. Either way, Mars-Venus’ sextile to Neptune is simultaneously challenging you to be mindful of your personal and professional entanglements, specifically those based on a lack of confidence. Full Moon Reflection: How can you continue meeting others halfway without losing sight of your personal needs?

The show m̶u̶s̶t̶ doesn’t have to go on, Virgo. You don’t have to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others. Having said that, February’s sparkling full moon in Leo will ignite your twelfth house of closure, dreams, unconscious patterns, and all things behind the scenes, bringing everything from your secret talents to your soul’s truth bubbling up to the surface. What part of you is ready to come out and play? With Mars and Venus bringing abundance and fertility to your fifth house of passion, your full moon moment could revolve around a romantic courtship, or a creative ability you’re ready to execute. In harmony with Neptune in your relationship sector, you’re also being called to set some firm boundaries, namely in the areas where you’ve been reluctant to stay true to yourself. Full Moon Reflection: What needs to be surrendered in order for you to find true happiness? What inspires you from a spiritual standpoint?

You’re the celestial socialite, and the world wouldn’t have it any other way. Think back to the new moon solar eclipse in Leo back in August 2017: how have you been sharing your gifts with the rest of the world? Activating your humanitarian eleventh house of associations, community, future visions, and sense of belonging in the world, something could come full circle in your social life, specifically when it comes to your unique identity. Although, with Mars and your planetary ruler, Venus, energizing your fourth house of home, family matters, and emotional foundations, this could also have something to do with your family members. In harmony with Neptune, you’re also being called to take your energy back, especially those of you sacrificing more than you should. Full Moon Reflection: Has your routine been getting in the way of your social calendar? How can you dedicate more time for yourself?

Bask in the glory of your hard work, and don’t shy away from the recognition you’re bound to receive at this time, Scorpio. Glimmering through your bossy tenth house of career, reputation, public persona, and legacy in the world, February’s full moon in Leo will not only bring you the ultimate glow up, it will also challenge you to release attachments and outdated ways of being. Given that Mars-Venus will be dazzling your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, you could be presented with a creative opportunity of a lifetime, perhaps one where you can express yourself boldly and unapologetically. Mars-Venus will also sextile Neptune, so don’t be afraid to spice things up. However, make sure you’re being mindful of your business vs. pleasure boundaries. Full Moon Reflection: How has your professional path evolved in the past five years? What are you ready to give up?

Reach for the stars, Sagittarius. Happiness is your religion, and that’s a magnificent thing. Are you ready? Sparkling and swirling with abundance, February’s full moon in Leo will ignite your exotic ninth house of adventure, expansion, higher learning, and unknown territory, bringing something surrounding your personal philosophy and entrepreneurial visions full circle. Where are you off to next? With Mars-Venus dazzling your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, you’re not only being blessed with abundance, but also consciously investing in the  long term. This lunation will also square off with the Nodes of Destiny, as you embrace a brand-new lifestyle and release what’s no longer in alignment with your spirit. Full Moon Reflection: How can you integrate more “fun” into your future goals? Is your heart fully invested in the path you’re currently on?

Do you feel comfortable being completely vulnerable with your significant other, Capricorn? If this isn’t personally or romantically speaking, this could have something to do with a joint collaboration or for some, a financial inheritance of sorts. Although, with Mars and Venus sizzling through your sign (bringing you abundance, fertility, and romance) this could also shed light on partnerships and/or exchanges that are lacking  an equal “give and take.” Moreover, while in harmony with Neptune in your communication sector, it’s important to be mindful of your communication style, especially if it involves contracts that lack clarity. Romantically, this would be equivalent to a “lack of consent,” so to speak. Business or pleasure? Full Moon Reflection: Are your personal and professional exchanges built upon a solid foundation? Is the investment aligned with your happiness?

Sharing is caring, and this is especially significant to consider at this time, Aquarius. Colorful, vivacious, and glowing with abundance, February’s full moon will touch down on your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, bringing something with regards to a romantic and/or creative collaboration to fruition. Whether it be in a personal or professional context, something that likely began back in August 2017 could be coming full circle. Although, with both Mars-Venus dazzling your secretive twelfth house of all things behind the scenes, this could either be something that’s been hidden from your mind’s eye, or perhaps something you’ve consciously chosen to keep under wraps. Others of you could experience a creative epiphany, or a powerful revelation. Full Moon Reflection: Are your one-on-one partnerships (personal or professional) fulfilling you at an emotional level?

Don’t be afraid to be more hands on, Pisces. Whether creatively or professionally, February’s full moon in Leo will illuminate your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service which will, in turn, bring clarity and celebration to this area of your life. How have your health and work habits evolved since August 2017? With Mars-Venus dazzling your eleventh house of community, future visions, and sense of belonging in the world, you could be low key indulging in a series of creative pursuits and collaborations. Are you ready to explore your horizons? Mars-Venus will also sextile your celestial ruler, Neptune, so it’s important to be crystal clear with your approach, especially those of you launching a biz project and/or sprucing up your resume. Full Moon Reflection: Does your day-to-day routine bring you genuine happiness? Do you feel energized and empowered?

Valerie is an astrologer, writer and third-generation witch. She writes daily love horoscopes for; the moon is her muse. For more of her work & cosmic portfolio, check out or follow her on Instagram @valeriemesa.

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